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Literature / Come Closer

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Come Closer is a 2003 horror novel by Sara Gran, about a successful architect, Amanda, in New York City who possibly becomes possessed by a demon.


  • Ambiguous Situation: It isn't clear if the psychologist Amanda visits is a demon or if Namaah is distorting her reality.
  • Demonic Possession: Amanda is slowly but surely possessed by Namaah.
  • Ignored Expert: Amanda repeatedly dismisses the help of the supernatural experts around her, viewing them as cranks. It isn't clear if this is her skepticism or the effects of demonic possession.
  • Realism-Induced Horror: The point of the novel is that Amanda's secular, modern life in New York makes her vulnerable to demonic possession because of its emptiness, loneliness, and insistent skepticism, which prevents her from getting help.
  • Wicked Stepmother: After Amanda's mother died young of a heart attack, her father remarried, and she mentions always feeling unwanted and unneeded throughout her childhood. It's one of the ways Namaah gets control of her.
