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Hypocrite / Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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  • Glory constantly goes on about how much she hates being human and considers human things beneath her, and yet she adores silk and has quite the shoe collection.
  • Buffy:
    • In "Two to Go", she attempts to talk Dark Willow down by getting her to focus on the positives in life, but Willow promptly shoots her down with a Breaking Speech, pointing out all of Buffy's self-destructive habits during the season since Willow brought her Back from the Dead, as well as the fact that Buffy herself freely admitted that she finds it so difficult to be alive.
    • In Season 5, she shows compassion and empathy for Warren's Sex Bot April, but later views the Buffybot, who was designed by Warren for Spike for a similar purpose, as nothing but an "it."
    • When Willow goes dark, Buffy insists on helping her and talking her down, but when Anya, now a vengeance demon again, kills several people in granting a wish in "Selfless", Buffy jumps right to Murder Is the Best Solution; when Xander points this out, Buffy replies that it's not the same thing because Willow is human and Anya is a demon. In the same conversation, she states that when it comes to demons, she is the law and her word and judgment is absolute, when previously, she specifically told Faith that Slayers aren't the law or above it.
  • Xander:
    • In Season 3, he's furious that Buffy knew that Angel had come Back from the Dead and withheld the information from the others when he himself had deliberately neglected to tell Buffy that Willow was planning to curse Angel with a soul again in "Becoming Part 2" to ensure that Buffy would kill him.
    • He also has a relationship with Anya, a former demon, whilst looking down on Buffy's relationship with Angel because Angel is a vampire. As Angel has a soul and regrets the things Angelus did, he is really just as moral as Anya is. This gets magnified when he yells at Buffy for wanting to kill Anya, who is back on a vengeance demon-killing spree, and she reminds him that she killed Angel to save the world.
  • Angel is one on multiple levels:
    • Angel and Buffy "take a break" after seeing him kiss Faith pretending to be Angelus in "Enemies". In the next episode, we see Angel violating her need for space with his excuse being he wanted to make sure she was safe. This happens in a similar way on Season 5 of Angel, where Angel hires a spy on Buffy to keep tabs on her even though as far as he knew at the time she supposedly didn't trust him...
    • He breaks up with Buffy because he wants her to be with a normal guy, but then the minute she is with one (aka Riley), behaves resentfully and practically provokes his fight with Riley by insinuating he "lost his soul again" (translation: "slept with Buffy") and then acts like he's entirely blameless.
    • When Angel visits Sunnydale to protect Buffy in "Pangs", he keeps his presence a secret from everyone but her, able to see her but she can't see him. This hypocrisy is called out by Giles and later Buffy herself, although Angel justifies it in both cases as "protecting her."
    • Angel tries to kill Wesley and alienates him from the team for being responsible for Connor in Quor'toth and raised by Holtz even though it was a "mistake for the greater good" ... Something Angel continually does himself, which he does eventually acknowledge.
    • Constantly making decisions that affect others without consulting them first such as his break-up with Buffy, wiping everyone's memories of Connor in Atvs S4, rewinding his one human day with Buffy that only he remembers, and his choice to become Twilight and the Twilight prophecy, which involved Buffy in a deep and intimate way.
    • Angel gets jealous and pissy with Buffy over Spike, even though at this point in the series he had also fallen for Cordelia and even had a kid with Darla he may or may not have told her about...
  • Simone blames Buffy for all the Slayers killed during the Twilight crisis, but is feeding her own loyal Slayers to Zompires, trying to find a way for them to be turned but still have their mind so she can become one and kill Buffy.
