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Heartwarming / The Myth of Link & Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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     1 - The Awakening 
  • Link's interactions with the old man. While the old man messes with him a bit, he cares for the memoryless Link. He helps brush out Link's hair, gives him a good braid, and gently fills him in on the area around him.
  • There's a moment where the old man mentions that he used to style his daughter's hair. Given that we know that he's really King Rhoam, it's likely that he misses the good times he had with Zelda before her mother's passing had thrown their lives in for a loop.
  • It's as awesome as it is heartwarming that Link, without any weapons or memories or any understanding of what is going on right now, fully intends to go and fight the abomination that is Calamity Ganon.

     2 - The Trials of the Runes 
  • The old man gets more moments where he helps out Link. Aside from helping him get to the top of the tower, he allows Link to sleep in his bed (given the old man's really a ghost, he doesn't actually need sleep, but Link doesn't know that). The old man even gives Link a good meal and some water since Link hadn't had any since he woke up. The old man's treatment of Link is outright compared to a father's care. He even leaves Link a canteen for water and a warm doublet to help him stay warm in colder areas.
  • The Sheikah Monks remain with Link. Their Spirit Orbs aren't just artifacts, but their spirits, and this is used to explain why they heal Link from whatever injuries he may have had. They care for Link.

     3 - Secrets of a Century 
  • Hylia's first scenes with Link. She beckons him with a soft voice, and accepts the Spirit Orbs from Link and holds them gently. She isn't just accepting artifacts, she's rewarding her monks for their loyalty and allowing them to join her. But it's not just them, she establishes how much she cares for Link by granting him the full map of Hyrule right off the bat.
  • The old man finally reveals himself as King Rhoam. Link has no memories, but still subconsciously recognizes his appearance, even though he has no name to the memory.
  • King Rhoam waited there for a long time to help Link. He waited for that explicit purpose to help Link come back to the world. Unlike the Champions he tells Link about, there was nothing holding King Rhoam in this world except that wish. He stayed behind by choice.
  • Once again, Link declares his intention to combat Calamity Ganon, and to help Rhoam's daughter Zelda. This brings a smile to the King, who drops Zelda's famous line about courage needing not be remembered as it is never forgotten. Link thinks to him, and fully intends to fulfill the goal left to him by King Rhoam: save his daughter's life.

     4 - Kakariko Village 
  • The ancient shrines outside of the Great Plateau are only blessing shrines as indicated by the first shrine that Link comes across. The Sheikah Monks this time around have no need to test Link further. They're only there to help him get stronger.
  • Hino is the first of many strangers (genuine strangers, not like the old man) to just come up and help Link for no other reason than he could. In this case, he helps make Link some food.
  • Hestu makes his first appearance, where he greets Link warmly like an old friend, even after Link admits that he doesn't remember Hestu. Hestu is a bit hurt, but he brushes it off and sees nothing but a good friend in Link. For Link's part, he doesn't hesitate to help Hestu get back his favorite maracas, and in turn, Hestu refuses not to repay Link's kindness.
  • Paya is just a black hole of sweetness for all of the scenes where she is present. It's funny to see, but the moment where she meets Link and can barely say her own name and Link has to help her and comfort her for the moment is just dripping with adorable sweetness.
  • Link's reunion with Impa. It's a bit bittersweet because of his lack of memory, but she still is happy to see him. She's especially happy to see that Link is so readily determined to go after Calamity Ganon.
  • One of the residents of Kakariko Village, the town tailor and hairstylist, reveals that this comb belonged to Zelda, and is one of only two of its kind. It helped Link realize just how much this must have meant to King Rhoam that he was still willing to give it to Link. He gave his last memento of his daughter to the man he entrusted to save her life.

     5 - Locked Mementos 
  • The little moments between Holden and Mara. From what little we see, they're Happily Married, and truly love each other. They never separate, not even when they're under threat from the Bokoblins trying to attack them.
  • Link coming in to save them is an awesome moment of heroism from him, and yet another reminder of why he's the hero of Hyrule. The two of them are entirely grateful to him. It's like a little light of hope in the dark world in which they live.
  • Karin, a little girl in Hateno Village, expresses exasperation that none of the adults in the village believe her when she mentions a little Sheikah girl (Purah). She's ecstatic when Link confirms that he does believe her.
  • Purah's over-the-top excited reaction when Link enters her lab. It's funny, but just as sweet because, while Link doesn't realize it, she's finally seeing an old friend for the first time since he died 100 years prior.
  • Purah and Symin bought and maintained a home just for Link in Hateno Village. It's an expanded version of the house from the "Hylian Homeowner" sidequest from the original game. But they bought it and refurbished it themselves so that Link would have a home to which he could return, even at the cost of their own funding for their research.
  • Impa's reaction when she sees Link wearing his Hylian trousers with his Champion's Tunic. She happily claims that he now fully looks like the hero that he was a century prior.
  • Hestu was so determined to pay back Link's kindness that he stayed exactly where he was until Link returned to cash the favor. He may be a little bit off, but he's just one big sweetheart.

     6 - Ancient Weaponry 
  • There is something nice that Link and Zelda's escapades during the Great Calamity are still remembered 100 years later, even if they're not entirely accurate. Even though none of the Hylians who survived the Calamity were alive in the present, no one forgot their sacrifices for the kingdom of Hyrule.
  • There's a moment where Link realizes that Jerrin and Robbie are in a hugely disparate Age-Gap Romance that veers into May–December Romance. While he initially is a little put off by it, but ultimately realizes it doesn't matter given how he probably had a similar romance with Zelda who is half his age. He chooses to respect their love, seeing that love holds no boundaries.
  • Link goes out of his way to visit and eventually help Tarrey Town come into existence. Link has no reason to do so, as this is entirely inconsequential to his quest against Calamity Ganon. But it once again serves to bring new light and life into the world that has been ravaged by an apocalyptic power.

     7 - Sacred Ground Ruins and Lake Kolomo 
  • For the second time, Link comes to the rescue of complete strangers. In this case, the women he saves subvert the Damsel in Distress/Neutral Female tropes and distract the Bokoblins to help Link. They also reward Link with some fairy tonic that boosts his vitality.note  They also warn him of the dangers of the world with all the Guardians roaming around more actively than ever before.
  • "Subdued Ceremony"
    • Link is established as being a friendly rival to his fellow knights. His last duel before he's officially appointed as Zelda's designated knight, he spars with a friend. Link wins, but compliments his opponent's skill in the fight.
    • When Revali is insulting Link, Urbosa immediately stands up for him. In the same moment, Mipha is shown being unhappy with Revali's words, too. They both really care for him, and it hints at a deeper relationship to Link from the two of them.
  • When Link stops by the Wetland Stables, the woman who runs the place offers to have someone fix up Link's sword and give him a good meal. It comes with a price, but she made the first offer out of concern for a fellow Hyrulean.
  • Another Samaritan brings Link to the Riverside Stable on his horse for no charge at all.
  • "Resolve and Grief"
    • Link is noticeably happy to see Zelda so animated when talking about the Sheikah technology. He even offers up some hopeful words about learning from their past mistakes, in reference to the technology being banned from the kingdom. Even though she resents him, she has enough decency to hold a conversation with him, even complimenting Link for having a bright mind.
    • While Zelda does resent Link, this doesn't extend to the other Champions. She has nothing but fond words for them, as evidenced when she talks about how Mipha easily mastered Ruta.

     8 - The Ancient Columns and Kara Kara Bazaar 
  • Link is introduced to Kass the traveling Rito minstrel. He reveals that part of the reason horse stables and towns are all built near shrines is because the public did not like Hyrule's King banning Sheikah technology. Turns out that the Ungrateful Bastard reaction of Hyrule didn't extend to the common people, who were grateful to this technology.
  • Link is appreciative of Kass being so friendly with him right off the bat, though he is a little unnerved when he realizes Kass called him by name without Link telling him.
  • Fyson's situation. He wishes to open his store and finds his mother a bit too overbearing, but he loves his mom too much to become her competition, hence why he jumps at the chance to start his own store in Tarrey Town.
  • When Link remembers the moment that Zelda lost her temper with him, he feels no animosity towards her, and in fact even asks himself why she felt so resentful of him when most people would be pissed with someone wrongly displacing anger on them.
  • When Link meets Ripp in the Kara Kara Bazaar, he asks why the Gerudo can't stop Naboris since all of them are warriors. Ripp is happy for Link's compliment of her people.
  • Link allows Rhondson to confide in him all she wants about her wish to find purpose in life and to find a man with whom she could share her life. He outright says that it doesn't matter if he's Hylian or Gerudo, people should be able to confide in each other without a problem.
  • "Blades of the Yiga"
    • When Link saves Zelda's life, her unwarranted contempt for him fades and is replaced with a respect. It's also implied that she always felt something more than contempt, as her eyes are said to just gaze into his.

     9 - Eldin Canyon and Irch Plain 
  • The fact that Fi is calling out to Link. People unfamiliar with Skyward Sword may be unnerved with some strange siren-figure calling to Link, but gamers familiar with her will probably suffer from an extreme case of melted hearts seeing that Fi still exists to serve Link, and yearns to do so again.
  • "A Premonition"
    • In a sign of just how far Link and Zelda have come from their one-sided resentful relationship, Zelda tends to Link's injury from their fight with more concern and care than had been seen before. She's also explicitly shown ensuring that it doesn't get infected.
    • Link's joke with Zelda saying that he has her to protect her is a cute signal of how much he believes in her and trusts her. He even gets her spirits back up when her insecurities start coming to the surface again.
  • He still feels Zelda's hands when he comes out of the memory. It's the first time that he really feels the residual memories of the good relationship the two of them shared.
  • When Link stops by the Woodland Stable, a dog comes up to him. He fully gets cozy and lovey-dovey with the dog, rubbing his bell and sharing some food with him. His behavior is compared to that of a puppy.
  • "Silent Princess"
    • Zelda finally gets a moment where she's doing nothing but enjoying herself. She observes all the flowers around the place while Link just enjoys seeing her being happy and squeeing over everything she's seeing.
    • Zelda is stealing glances at Link's shirtless body. Link is fully aware, but he doesn't let on that he knows, sensing her sheepishness.
  • The memory of him and Zelda in the field is enough that he nearly cries from laughing at the funny lighthearted moment they shared. Plus, it's revealed that he did not eat the toad alive.

     10 - West Necluda and Hyrule Castle 
  • When Link recaps everything that occurred in the plot-irrelevant events between this and the previous chapter, he mentions the game canon event where he plays matchmaker between a shy Hylian man and a Gerudo who is afraid to make the first move.
  • There's the fact that Link decided to go out and find the shrines down south. While it's pragmatic, it also means that the Sheikah Monks that aren't in places where Link needs to visit get their chance to be with Hylia along with the rest of their brethren.
  • "Shelter from the Storm"
    • When Zelda asks Link about his life, and the path he took, Link confirms that he wouldn't change a thing. All the pain he's suffered has been Worth It, because it all brought him to Zelda. He mentions that all the pain he has, from the friends he lost in battle, and his own personal physical suffering, are all worth it because he found the love of his life in Zelda, and has a daughter who he will love to his dying breath, though she will outlive him by a long time.
    • Zelda and Link finally embrace their growing romantic feelings for one another. Seeing the two having gone from a hostile (one-sided) relationship to this is a beautiful sight to see.
  • When Link is about to break down because he learns that he had a daughter 100 years ago, Zelda immediately jumps in to tell him that his daughter is alive and that he will return to her in due time. The fact that she expended some of her mental energy to keep tabs on her says just as much.
  • "Father and Daughter"
    • The expanded version of this memory includes the first night that Zelda and Link spent together as lovers. It ends with Zelda asking him to stay with her for the night. He does.
    • The next morning, they both are nothing but affectionate with each other. Once more, it's emphasized how nice it is to Link seeing Zelda happy.
    • King Rhoam's decision to let Zelda go with Link implies that he's seen just how much they care for each other. He entrusts his daughter to Link in more ways than just as a personal guard, and he doesn't have any doubt that Link will care for her.
  • Link's last action in the chapter is to take some of Zelda's old clothes that are somehow still intact so that she'd have something familiar with her when he got her back.

     11 - Spring of Power and Sanidin Park Ruins 
  • The Bokoblins care for their horses, as evidenced when Link kills a few of them that are on horseback, and the horses don't really mind Link's presence like wild ones would.
  • "Slumbering Power"
    • When Zelda starts to seriously question her faith, Link doesn't just turn to face her, he actually wades into the water and holds her closely to comfort her.
  • Link notes that while Zelda sounds so dejected in the past, in the present, her voice was notably more hopeful in the present day whenever she speaks to him.
  • Yet again, Link has a strange dream. Except that this one is not a nightmare, it's link meeting the Hero's Shade, alongside wolves whose descriptions align them with other incarnations of Link. They've come to him to offer him words of importance, and it's sweeet to see that Link's predecessor look after him beyond the grave.
  • "To Mount Lanayru"
    • Given that Link and Zelda's relationship is explicitly romantic, their little trip to Sanidin Park comes off more like they're on a date.
    • Link declares that he will be with her all the way up the freezing mountain.
    • Their entire conversation gets a new layer added to it, and it was already heartfelt in the original game where Link is a Heroic Mime. Here, Link gets to put words and a voice to his own side of this conversation.
     12 - Lanayru East Gate and Hyrule Field 
  • "Return of Calamity Ganon"
    • Zelda admits that in her confrontation with her father, she wasn't being honest when she said that he was hardly ever a father to her, and in fact has memories of him truly being a father to her, even if he put her duties as princess above all else.
    • Link reassures her that her father has likely already forgiven her, and that she'll get the chance to apologize to him. He further adds that she's only human, and it doesn't make her a bad person.
    • While the other Champions are deflated because of Zelda's inability to awaken her power in the Spring of Wisdom, Urbosa immediately jumps to comfort Zelda and remind her that there is still so much they don't know and that anything could finally unlock her sealing power.
    • Mipha and Link share a little glance that hints that they were at one point more than just battle companions.
  • "Despair"
    • The scene is one big Tear Jerker, but the fact that even when Zelda commands him to, Link refuses to leave without Zelda by his side. That, and he tries to assure her that none of what happened is by any fault of her own.
  • After Link remembers all the major events of the past, and many other memories unseen, Link immediately makes a silent declaration that everything that they'd endured during that time, all the pain and losses weren't going to be for nothing.

     13 - The Blatchery Plain 
  • Paya notices that Link is in distress, and while Impa decides to let Link wait for when he's ready, Paya simply refuses to let Link go until he gets whatever's bothering him off his chest.
    • Even better is that Link heeds her request, although he doesn't tell her what's really bothering him, he does trust her enough to confide in her about the singing he's been hearing.
  • A random woman helps Link to find the location in the final picture from Impa's home. Makes it all the sadder when she's promptly murdered by a Yiga Clan member.
  • "Zelda's Awakening"
    • As horrible and sad as it is, Zelda's powers awakening at the moment they did implies that they activated specifically because she was so desperate to save Link's life. She awakened her powers to save the love of her life.
    • Fi finally gets to speak in a regular voice. While we only hear her chime in the game and Zelda's dialogue implies Fi's words, we actually get to read what Fi had to say. She calls to the princess, and almost pleads with Zelda to save Link's life. She's evermore loyal to her master, even when the sword carrying her is so rusted and weakened.

     14 - The Korok Forest 
  • The Hero's Shade and the other wolves come to Link's dreams again. It's the Hero's Shade who confirms to Link that the singing is in fact Fi calling to him to reclaim her.
  • The Hero's Shade, and all the different wolves transform back into their appearances as when they wielded the Master Sword. It's every single last hero from across history. Even better is the Hero of the Skies' saying hello to Fi, and her responding how wonderful it is to be with him yet again fighting the forces of darkness.
  • Fi makes an appearance physically, and her dialogue here and throughout the entire chapter is quite sweet.
    • Just as the Hero's Shade said, Fi was there to guide him through the Lost Woods and to the Korok Forest. She really wanted Link to reclaim her, enough that she finally manifested after thousands of years of slumber.
    • She's the one who bestows the title of Hero of the Wild upon Link.
    • Fi speaks fondly of Groose, identifying him by name, and appearing saddened (which is amazing for an otherwise clinical and calculating AI-like entity) that his soul was enslaved by Demise's curse.
    • She gives Link one final plea: save Hyrule.
  • The Great Deku tree compliments Link about the glow of the Master Sword and how it completes him. He also mentions that Zelda's smile is like the sun, and that he'd love to see her smile again. Link admits the same.
  • The Koroks all worship Link like a big brother, cheering for him, and all of them acting like a bunch of little kids asking who Link missed the most.
  • Hestu comes back, too. The first thing we see of him is his waving to Link. He also keeps Link from getting overwhelmed by the smaller Koroks, and furthermore, helps Link again by telling him where to find the last of the shrines that are off of Link's path.
  • Apparently, the White-Maned Lynel is well-aware of the Snowfield Stable nearby, but leaves it alone without any issue.

     15 - Lakna Rokee Quest 
  • Link never stops trying to help Paya out of her despair after her family's heirloom is stolen. From bringing her into the house to staying with her late into the night, he makes sure that young Paya is okay.
  • Koko's determination to shield her baby sister Cottla from suffering the pain of their lost mother.
  • Paya once again helps Link during a darker time just as he did with her. In this case, it's helping Link about the fact that he had a daughter that he has no memory of. After a few hints from Link, she immediately identifies his daughter as Princess Lochlia, finally giving Link something tangible to hold onto.
    • More than that, Paya displays quite a bit of maturity when she admits to Link that she's in love with him. Instead of being upset when Link admits that he's in love with Zelda, she's happy that he's happy with her, and thanks him for helping her realize what it feels like to fall in love with someone.
  • Link's decision to spare Dorian's life, believing that he had truly changed his ways from the Yiga Clan, and in addition, not depriving Koko and Cottla of their only surviving parent.
  • The final scenes of this chapter introduces a popular character from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, as well as two Original Characters based on them. Terrako, the little egg-shaped Guardian, and Cerako and Argiko, the Guardian Skywatcher and Turret versions of Terrako. The little machines, which Link chooses to address as female since he doesn't like "it", explore his house like little pets.

     16 - Reaching Zora's Domain 
  • Cerako chooses to accompany Link on his quest to go free the Divine Beasts. He no longer has to be alone on his quest. And she proves herself to be quite effective in a fight against monsters.
  • Sidon's entire introduction where he's nothing but a big bombastic guy with nothing but fondness for the apparent stranger that is Link. Especially since he's constantly concerned for Link's well-being and checking in on him as he travels up the path to Zora's Domain.
  • Every moment Link spends learning about his daughter and grandchildren. Each time he learns, he finds himself more and more excited to finally meet her and them. After thinking that he had outlived his daughter, looking forward to seeing not just her but even grandchildren is heart melting.
    • The moment Link sees her, he's completely mesmerized with how she fights with his power of speed and her own natural power over water. While it's sad to see that he still doesn't remember her, he finally gets to see his adult daughter as he wished.
  • The first Zora to recognize Link is an old friend of his. While the elders express hostility towards him, the younger Zoras are much more enthusiastic and happy to see him.
  • Link obtains the last of the main Sheikah Monks' Spirit Orbs, and right after offers them to Goddess Hylia. With this, Link has fulfilled most of the Sheikah Monks' purposes as they were bestowed so many millennia before.

     17 - History of the Zora 
  • Link's meeting with the King is both this and a Tear Jerker due to Link's lack of memories. However, it is still sweet seeing the king of the Zoras reacting so fondly to seeing Link.
    • There's also the fact that Sidon and Dorephan both come to Link's defense against Muzu's bigotry. It's not just for pragmatism, they genuinely care for Link and feel no bigotry for Hylians.
  • Mipha left an engraving on the Zora Armor she left behind for Link.
    I will always protect you
  • How does Link remember Mipha and Lochlia? It's only when he sees them both together at once. He sees the statue of Mipha and his daughter in the flesh, and that's when he finally remembers everything about them.
  • "Mipha's Touch"
    • Mipha is shown healing Link's wound from the battle he and Zelda fought in the "A Premonition" memory. They both joke about his younger reckless years when he'd be getting himself hurt.
    • Link declares that he will always love Mipha, no matter what way he does, he will always love her. In turn, Mipha has no regrets about their relationship, even if it could never last for the lifespan differences between them. She claims that she will always remember the love that they shared together, and will never regret having a daughter with him.
    • Mipha reveals that she is keeping a journal dedicated entirely to Link so that her daughter will have something personal to keep so that she could learn about her father as she matured, knowing that Link would be dead long before she matured.
    • Just like in canon, Mipha gives him a Declaration of Protection, whereby she will not hesitate to come to his aid should he struggle in battle.
    • A bracelet that Mipha is described as wearing is revealed to have been made for her by Lochlia.
  • Lochlia and Link's reunion. Especially when Link addresses Lochlia with her Affectionate Nickname Lolita and notices that his daughter is wearing her mother's bracelet.

     18 - Battle Against the Lynel 
  • Link is relieved that his daughter loves him back so readily, and that she holds no resentment against him. It's like the years didn't matter to Lochlia. She's just happy to have her father back.
    • Especially when in context to Paya's words about how Lochlia had been visiting Impa to learn about Link, and asking when he'd wake up. Lochlia really has been waiting for him to wake up for 100 years, and finally he's back in her arms.
  • Cerako officially introduces herself with Lochlia, complete with a makeshift handshake.
  • Lochlia's weapon is officially confirmed to be the Lightscale Spear, the one-pronged weapon she modeled after her mother's Lightscale Trident.
  • Muzu's apology for his bigotry against part of Lochlia's ancestry. In turn, her quickly forgiving him is just as nice.
  • As hilarious as it is, seeing Lochlia and Link default to classic parent-child authority lines is just cute. Especially when Link claims that he's 134 years old, which is literally true, but he's been asleep for 100 of those years.
  • Lochlia confesses that she did resent Link for not being there. She thought he left her mother, and deprived her of a normal family. She eventually came around after suffering the pain of the natural end to a Mayfly–December Friendship, which allowed her to finally understand her parents' decision. Like Mother, Like Daughter, she cherished the time she had with her friend, and there's no indication that she regrets her friendship.
  • There's also the fact that no matter how angry Lochlia would be at her father nor how much she practiced Calling the Old Man Out speeches, she always forgot them because she was always overwhelmed seeing her dad again.
  • Link mentions a moment where Lochlia had swam up a waterfall at twelve years old (toddler age for a Zora). Lochlia is a little embarrassed about it...just like any person would with a parent bringing up something like that from the past.
  • Lochlia ultimately proves that she's not above piggyback rides, even though she's fully grown.
  • Link is happy to learn that Bazz is his son-in-law, complimenting how he was a bright student so eager to learn how to use a sword.

     19 - The Disenthralling of Ruta 
  • As Mipha is the first Champion Link is trying to free, he's a little less confident than he'd be with later Divine Beasts. Link imagines her being there right alongside him in the Divine Beast, a major comfort to him in his first huge obstacle. Her affirmations of her faith in him help him to keep going.
  • The moment where Mipha as a spirit and Link have one final conversation is as Tear Jerking as it is heartmelting.
    • Mipha thanks Link for freeing her spirit, and she's happy to just be with him once again. She fulfills her Declaration of Protection by gifting him with her healing power, which is described as her giving a piece of herself to Link.
    • Link is just as happy to see her again and is so overwhelmed that all he can tell her is how much he missed her.
    • They both reminisce about their daughter, and how much they like their grandchildren's names. Link promises her that he'll tell Lochlia and her young family that Mipha loves them, and that Lochlia is just like her mother. Mipha counters that he's just like him, in that she's fierce and stubborn. And the last thing she says to him is that they'll make a better world for their daughter and grandchildren.

     20 - The Lightscale Trident 
  • Lochlia identifies Link as her father to her four children. They immediately embrace him as their grandfather, swarming him all trying to get his attention and favor. It's as funny as it is sweet.
    • And later on, they play with him. Given his physical age, he's a lot more like another Cool Uncle than a Cool Old Guy, but either way, he's ready to spoil all four of them just like any good grandparent would, and promises them that he'll come back to them.
  • The children are just as mesmerized when they see Cerako flying around the place.
  • Bazz promises Link (after he warns her not to hurt Lochlia) that he will take care of Lochlia and his four children with her.
  • Muzu apologizes for his unwarranted hostility to Link, who in turn admits that he's not sure he'd be any better if he were in Muzu's shoes, empathizing with the pain of what it is to even believe that you've lost someone you've been watching over for years, let alone if it actually happens.
  • When King Dorephan grants Link the Lightscale Trident, he has Link's grandchildren (Link, Mipha, Leilani, Solarri) bring it to him. The way they're described as scurrying to get it is just adorable.
  • Once Dorephan realizes that he was too late to save Mipha, he nonetheless soldiers on and reminds Link that Mipha loved him so much. And Link promises him that he won't forget Mipha ever. And the last thing he says to Link is that he will always have a home among the Zora.
  • Argiko and Terrako both watched faithfully over Link's home while he was away. They react just like excited dogs when they see him and Cerako coming.
  • When Link writes in his journal, he wishes to have children with Zelda so that he could have the chance to be a real and present father again. Interestingly, he also declares that if Zelda doesn't want children, he'll respect that too.
    • He also mentions that he really wants to see her smile again, a reference to the Japanese version of the original game having similar data entries as they're written directly from Link's mind and heart. He really wants her to be back in his arms again. He really does love her.
  • Mipha in her diary admitted that Zelda was probably the better partner for Link than herself. In turn, Link believes otherwise, believing that no couple is "more appropriate" than any other.

     21 - Entering Gerudo Town 
  • Link finally returns to Tarrey Town after bringing in all the different people who were needed to make this place a livable. Where it was once a collection of boulders, it truly is an island of livelihood and beauty in the wilderness. And Link helped to create it.
  • When Link apologizes to Bolson for taking so long, Bolson immediately claims that it didn't take that long. Everyone managed to come together at pretty much the same time and really brought the town to life. And Bolson gives Link so much money that he no longer has to worry about money. It comes in the form of a large collection of gems and diamonds hidden in the rocks that Greyson and Pelison broke apart to clear the way for Link.
  • It's implied by interactions between Rhondson and Hudson that they are becoming an item.
  • Rhondson mentioning that a man has been infiltrating the town means that it's known that it happens, but that the people (at least those who are aware of this) choose not to reveal them to the others.
  • Link chooses to give half of his fortune to the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Purah is over the moon when she receives it from Link which will be a huge boost to her research.
  • Even after reading Purah's journal about her anti-aging rune experiment Gone Horribly Right, Purah's "punishment" is really nothing severe. She plays strict and harsh but is a real softy.

     22 - Reclaiming the Thunder Helm 
  • Riju's Reasonable Authority Figure Benevolent Boss nature is clear from the get-go, with her choosing to allow Link in the town even though he's a voe, and declaring him her ally upon realizing he's a Champion.
  • Buliara's attitude towards Link is understandably skeptical and flaky, but her comment mentioning that if Link really is a Champion, it should be easy for him to retrieve the Thunder Helm. It's a very uniquely structured compliment, and is a sign of her respect of the Champions of old. It's confirmed that it is a compliment of sorts when she adds that she knows he won't disappoint them.
  • Captain Teake's just as much a good boss to her soldiers as Buliara and Riju are to all the Gerudo. She cares about her exhausted soldier's well-being, and immediately notes Link's hateful reaction when she just mentions the Yiga. She empathizes with him and feels bad when she hears that they've been trying to kill him.
  • When Link finds Barta in the cell, he immediately goes to save her by healing her with Mipha's Grace. When he does, he focuses on the love for this family, and he even felt Mipha with him as he healed the wounded Barta.
  • Barta returns the favor by fighting alongside Link in the hideout. When he seems to have been killed, she's horrified for him, and when Link gets trapped, Barta initially refuses to leave him. When she does, she promises that she'll come back for him.
  • For the first time, Mipha's Grace is used to heal Link, and it's a sweet sight with Mipha cradling Link and bringing him back, reassuring him that he will always be safe with her to heal him.

     23 - Prepare to Fight the Sandstorm 
  • While it is ultimately for naught because Link is able to get away from the Yiga's hideout safely, Barta's determination to get to her town so that she may find help is incredibly sweet. Conversely, Link asks Buliara to let Barta know that he's okay.
  • Buliara ends up playing the part of therapist for Link, comforting him through a very bleak time. He's still recovering from the trauma of the violence he witnessed and committed in the hideout, and she pulls him out of it by reassuring him that whatever he did, the Yiga have done worse. She also reminds him of the Master Sword. Fi still thinks that he's the hero worthy of the sword, and that should say everything.
    • Link mentions Leena by name, citing her murder at the Yiga as a major failure on his part. Even though he didn't know the girl's name when she was alive, he cares about everyone he comes across.
  • Riju speaks with Link, and he realizes her situation is eerily alike to Zelda's situation from before the Calamity. Link comforts her through her pain, reassuring her that she has it in her to lead her people.
    • Riju's adorable borderline Squee reaction to hearing that Link and Zelda were an item. It gets even better when Link admits that he shared romance with Mipha.
  • When Link sees Riju wearing the Thunder Helm, he starts remembering Urbosa. He also notes that she looks a lot like Urbosa, with many of the same features, and that's what triggers his memories of Urbosa.
  • "Urbosa's Hand"
    • Link thinks that Zelda sleeping against Urbosa is so sweet that he almost doesn't come closer because he doesn't want to disturb them.
    • Urbosa allows Link to carry her newborn baby girl, who Link notes already looks like her mother, just like an eventual powerful Gerudo Chief. Urbosa confirms that her powers over lightning are already within her daughter.
    • Urbosa's entire motherly role is on display, comforting Link and reassuring him that none of Zelda's plight is her fault. She compliments Zelda's devotion and efforts into trying to unlock her sealing powers.
    • Urbosa's Fury is loud and wakes up her baby, but her baby isn't scared, but becomes energized when the lightning strikes, babbling and cooing in Link's arms.
  • Riju comes off again like a fangirl when Link mentions that seeing her wearing the Thunder Helm reminds him of Urbosa, jumping up and down.
  • Link runs into Muava, who gamers know as one of the biggest Woobies in the original game. Upon hearing her sad story, Link decides to offer her a second chance at her life if she wishes via Purah's anti-aging rune, and even tells her where she could find Lover's Pond.
    • For her part, Muava claims to be happy with her life. She's not lying, since she says she pursued her dreams, but Link clarifies his offer by saying that he just wants her to know and have all the choices available to her.
  • When Link goes to rent a sand seal, one of them, Kali, jumps at him like a dog, coddling him and barking at him. Frelly even notes that Kali must really like Link. Link even mentions that something about her is familiar. Given who Kali really is...

     24 - The Liberation of Naboris 
  • When Riju implicitly mentions that Ganondorf and the stain he's wrought on their people is part of why they never allow voe into Gerudo Town, Link immediately comes to Ganondorf's defense, filling Riju in on Demise's curse latching onto Ganondorf's soul.
  • For her part, Riju unconditionally believes Link, even finishing Link's thought about how the curse chose the Boar spirit as its host. It must be overwhelming to her, but she immediately realizes the mistake of blaming Ganondorf for the evil when in truth he was a pawn to it.
  • Mixed with funny, but it's cute how Riju is quite struck by seeing Link's true appearance as a man, since she's never seen one personally at this point. She's also quite struck when she notices the bracelets he's wearing, which belonged to Urbosa, the Daybreaker Bracelets. In her eyes, Urbosa's been helping him for as long as he's had them with him.
  • Riju gifts Link with some facial and eye protection so that he can traverse the sandstorm alongside her.
  • Riju's also quite struck when she notices the bracelets he's wearing, which belonged to Urbosa, the Daybreaker Bracelets. In her eyes, Urbosa's been helping him for as long as he's had them with him. When the lightning barrier is created, the bracelets react to it. Link wonders if there's something sentient within the bracelets that is connecting with the Thunder Helm.
  • The moment where Kali licks Link's face affectionately and tries to follow him into Naboris. Sadly, she can't go in with him.
  • When Mipha heals Link from his near fatal wound, Urbosa thanks her, as does Cerako.
  • Urbosa's spirit thanks Link for freeing her spirit and returning Naboris to her side once again. And once more, she places no blame on either him or Zelda for her own fate.
  • Much like Riju, Urbosa has learned the truth of Ganondorf and the fact that he's enslaved to the curse of Demise. She wishes that Ganon would reclaim his original identity as Ganondorf Dragmire and claim his place among her people.

     25 - The Daybreaker and the Scimitar of the Seven 
  • Riju explicitly allows an undisguised Link to enter her home town in defiance of the laws that ban him from the town so that she may thank him, and Cerako, as he truly is. She also announces a change to the law, whereby Gerudo will be allowed to return and bring their husbands into Gerudo Town.
  • Riju chooses to surrender the equipment of Urbosa, her Daybreaker shield and the Scimitar of the Seven, to Link. These are the mementos passed in her family since the Great Calamity, so this is no small gesture.
  • Link tries to get Riju to keep Urbosa's diary, but Riju insists that he take it because she wants Link to know the stories she grew up hearing. As the only remaining Champion, she sees it only fitting that Link keep it.

     26 - A Dark Premonition 
  • Link comforts Paya through her pain upon realizing the fate of her friend who had run off and joined the Yiga Clan.
  • Paya tries to convince Link to take it easy, given how hard he'd been pushing himself for the last several days. She also helps him through his pain of the nightmares he's been having since he started fighting the blights.
  • Link's reaction to reading Zelda's research notes are rather sweet. He seems giddy for her being so giddy and excited over her research. He also once more empathizes with Zelda's plight again.
  • As sad as it is, it is still sweet that Urbosa was nothing but fond of her best friend, the Hyrulean Queen.
  • Link also considers using Urbosa's Daybreaker in combat instead of the Hylian Shield. He respects her than much that he's tempted to use her shield in his preferred combat style.

     27 - Learning from the Rito 
  • Kola is afraid of Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Link immediately comforts her with a simple abridged story about his days as a Champion. It works wonders on her.
    • Especially cute is when Link identifies himself as a Champion to her, and she gets excited. She gets even more excited when Link identifies herself as the knight who guarded Princess Zelda.
  • When Link heals Harth's wing injury, Harth doesn't push the question about why he's able to do this. He accepts Link as an equal without question.
  • Saki and Harth both are so concerned for Teba's well-being. Harth is so concerned about losing people that he actually doesn't want Link to help Teba out of concern for him. Nevertheless, they both want Teba to come back from his war against Medoh alive.
  • "Revali's Flap"
    • Link's relationship with Revali's sister Takki is quite sweet, with their casual banter and their mutual dismissive attitude towards Revali's smugness and bravado.

     28 - Finding an Ally in Teba 
  • Link and Cerako's interaction with the Great-Horned Rhinoceros. The creature, despite appearing vicious and frightening, allows the Link and Cerako to come near it. It has no issue with the two coming close by, or Link touching its fur.
  • Bokoblins touching the horses with care and tenderness makes it clear that they do in fact care for humans.
  • Link proves himself to Teba so fast that Teba goes from being aloof and distant to cordial and friendly with Link.
  • Teba is repeatedly amazed with Link's announcements about the Champions, and the revelation that he has already freed two other Divine Beasts.
  • For the first time, one of the New Champions intends to accompany him into the Divine Beast. He's not about to let Link go in there alone.
  • Teba empathizes with Link through their shared fatherhood. In fact, Teba immediately coded Link as a father when they met, as they both have the same look in their eyes.

     29 - The Unbridling of Medoh 
  • Even though Teba is The Bait during his and Link's attack on Medoh, he takes the time to focus on helping Link when he's in trouble.
  • When Teba gets injured, Link's immediate instinct is to reveal to Teba that he can still come into Medoh and heal him. Teba immediately tells him to go in alone, wisely realizing that Link would be better alone, as Teba would likely just end up getting in the way instead of helping him.
  • Link and Revali's banter throughout Link's venture through Medoh is quite endearing. Revali clearly has enough respect for Link to engage in sweet snarky banter. At many points, Link even notes Revali's lack of smugness in his voice.
  • When Link uses the Daybreaker Bracelets to protect himself successfully against a very powerful attack from Windblight Ganon, Revali's compliment of Urbosa's equipment is described as being very genuine and no hint of dryness, indicating his true respect.
    • His second compliment towards Urbosa is just as respectful, this time referencing her typical maneuver of channeling electrical energy through her sword, which Link imitates.
  • Link's last words are "You go, Revali."

     30 - The Great Eagle Bow 
  • Kass's wife Amali mentions that he feels bad for being gone for so long, so he took the time for the night so that Amali could wander around the village without having to worry about the children they have together.
  • Saki and the rest of the village is in awe of Link's accomplishment of taming Medoh's rampage.
  • The first thing Link does when he gets back to Rito Village is to find Teba and heal him of his injury.
  • Saki and Teba contextualize Revali gifting Link with his power over winds. It's a power that completely has changed the outlook of the Rito's existence, so Revali granting him this power was nothing small. If Revali granted him this power, it's really a sign of respect for him.
  • Link receives a letter from Fyson filling him in on what's been going on in Tarrey Town. he confirms that Rhondson and Hudson are getting married in two weeks, and they want him to come. Despite Link's name not ending in -son, they all see him as a true OG resident of the town.
  • Paya proves that she's come far since her earliest appearances. She unhesitatingly jumps to help a complete stranger who's under attack from Bokoblins. Unfortunately, said survivor is not really a victim.

     31 - Traumas of a Survivor 
  • Link has become such a big-brother substitute to Paya that he never leaves Kakariko Village until he knows that she's okay. Similarly, he also thinks of her as too innocent and sweet for her to be going through such hellish training to become a warrior.
    • In prior appearances, Link reassured Paya that being a Non-Action Guy is not weakness. It doesn't make her bad or a weakling if she can't fight, and it's perfectly fine if she wanted to pursue a different path for her life.
  • The spirits of the Sheikah adopted the form of Sheik, Zelda's famous Sheikah disguise The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, giving the Sheik identity a new independence and purpose.
  • Symin and Purah took it upon themselves to give Terrako, Cerako, and Argiko some upgrades, thanks to the new influx of funds that Link had given them.

     32 - Finding Goron Painkillers 
  • Link is showing respect and concern for Bludo when he suddenly hunches over in pain from his back pain. Bludo appreciates Link's concern, and immediately starts calling him brother.
  • It's a sweet moment mixed with funny. When Bludo says he can silence a crying child or make a silenced child cry, Link jokes that he now knows Bludo's not a good babysitter for his grandchildren. Bludo keeps it running by joking that Link is a young grandfather.
  • Even though Yunobo is extremely afraid of everything, he does not express any fear or hostility towards Cerako. Remember that she's a Guardian, a Sheikah machine type that for 100 years has been ravaging Hyrule.

     33 - The Goron Chief of Old 
  • "Daruk's Mettle"
    • Daruk mentions that many of the young Goron boys love Rudania and were always begging him to pilot Rudania.
    • Link compliments the landscape of the Eldin Region. He almost seems a little bit envious of them living in this beauty.
    • Apparently, Link eating a rock roast marks him as the first Hylian to do so. While only Gorons are carved into the mountains, Daruk wonders if King Rhoam will have a statue made in Link's likeness as a gift to the Gorons to honor that accomplishment of his.
    • Daruk doesn't hide that he's a Shipper on Deck for Link and Zelda.
    • Link expresses that he's grateful to Daruk for also bringing him and Mipha together, since it gave him some romantic experience and a little girl who looks at him like a superhero.
    • Daruk reassures Link that no matter who he or anyone else is, be it a Champion or a commoner, everyone is just a regular person. Remembering that is what helps Daruk put his job and duty into perspective.
  • When Bludo realizes that Link is the Hylian Champion from 100 years earlier, he immediately calls Link a brother to all Gorons.
  • Link encourages Yunobo to fight against the Moblin attacking him, reminding him that he pushes back a Divine Beast. It works, and Yunobo is able to fight back.

     34 - The Emancipation of Rudania 
  • Yunobo's increasing excitement as he, Link, and Cerako progress around Death Mountain and get closer to pushing back Rudania.
  • Link's immediate response when he hears Daruk's voice is to say hello to his Goron brother.
  • Daruk reiterates that he never lost faith that Link would come back.
  • Link's interactions with the increasingly clever Cerako are sweet to see, especially the moments where he compliments her for her accomplishments in Rudania. Even Daruk calls her adorable.
  • Once Daruk is freed, he apologizes for failing his duty to Hyrule. Link promises him that he has nothing to be sorry for, as he did exactly what he was supposed to do.
  • When Daruk claps his fists together, Link does the same, and Cerako does it too with her little robot arms.
  • Daruk expresses some concern over his people, but once he gets a look at them, he sees his grandson and believes that the Gorons will be just fine. Yunobo's adorable squeeing when he sees Daruk's spirit on Rudania is just the icing on the cake.

     35 - The Boulder Breaker 
  • Yunobo officially gives Cerako the title of "tiny little sister", as part of his culture's tendency to call people "brother". He also tells Link that seeing Daruk's spirit helped him to feel much braver.
    • Bludo also addresses Cerako as "sister", and asks that Link address him by name instead of calling him Boss like everyone else.
  • Impa's clear joy at feeling the four Champions' return.
  • Paya is in awe at all the Divine Beasts. When she says that she doesn't feel exactly worthy of taking pride in the creations of her people that are ten millennia old, Link sets her straight and says that it doesn't matter how far back it was, she gets to be proud of it.
  • Link points out that his very existence as a hero is because of the Golden Goddesses who deemed the world they created as worth fighting for, and because Hylia believes that they deserve a chance too.

     36 - Rise of the New Champions 
  • In Zora's Domain before the invasion happens, Lochlia is telling her four children the story of Queen Rutela with complete worship and reverence.
  • The Rito women sent out to deliver the warning to all the different locations managed to do so through sheer determination. They suffer a Heroic RRoD, but they warned the various locations.
  • Mixed with awesome. The four late Champions protect their homes even in death. Each one pulls a Big Damn Heroes, they make a quiet comment about their people, and a member of their people makes a comment about the Champion.
    • Mipha expresses her happiness that she can help her family, and Dorephan comments how he's missed her.
    • Urbosa boasts that the Gerudo will not fall now or ever. Riju hopes that she's making Lady Urbosa proud.
    • Revali is enthusiastic that he helped his people with a single perfect shot, and Teba comments on Revali watching over them even now.
    • Daruk is energetic about taking down the Igneo Talus Titan, and Yunobo once again sees and waves at him.

     37 - Hyrulean Resistance 
  • Paya helps the residents of Kakariko Village hide, but she comes back to help her fellow warriors in the fight.
  • When Paya ends up a Destructive Savior, when her fatal strike against the Yiga also wreck their homes, no one holds it against her and reassure her that it can just be rebuilt.
  • Terrako and Argiko get to fight alongside their sister Cerako. Argiko even shows happiness that she can levitate in the air just like her sisters.
  • The Koroks witness Hestu fighting, and they decide to help him in any way they can. They're all fighting for their home in this world, and they joined their biggest member.
  • Rhondson, Fyson, Greyson, and even Kapson run to save Granté's parents from the Yiga. They succeed and Granté doesn't lose his parents.
  • Characters witness the Divine Beast attacks from the prior chapters at the end of the four arcs.
    • Koko takes her baby sister Cottla to the large tree at the base of Rabia Plain where they could see Ruta. Koko tells Cottla that the Divine Beast will protect them, and they witness the rain of ice from Ruta, amazing Cottla.
    • Purah witnesses Naboris's lightning strike from Hateno Village. She says nothing, but she knows that this meant the Gerudo were probably winning. It makes her feel genuinely hopeful.
    • Hestu and several Koroks ascend to go to Hateno Village and find Link. There, they witness Medoh's assault on the Malice Skywatcher armada. Hestu and the other Koroks cheer that they're winning this.
    • Link and the residents of Tarrey Town witness Rudania triggering an eruption, and this makes Link realize that the warnings reached their locations in time. He likes what he sees, because this means they're fighting back.

     38 - Recovery 
  • It's a little more twisted than usual, but Symin and the others refuse to let Link keep going when he's had no they pretty much drug him to sleep so that he can get some rest.
  • Muzu compliments Lochlia, saying that she's really like her mother Mipha as he watches her healing their warriors.
  • King Dorephan doesn't hesitate to let Lochlia go to Hateno Village to make sure that Link is okay. Even better is when Cerako comes to get her and Sidon, and she also takes Lochlia's children with her.
  • Riju personally watches over her wounded Gerudo warriors. And many of the people helping the Gerudo are voe, husbands to Gerudo women allowed into the village. Her partial rescinding of the law allowed for more help to save these Gerudo women's lives.
  • Buliara and Captain Teake talk about how despite Riju being the chief, she still plays with her sand seal toys like an actual child, as she should.
  • Greyson returned to Goron City to check on his people. He may not have been happy there, but he still loves his home and his people.
  • Link wakes up in his tub wearing trunks with his four grandchildren cuddling him in the warm water.
  • Hestu entertains the children of Hateno Village with his maraca music and dancing. The children are mentioned as trying to dance with him.

     39 - Barriers 
  • Cerako has a moment where she actually rests on Link's lap like a cute little pet.
  • The Yiga get a villainous moment of heartwarming when Sooga comforts them for their losses. He gets a more personal one along with Kolana when he puts Astor in his place for being so dismissive of their losses and referring to the Yiga Footsoldiers as "junk".
  • Sooga and Kolana discuss Master Kohga's words to Link. They surmise that he did say them, but that he often used humor to cover his grief, ultimately showing that Master Kohga was very much a caring figure to his underlings.
    • Sooga even comments on how he came to have Kolana as his colleague in the Yiga, even adding that he has never done anything to deserve her.
  • Purah immediately tries to dissuade Link from going through with the Trial of the Wolf. While she tells him to his face that it's for the pragmatic reason that he could die leaving the land without its hero, when he leaves, she reveals that she really doesn't want to lose her friend when she knows she won't be able to save him again.
  • To offset Purah's pain from thinking Link may not survive the trial, Symin convinces her to go along with the various New Champions and the other powerful warriors to let him know that they have his back.
  • When Impa emerges from Purah's lab de-aged, she has a little bit of fun with and embraces her granddaughter. It's also finally confirmed that Paya is in fact an Identical Granddaughter to Impa.
  • Link had his four grandchildren deliver the Champions' gear to their respective successors as a token for them to use in the upcoming final fight with the Yiga Clan, and each one is done in sentiment.
    • Lochlia receives her mother Mipha's Lightscale Trident from Mipha, the daughter she named for her mother. Sidon already has the Ceremonial Tridents that are visually identical.
    • Teba receives Revali's Great Eagle Bow from Link, the son she named for her father.
    • Yunobo receives the Boulder Breaker from Leilani and Solarri who had to work together to carry the giant item.
    • Riju receives the Daybreaker from Solarri to use as a surfboard for her sand seal surfing attacks.
    • Buliara receives the Scimitar of the Seven from Leilani, which is an artifact belonging to their Champion, effectively marking her as an honorary member of the New Champions.

     40 - Trial of the Wolf 
  • After all the strife and pain Link pushed through in the grueling trial, Link is rewarded not just with the Wolf Spirit, but a tender scene with the Wolf Monks' Shrine. The Sheikah Monks here, of which there were not just a few but hundreds, finally get to fulfil their duty and join Hylia as they so wished.
  • Link regains the power of the Champions, and it's described that they're all returning to him.
  • The Wolf itself approaches Link in a way that resembles a dog, especially when it adopts a corporeal form. It's carrying a glowing blue orb like a toy, and then lies down in front of Link with its head on the ground like a relaxing dog. Link even pets it and calls it "buddy".

     41 - A Corrupted Generation 
  • Terrako keeps Purah company while she remains on watch over Hateno Village. She even plays Purah some music, to her appreciation.
  • Hestu provides some nice comic relief for the residents of Hateno Village with his magical bombastic performances. He uses his bubbles to carry children around and the smaller Koroks were pretending to play volleyball with the kids in the bubbles.
  • Bazz followed his wife and children to Hateno Village. He plays with the kids while Sidon and Lochlia train. It's even better because the four children are still unfamiliar with Hateno Village.
  • Purah screams for joy when she realizes that Link won the trial.
  • Buliara comments that she never doubted that Link would emerge victorious in the trial.
  • When all the Malice constructs are vanquished, Link and Lochlia show absolute joy that they each are okay.

     42 - The Fourth Spirit 
  • When the strange barrier surrounding a seemingly distressed Paya is lifted, everyone comes to her, firmly showing her as Everyone's Baby Sister.
  • It's revealed that the orb that had been with Astor had really been a construct of Sheikah technology corrupted by the power of Malice. It has a mind of its own, and unlike its canon counterpart, it gets to be free from its curse and chooses its own champion to wield it. In this case, Paya.
  • Everyone rallies together, declaring their intention to fight alongside Link to combat Calamity Ganon in the final upcoming battle.
  • Bazz reassures his children that their mother was going to come back to them. While it is true, he has no idea if it is, but he needs his children to be sure that she would return.
  • Symin and Bazz talk about the possibility that history may repeat itself with Lochlia, in that she'll die in battle and leave her children without a mother. Symin is the one to encourage Bazz to think positively.
  • Once the group returns, the fear and terror hanging over Bazz finally is lifted, especially when he reunites with his wife and father-in-law.
  • The implications of Paya's Reset Button power over time. Her powers mean that she can literally heal the decay and wear of 100 years of neglect from all across the land. With her power, she may have a chance to rebuild the kingdom at a much greater speed than originally believed.
  • Hylia reveals that Impa is the newest Chosen One among the heroes. She calls her and her family among the brightest in the land, and reveals that she's been using the power of all her Sheikah worshippers to create a fourth spirit in the form of their patron animal, the Frog.
  • Zelda helps Purah, Impa, and Paya to find the scales by marking the locations on their Sheikah maps of the castle.

     43 - Scales of an Ancient Era 
  • When Paya discovers the king's journal and reads through it, she finds something being written on it by his invisible spirit. It asks Paya to bring his journal to Zelda, and Paya immediately promises that she will.
  • The reunion between the three family members is quite sweet. Even though they were only separate for not even twenty minutes, it still seemed like forever since they were in the deadliest part of the entirety of Hyrule.
  • The cute goodbye at the end of the chapter is equally cute. Impa says goodbye to her family before she went off to the springs across Hyrule was so sweet that Purah even jokingly said that it was too sweet for her.

     44 - Pearls and Flames 
  • The Sheikah Monks who reside within the Springs of Power, Wisdom, and Courage are all blessing shrines in which the monks have heartfelt discussions with Impa.
    • Jitam Sa'mi explains that Impa's soul, much like Link and Zelda, has reincarnated throughout time. He claims that the Sheikah always believed that it would be Impa's soul to carry the Frog, and proudly identifies her as one of the four heroes.
    • Tutsuwa Nima explains that it doesn't matter how she obtained the scales, because true strength comes from knowing weaknesses, and accepting help from others is what the wise do.
    • Shae Katha proudly proclaims that Impa already has the warrant of a true hero.
  • When Impa beats her three foes, Rona Kachta compliments her, and even thanks Impa for fulfilling the prophecy as foretold.

     45 - The Kindness of the Frog 
  • The Guardians of War follow Impa out of the shrine, where she quickly realizes that they want to fight alongside her. In fact, the Battle-Tested Guardian even carries her to the pedestal where she needed to stand to obtain her spirit as she had earned it.
  • Impa gets to hear from all her past lives as Link did before her. In them same moment, Impa and the Frog Spirit born from her other incarnations share a little gaze with each other.
  • Purah is as excited for Impa's success as she was for Link's victory.
  • Paya uses her Reset Button power to fix up the Guardians of War. Not just that, but she gave them a full recolor so that they'd look like their diminutive counterparts, and took the extra step of effectively installing an "antivirus" that would protect them from being enslaved by Ganon's power.

     46 - Trial of the One-Hit Obliterator 
  • Link is not alone for the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial. Impa accompanies him to the Great Plateau and while she's unable to help him outright, she provides him intel on his foes to give him an edge over them.
  • Impa admits that Kass is an old friend of hers. According to her, he's come and gone from their village many times.
  • Hylia summons Link and Impa to her statue. She grants both a power boost, which is especially noticeable for Impa as she had not done anything to warrant this. Hylia just decided to give her a helping hand.

     47 - Songs of the Warriors 
  • This entire chapter is mostly Link enjoying some of Kass's best music to offer. When Kass repeatedly mentions trying to finish his late teacher's unfinished song, Link reassures him that he will in fact be able to finish it.
  • Instead of traveling separately, Link brings Kass with him to each of the Divine Beasts.
  • Hearing the song for his late former lover Mipha is enough to drive him to happy tears.
  • "Champion Mipha's Song"
    • Baby Sidon is just as adorable in the written word as he is when visualized in the game.
    • Baby Lochlia immediately recognizes the sound of her father's name and gives a huge smile. A Daddy's Girl even from the beginning. More notable is that Lochlia is riding Zelda's shoulders instead of her mother's.
    • Baby Lochlia is absolutely ecstatic to jump down the waterfall with her mother, and just as eager to go back up the waterfall with her uncle.
  • "Champion Urbosa's Song"
    • Urbosa is shown being pregnant with the baby seen when Link finds her and Zelda on Naboris. And Zelda is shown fondling and kissing Urbosa's baby bump as they walk around the town.
    • Not a big reveal especially for gamers, but Urbosa admits that she calls Zelda "little bird" because that was what her best friend (and Zelda's mother), called Zelda as a child.
  • "Champion Revali's Song"
    • Revali is shown being vulnerable and questioning himself when alone as he practices using his power over winds. It's only when he realizes there are other people there that he adopts a smug demeanor.
  • "Champion Daruk's Song"
    • When Zelda mentions that her father's assigning her a knight to watch over and guard her, Daruk immediately knows that it has to be Link. He could very well have seen an opportunity to find another potential romantic partner for Link, though the monster group nearby interrupts that.
    • Daruk immediately goes to help someone being attacked by Bokoblins. Becomes a Funny Moment when it's revealed to be a dog, and Daruk is petrified with terror seeing the dog.
  • After each of the songs, the Champions address Link one final time.
    • Mipha tells Link that he's grown so much stronger than she has ever seen him before, and even expresses gratitude that he's freed himself from the trauma that's burdened him since her death.
    • Urbosa compliments him as a fellow warrior for his incredible skill and power. She outright calls him the best thing, the pride of Hyrule, and requests that he take care of Zelda as she once did in life.
    • Revali asks Link to tell Teba that he's proud of him, and that he really takes after his ancestor Takki, who is Revali's sister. He makes a cute joke about how stubbornness still runs in the family after all this time.
    • Daruk boasts that he had never lost faith in Link and always knew that he could win it all as he has done so far.
  • Kass mentions that once all is said and done, he'd like to return home to his wife and children. He would especially love to be able to tell them that he wouldn't be gone for long stretches of time. He's thankful to Link for shaving off so much time from his travels.
  • Kass's last words are to wish Link good luck in the trial ahead.

     48 - The Champions' Ballad 
  • During the fight with Monk Maz Koshia, every time Link is down, Maz Koshia waits until Link gets back up to continue fighting him.
  • Monk Maz Koshia fatally injures Link, which only serves to summon Mipha yet again to save him from death, and once again promising that she'd always protect him.
  • Monk Maz Koshia ends the fight and compliments Link for facing down the trial with no fear or hesitance, and that there is no further doubt in his mind that Link truly is the hero spoken of for 10,000 years.
  • There is a fifth Divine Beast: Divine Beast Vah Eponia, the Horse constructed and modeled It serves as the enormous companion counterpart to the Master Cycle Zero that is gifted to Link is a transportation vehicle, and by Maz Koshia's own admission is modelled and named for the horse Epona.
  • Maz Koshia looks on Eponia with fondness and even calls it an old friend.
  • Link gets excited and happy when he hears that Kass has finished his teacher's incomplete song.
  • "The Champions' Ballad"
    • The description of the pre-Calamity Hyrule Castle is one of absolute beauty and extravagant elegance.
    • When everyone's getting together for the iconic photo, Revali shows visible concern for Mipha just like in canon.
    • Urbosa's reaction to Daruk's photobomb is one where she clearly thinks it's Actually Pretty Funny, and in addition is shown happy that Link and Zelda have been brought closer together.
  • Once again, Link awakens from the memory in happy tears, and he finally remembers his entire life.
  • Kass gives Link the very same image taken 100 years prior.

     49 - Calamity Ganon 
  • While it wasn't entirely necessary, the fact that the New Champions, Paya, and the entire Hyrulean army come in to help Link and Impa is used to make it clear that the two of them are not alone in this final battle.
  • For the last time in this specific story, Mipha comes to Link's rescue when he's wounded.
  • After over 120,000 years as a puppet to the curse of Demise, Zelda has finally freed his soul from the curse.
  • Zelda reveals that the sweet sand seal Kali that had served Link against Naboris, and was here to fight in the final battle, is truly Epona, his absolutely faithful steed from so many different lifetimes. Even better is that Epona is a reincarnation herself of Link's Crimson Loftwing from the Era of the Skies, meaning this same animal's soul has been serving him endlessly for his entire existence. The true definition of Undying Loyalty.
    • Zelda even mentions that her horse form is her true form, and she's described as being happy to serve her master yet again. Link even recognizes her from past lives and calls her "old girl". Epona proves just how versed she is in battle with how smart and fearless she is, bringing her master to every glowing sigil.
  • As the battle progresses and Link is weakening Dark Beast Ganon, Zelda's voice becomes more excited and gleeful.
  • Teba saves Link when he's thrown off by the blast of Malice from Dark Beast Ganon.
  • Link and Zelda's reunion. For a long time, they don't say anything. And then Zelda says her famous ending speech from the game, but instead of asking Link if he really remembers her, she thanks him for saving her life. And they finally kiss, being reunited 100 years after they were separated by the monster of Calamity Ganon.
  • Once the curse that enslaved Ganondorf is sealed away, only the true Ganondorf Dragmire is left. He's granted his true body, and the monsters that were connected to him suddenly become docile and calm. All they do is carry the unconscious body of their master, and are no longer these voracious pillagers.

     50 - The Silent Princess 
  • The first shot of the chapter is Paya applying the same restoration that she did to the Temple of Time to the entire Great Plateau. She restored it to its gorgeous prior appearance, the firs step in healing the entire kingdom from the wounds inflicted by the Calamity.
  • After 49 chapters of various levels of struggle and agony, which amounts to 737 pages in the PDF novel, Hyrule has finally caught a break. Various people across the kingdom are all celebrating their victory. The Champions in addition all get one final bittersweet scene with their successors.
    • Kakariko Village.
      • The Sheikah all celebrate with music and dancing, and Monk Maz Koshia is actually with them, having returned to Kakariko Village. While the land is unfamiliar to him, he's looking forward to reintegrating with the world.
      • Maz Koshia is described as having a childlike excitement to learn how much the world has changed in the last 10,000 years since he's lived in it.
    • Zora's Domain.
      • The Zora all celebrate their victory by engaging in synchronized diving and swimming. Among the participants were King Dorephan, Bazz, and the royal great-grandchildren.
      • Mipha tearfully gets to say goodbye to her daughter and her brother. While it's absolutely sad, she still loves them dearly, and leaves the defense of the domain to them, just as she did 100 years earlier.
    • Gerudo Town.
      • The Gerudo, along with many of the husbands and their children, join in a night on the town. They all celebrate the end of Demise's curse, in addition to freeing themselves of the stain of shame once associated with Ganondorf. Even Buliara and Captain Teake are shown enjoying themselves.
      • A Gerudo woman is shown standing before the Goddess Statue. It's Muava, de-aged, as she has chosen to take a second chance in life, and is thankful to the Goddesses for it. She says that she may yet get to live her life completely, not only contently.
      • Riju travels to Karusa Valley, where the monsters that have taken residence within, Moblins, Bokoblins, Lynels, and Lizalfos, greet her. They're caring for their unconscious master in this valley, and they have no hostility towards Riju. In fact, Bokoblins and Moblins are described as riding Lynels as mounts.
      • Urbosa's final address to her descendant Riju is to reassure her that when it comes to leadership skills, failures build character. True rulers Know When to Fold 'Em and accept help in situations that are otherwise unwinnable. And Riju promises to help Ganondorf reintegrate into the Gerudo and keep him from being ostracized by his own people.
    • Rito Town.
      • Everyone in the village, even Kaneli, enjoy a fiesta of singing. They sing about the Calamity and the victory 100 years later, and they even include the fact that they saved Ganondorf's soul as part of their song. This song is led by Kass and his family. Kass plays the music, Amali lead the vocals, and their children and the other Rito women all joined as the background chorus.
      • As Teba looks up to Medoh still perched above the town, he expresses gratitude that he didn't have to destroy it as he said he might have needed to.
      • Revali shows his much more humble nature in the presence of Teba. He compliments Teba for carrying on the stubborn nature of the family, and for mastering Revali's Gale. He's proud of Teba and sees him as the worthy successor to his title of Champion. Revali also adds that he wants all the Rito to learn his power. At the end of it, Revali wants Teba to savor his success with the rest of his people.
    • Goron City.
      • The Goron celebration comes closest to a classic portrayal of a medieval toast celebration. The Gorons all have their rock roast flambés, with some Hylians and Gerudo travelers having some themselves. Bludo screams out to everyone in their celebration and honor Daruk's memory.
      • Daruk comforts his grandson Yunobo and tells him that he's the strongest Goron. He doesn't need to be the Boss like Bludo is, because he is the New Champion in Daruk's eyes. Daruk tries to get him to stop thinking so down on himself.
    • Hateno Village.
      • The Guardians of War all carried around partygoers like they were amusement park rides, meaning the people have lost their fear of the Guardian technology.
      • Purah has aged herself up back to her 24-year-old body, and she joins in on the celebration. She even thanks her assistant Symin for everything that he's done.
      • Link and Zelda take a nice respite from everything that's happened. They remain asleep in the home that Link owned, and Terrako, Cerako, and Argiko all remained faithfully by their side.
      • King Rhoam comes to Link's home. He finally gets a chance to apologize to Zelda for everything that he did, and how he really failed to be the father that she needed him to be. And Zelda finally gets a chance to apologize for lashing out at him and saying so many hurtful things to him. They really get a chance to have the closure that they both really needed.
  • The ending of the story shows the ancient dragons have finally returned. They haven't been seen in thousands of years, and the sight of them returning is an awesomely beautiful moment.
  • Link and Zelda go off to Zora's Domain to speak with Mipha's father. None of the Champions will be forgotten, even though they've now moved on to the afterlife. Zelda admits that her powers have likely faded in the last 100 years, but she's now fine with it.
  • Impa joins Link and Zelda in the last clip of the story, accompanying them both to Zora's Domain. It's no longer just Link and Zelda, but all three of them.
  • The symbolism of the field of Silent Princesses. The flower can only thrive in the wild and can't grow in contained environments. The fact that these flowers are blooming so much is gorgeously allegorical to the situation in Hyrule: finally free from all the despair and pain and allowed to flourish to its true splendor and beauty.
