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Literature / Dimension Wars

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“Hey, you know that with a hockey mask you look like you could play hockey.”
—Heavy Metal at Austin having lost a tooth

A story that appears on Deviant Art.

The story starts in Dimension zero and goes all over the place from there. Earth was destroyed, one of the machines,Slasher 2, that outlasted Earth gets its programming edited and begins to consume universes. It spreads like a virus andconsumes plants, stars, asteroids, and anything within the universe. Our main protagonist, Austin, pops in after thisand learns of Slasher 2's deeds and goes after him with the help of seven androids and a machine similar to Slasher 2 bythe name of Metal Donkey Kong.

The group travels through various dimensions and times and attempt to stop Slasher 2. They prove successful in their endeavors at first until Slasher 2 gets an army consisting of zombies and werewolves. The story ends with the droids in a futuristic building trapped with the army and Austin and Metal Donkey Kong fighting Slasher 2 on the roof.

  • Another Dimension They are constantly going to other dimensions.
  • Energy Weapon The droids do use plasma weapons. Unfortunately with a killing range of 50ft and their quick dying battery they are impractical for the first weapon to turn to.
  • Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better The droids use bullets to kill even though there are plasma weapons available.
  • Night of the Living Mooks Slasher 2 doesn't need to bring an army to the dimension when there are plenty of recruits on the surface of the planets.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different Slasher 2's army has a giant wolf-like creature. Revealed to be just an animal.
  • Our Wormholes Are Different They use wormholes to redirect acceleration, to get to other dimensions, and to travel across space.
  • Our Zombies Are Different Slasher 2's zombies are bigger than your average man They are revealed later to be more of an animal than undead.
  • Slave Mooks Slasher 2's zombies are brainwashed and later his entire army is controlled directly by slasher 2 with the help of the metal acting as a receiver.
