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Hilarious In Hindsight / Abraxas (Hrodvitnon)

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Hilarious in Hindsight in Abraxas (Hrodvitnon).

  • It's amusing, and uplifting for the pro-Titan crowd; when you realize that Vivienne, a woman who reveres the Titans as Physical Gods, was thought by the world to have been eaten by one of the very monsters she worshipped (although Ghidorah was the only Titan she truly feared even while it was frozen), but the world will likely at some point find out that what they thought was her death was actually her essentially being elevated to godhood.
  • Alan Jonah stating "Long live the king" in response to King Ghidorah taking over the Titans in Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) becomes this due to his fate in this story. His line in the film was somewhat sarcastic, but in Abraxas, he gets fully turned into a Ghidorah-worshipping fanatic.
  • In MonsterVerse canon, Admiral Stenz is the only one of the three returning human characters from Godzilla (2014) who isn't explicitly killed off in Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) (although he has an Uncertain Doom in the novelization, and a death scene that was shot for the movie but wasn't used). In Abraxas' Alternate Continuity, if Serizawa is indeed reincarnated as Manda, then Stenz is the only one of the three who's Killed Off for Real (the author confirmed here that he's staying dead).
  • Not only did this story basically predict that Ghidorah's severed left head in the MonsterVerse still retains a backup of Ghidorah's minds and the means to resurrect them before Godzilla vs. Kong came out; the story also predicted that human villains recklessly messing with the head leads to Ghidorah screwing them over, being reborn as another licensed Toho kaiju, and threatening the world all over again.
  • In this story, Ghidorah's backstory is basically what happens to its post-mortem remains in Godzilla vs. Kong: technologically-advanced and evil human(oid)s experiment on and alter Ghidorah's form in an effort to use it as their own Titan attack-dog, but they arrogantly overestimate their control over the result, and Ghidorah in its new form turns against and destroys these beings the first chance it gets, using the very mass destructive powers they gave it.
  • Watching Godzilla and Scylla teaming up in Chapter 15 is this, following the release of the MonsterVerse graphic novel Godzilla Dominion (just two months following the chapter's release), where Godzilla and Scylla's post-King of the Monsters interactions are... friskier. And Godzilla and Scylla's MonsterVerse canon relationship only deteriorated further from there. Even more hilarious, the author suggested on her Tumblr blog that Scylla was literally more willing than Kraken was to answer Godzilla's call for aid.
  • Once Godzilla vs. Kong came out, it turned out the filmmakers had the same idea as Hrodvitnon did in Abraxas about San's severed head birthing another Ghidorah-like classic Toho Kaiju, which houses his consciousness and which in this specific incarnation possesses energy powers with a red color motif.
  • The Godzilla vs. Kong novelization bears some striking similarities to plot elements of Abraxas that were posted months before the novel came out. The novelization too opened up with criminals taking up residence in an abandoned complex in Russian territory and looking to inhumanely take advantage of a captured Titan, and a former Monarch operative is stated to be among their number in both stories. The novel and the fic also both happen to feature a Monarch operative who survives the destruction of the very same one of the seventeen-plus Monarch outposts during the Mass Awakening. One has to wonder if great Godzilla-fan minds really think alike or if Greg Keyesnote  was reading Abraxas online while he worked on the novelization. The author said that she was just as surprised as we were by the parallels.
    • Ren's jealousy of Vivienne in AbraxasVerse becomes a bit more hilarious in light of the novelization's account of the MonsterVerse-canon Ren's villainous motivations and thoughts later being revealed in Godzilla vs. Kong. In the Godzilla vs. Kong novelization, the villainous Ren is a Godhood Seeker who wants to play God by using San's undead skull to control Mechagodzilla, but he's killed by it instead (in the novelization, Ren instead gets a Mind-Reformat Death and it's implied that at least part of his cognition formed that of the sentient Mechagodzilla's). Basically, the movie Ren wanted San's head to make him a transhuman Titan like what it already did to Vivienne in Abraxas, but unlike Vivienne, Ren got fatally rejected or absorbed.
  • The concept of reptilian humanoids (born from Ghidorah's flesh no less) walking amongst humanity in secret while remaining beneath suspicion, which was first seriously hinted at in Chapter 13, becomes a lot funnier following the release of Godzilla vs. Kong, where a conspiracy theorist believes that the movie's human villains whom are harnessing Ghidorah's remains are connected to the Reptilian Conspiracy. Lampshaded by the author in these two non-canon snippets.
  • In King of the Monsters, Vivienne compares Godzilla's intimidation display to a gorilla pounding its chest. In this story, after being turned into a Titan, she literally makes like a gorilla as part of her and San forming their own intimidation display.
  • Mechagodzilla's introductory scene in Godzilla vs. Kong becomes this in light of the Final Battle in Abraxas. Ghidorah's last surviving head is killed by Monster X the same way the Mecha killed Skullcrawler Number 10 and was going to kill Godzilla, but here Ghidorah's severed head is on the receiving end instead of being the executioner.
  • In King of the Monsters, Rick was at one point seen drinking from a mug labeled 'Not yours' (no prize for guessing what he had in the mug). In Chapter 17, he freely offers Foster a swig from his personal flask after everything that's happened.
  • The Russian military are portrayed in this fic as intelligent badasses whom are much more competent in dealing with a Kaiju situation than the U.S. military ever were. Fast-forward to the year after the fic's completion, and the Russian war on Ukraine has shattered the Russian military's international image as one of the most effective militaries in the world, as their many shortcomings and inadequacies came to light amidst the conflict. Maybe "Hilarious" isn't the most appropriate word to use whilst the war is ongoing, but it's certainly Ironic in Hindsight.
  • The fic's first chapter was posted a couple years before, and its final chapter just nine days before; the release of the pilot for the indie web series Murder Drones. Both works see a main female character who originates in the muggle population, bonding with and reforming the childish, put-down-upon but capable, male Token Good Teammate of a brutal trio of yellow-themed, inhuman, genocidal monsters. Said monster trios in both works come from space, seek to wipe the aforementioned muggles off the planet, and the female protagonist is transforming into a monster analogous to them over the course of the story. Both works also start these events in a barren, subarctic land with an elaborate underground bunker. And like San in Abraxas, N in Murder Drones is also despised, viciously put down and bullied by his original trio's leader for ostensibly being useless. Murder Drones also sees the leader of the trio come Back from the Dead, and it also sees the not-quite-dead remains of one of the trio give rise to an even more formless and eldritch monstrosity which acts as The Assimilator.
  • As noted here; before Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire was released, there was a fan suggestion on the author's blog that the fic's fandom's widespread take on an AbraxasVerse version of Spacegodzillanote  could take Shimo's place as half of a Big Bad Ensemble in an AbraxasVerse version of the movie's events. Then the movie proper came out, and it turned out that Shimo's circumstances and morality in the movie are already very similar to that which was previously suggested for Spacegodzilla in the Abraxas recursive fanon.
