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Heartwarming / My Ridonculous Race

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  • In "None Down, 25 To Go! Part 1", Jordan is quick to assure Fabian that there's no shame in admitting he's to uneasy about heights to to the "Scares" option of the either-or. She also congratulates him on getting the tip when they zipline down to the airport.
    • In what could be considered her Establishing Character Moment Annie speaks to all the teams as they wait for the elevator to arrive proclaiming that she still wishes everyone good luck even if they are all competing against each other. Carrie and Devin are the only team to reciprocate said feeling.
    • Tom and Jen are ecstatic to meet Aaryn and Yves when they reveal they follow their blog.
  • "None Down, 25 To Go! Part 2"; the story of how May and Fabian meet is kind of cute. Fabian was supposed to prank her with a lizard but they instead bonded over a zoological docu-series and May has kept the lizard tale from that day with her on her necklace.
    • When Owen resorts to disgusting measures to relieve himself of the spicy soup Jordan remarks "I can't watch this!" and Fabian simply turns her away from the gross spectacle.
  • In Paris, Dani's drawing depicts herself in addition to a baby Syd, bringing to mind that ever common adage amongst mothers of their children always being their babies no matter how old they get.
    • The models were willing to take some of the shopping of the bloggers before they go cheese sailing.
  • On the Mediterranean coast, 5 other racers were willing to help the geniuses with their sandcastle calculations without a second thought. This winds up saving them from elimination.
    • Though Ennui brushes him off, May is happy that Fabian is trying to bond with people outside of his preexisting social circle.
    • Gerry expressing his concern for Pete as he does the shark swimming challenge, admitting that even if he can be a sour puss at time they're still friends.
  • In Venice, Carrie was the first racer to identify their partner during the masquerade challenge. Devin even agrees with her when she says they share a special bond, like brother and sister.
  • In Iceland, although Leo bungles the sentence the judge gives them the tip when Annie asks her politely in Icelandic.
  • In Brazil, on the flight over June comforts the vegans and helps them move past the guilt they've internalized from eating meat in the previous episode. She even admitting her own past as a runaway to them, something Quince admitted took years for even him to know.
    • Yves was willing to share her bug repellant perfume with Dani.
  • In Romania, Annie knows that if she's scared Leo will devote all his energy into keeping her safe and therefor sucks it up for the sake of the team.
    • Jordan, Sam and May are all eager to lend a supportive shoulder to Fabian when he gets worried about the castle being potentially haunted.
    • Nekota and Quince congratulating Gabriella and June for a job well done at the gymnastics challenge.
    • Laurie gives Miles a much needed pep talk as they both believe they are still being punished for eating meat. They take June's words to heart and try not to dwell on the mistake, though they are eliminated they leave with heads held higher than in canon.
  • In Hawaii, when Leo learns about Quince's childhood he tells Annie how grateful he should be for all the time they spend together, to which Annie replies she's always grateful for the time they spend together.
    • Sam gave May his Swiss army pocket knife to defend against anything she might encounter in the bay.
    • Aaron agrees to Syd's request that they start dating.
    • To convince Junior it's okay to wear the grass skirt for the hot coals challenge, Sam agrees to wear it as well. And when Junior asks what to do if he's be picked on, Gabriella says they'll just have to reckon with her.
    • Tom and Jen give Carrie an answer to her question as to who started their blog, both of them.
  • In Dubai, Dani admits that while she likes that Syd doesn't have the gall to disobey her she wishes he would be more outgoing.
  • In China, Leo tells Quince he can date Annie if he so pleases. In addition, Leo is (quietly) elated to hear that June is also available to date as well.
    • June acts more accommodating to Quince by agreeing to eat the street food even though she's a vegetarian. On his end Quince actually makes something half decent for her to eat.
      • Jordan follows in a similar vein for Fabian by giving him a kebab covered in siracha.
    • Syd tells his mom that his pushiness this leg is due to wanting to prove he's more than just the smart guy to his old peers, Dani assures him he doesn't need to win over people who make up an endless sea of nobody especially when Aaron admits he likes him for being genial company.
  • In Finland, Geoff encourages the step-brothers to try and get to know each other more.
    • Dani's performance not only gets her and Syd first place but also makes Syd realize she's more capable than he previously thought.
  • In Zimbabwe, May admits that she and Fabian dated once but decided it would not do anything to benefit their relationship and decided to remain friends instead of partners.
    • Really the whole scene in the Helsinki airport bathroom, where some of the other female racers assure Carrie to speak her mind and tell Devin the truth about her crush.
    • Chet complements Lorenzo for completing the air guitar challenge in the previous episode, and for once neither tries to hurt each other. Lorenzo does throw a punch but it's described as more playful than painful.
      • Later on they mange to bond further after talking about The Stalking Dead and finding out what else they have in common.
    • Emma manages to earn Noah's love back (whereas in canon it mysteriously came back after Noah said he was done with her) by saving him from a rampaging rhino.
  • In Spain, Jordan admits that inspite of all the differences and flaws between the 2 of them she genuinely loves Fabian and she knows he loves her.
    • Fabian openly admits to liking Dwayne more than his own father.
    • After Quince calms the bulls, he lets everyone get a saddle on one even though he could leave them all in the dust. He admits "if we’re going to win it’s because we were the best team and everyone raced at their full potential."
    • After the ice dancers try to drive a wedge back between them, Chet and Lorenzo confess that they're both jealous of each other and simply fight because they don't want to be forgotten. They even work in perfect tandem to get back on the bull and ride it to Buñol.
    • During the Tomatina challenge, Dani is quick to protect Syd from enemy tomatoes so his allergies don't go off by throwing counter tomatoes.
    • Ryan saving Stephanie as she falls off the pole.
    • When the Reality Pros arrive at the chill zone, Noah lets Owen feast on the ham as a reward for listening to him about not immediately eating it.
    • Everyone, but the Ice Dancers, wave off Chet and Lorenzo when they get eliminated. The first thing they do is head off to find a place that will cook their ham.
  • In Geelong, Bridgette has a small cameo. Geoff and Brody are both happy to see her and she clearly appreciated the brief encounter.
  • In the Outback, Leo and June finally confess their love to each other and the deep seated reasons as to why they found it so difficult to do it earlier. Inspite of how difficult it was for the both of them to admit it, it was clearly something they both needed to get off their chests. This leads to them becoming a couple.
    • Upon being eliminated Aaron kisses Syd goodbye.
  • In New Zealand, Sanders wants to apologize to Syd for having to knock his boyfriend out of the race.
    • In place of the Surfers, Junior bonds with the Anime Nerds and Animaniacs on the train ride up the mountain.
    • When the judges insult Quince for not really being a man inspite of completing the haka, June assures him not to let it get to him.
    • Similarly, Jordan helps ease Fabian's worries enough for them to complete the challenge.
    • Dani manages to snap Syd out of his funk by reminding him how she pulled herself out of a funk when his father left them.
  • In Alberta, Fabian manages to bond with Tom and Jen by introducing them to some of his favorite music.
    • Quince being to one to get June back on her feet during the pork n beans challenge.
    • Quince and Annie become a couple themselves. Annie admits that it's nice to be with someone who gets her and doesn't see her as someone younger but an equal.
      • When June and Syd get indigestion from the pork n beans challenge Annie quickly prepares a family remedy for both of them, no questions asked.
  • At the North Pole, Annie tells Junior he should still tell Carrie about the crush he has on her if he wants to get it off his chest.
    • Following up on this, though Carrie tells him they don't stand a chance, she still turns him down as gently as she can and tells him there is someone out there for him. And she still wants to be friends.
    • Fabian and Jordan befriend an Artic Fox, she even gets to play with Loki when they reach the chillzone.
  • In Indonesia, Dwayne manages to get Junior's spirits back up when he slips into unhappiness after Carrie's rejection.
    • While Sam and Fabian are off elsewhere, Jordan and May spend a fair amount time talking to each other. They admit it's the most time they've had with it just being the 2 of them in 3 years.
    • When Annie is dragged into the jungle by the dragon, Leo, Quince and June do not hesitate to run after her.
      • Odd as it is, Annie helps the Komodo that dragged her off patch up problems with his mate.
    • Annie and Leo mentioning how her altruism has paid off in such circumstances like getting a chauffer for finding a cockatoo, boutique shopping after finding a diamond, and getting a puppy she herself found in an oven.
  • In Japan, at the beginning of the chapter the Anime Nerds (obviously) and Animaniacs are ecstatic to learn of their next locale. Even better, they wind up taking the top 2 spots at the end and win exclusive Miyazaki merchandise, it's enough to make them all cry Tears of Joy.
    • On the flight over, Dwayne and Junior decide to work with the Anime Nerds and Animaniacs after enjoying their company on the train in New Zealand.
    • At the sushi challenge, Stephanie gets a wasabi bomb and Ryan gets her some milk to alleviate the pain.
      • Subsequently, when Ryan saves her after her roller coaster seat fails, Stephanie realizes how abhorrently she's been treating him and profusely apologizes to him. They wind up rekindling their relationship and while they're eliminated they leave on a better note in canon.
  • In the Galapagos, Geoff is feeling nostalgic for Bridgette and resolves to use some of his winnings to help with ocean conversation.
    • When the Sisters get their camera stolen by seabirds, Emma is the one who retrieves it and tells Kitty she owes her one for getting her together with Noah.
    • Quince is quick to comfort Annie when her usual animal magnetism goes on the fritz.
    • Fabian is utterly ecstatic throughout the chapter, his friends admit he's always wanted to go to the Galapagos and when he wins a return tip at the end he openly calls it one of the best days of his life.
    • Annie nearly falls while hiking and Leo, Quince and June do not hesitate to pull her back to safety.
    • While racing to the chillzone, Josee purposefully gets the Goths wet but unlike in Finland they don't mope about and nearly quit. By their own admission "Looks don’t count, it’s the inner blackness in your soul that does."
    • The goodbyes between the Siblings to the Julliard Students.
  • In Las Vegas, Leo doesn't hesitate to be the one who gets up close and personal with the lion during the magic show if it means protecting Annie.
    • Sam helps Junior and Dwayne reconcile when the stress of the challenge winds up being too much for Junior. He begins by telling Junior that "coolness" is all in a person's head, mentions how he used to feel really invisible as a child before discovering a rock star named Sabah Sabre and Dwayne reassures him that no matter what he'll always love him for the simple sake of being his son.
    • Devin's Love Epiphany about Carrie this time includes a recollection of his precious memories about her.
  • In Mexico, Tom willingly takes the highest dive so Carrie doesn't have to do it alone.
    • Everyone in his alliance, and a few others, show grave concern when Fabian suffers an episode (revealed in the next chapter to be a fainting spell) bright on by the peppers.
    • Gross as it was, Leo and Annie help deliver a baby donkey. Subsequently Don allows them to use the laundry service with no additional questions.
    • Crimson and Ennui deliver several final remarks to their competitors upon their eliminations, proving that even if they don't outwardly show it they really do care about everyone else.
  • In San Francisco, Devin's graffiti mural is described as being a representation of his love to Carrie. She doesn't get it but she does find it lovely.
    • Following up on this, the challenge judge tells him not to lose her.
    • When Annie falls asleep after the graffiti challenge Leo carries her around for a while and even waits for her to awaken.
    • Fabian's quite elated to be back in what he calls a home away from home. He happily describes various establishments to Dwayne and Junior as they run through Pier 39.
      • When he winds up being the 10 millionth person to enter the CAL Academy of Science, he's awarded with lifetime membership.
      • When given the opportunity to win, he let's Annie and Leo take it, proclaiming that it's time for someone else to have as many memories in the city as he has.
    • Sam helps correct Dwayne's woman tattoo he got in New Zealand by having it modified to look cooler.
    • The Cadets and Gym Rats form an alliance, and although it only lasts this chapter due to the Ice Dancers chicanery, they clearly care for each other and are very sportsman like when it comes down to the 2 of them in the race to the chill zone.
  • In Vietnam, Dwayne teaches Junior to catfish noodle and unlike most of his previous attempts to bond with him he doesn't louse this one up.
    • When Devin brings the crocodile to the boat and it eats the fish, Tom and Jen are quick to lie to Carrie about what happened as they know Devin wants to really impress her before admitting his love.
    • Upon the elimination of the surfers, MacArthur says that while she's not interested in dating, she'd be willing to hang out with Brody at his favorite surf shack.
  • In Russia, Annie is the only one to congratulate the bottom 4 teams for making it onto the plane in time. Further proof that she really is a Spirited Competitor at her core.
    • Tom and Jen manage to hook up a fisherman who was a former Ice Yacht champion and actually steers them to the borehole while they huddle together for warmth.
    • Dwayne clearly has qualms about putting Junior into the borehole, to the point where he imagines the poor boy being pulled into it by a devil, so when Junior finds the ball he cranks him up as fast a possible to make sure he's nice and safe.
  • In India, Fabian owes his life to Sam and May when they, or rather their monkeys, save him from a cobra.
    • Though Fabian apparently never got around to learning how to ride a bike he doesn't hesitate to try for the sake of Jordan and the competition.
    • Upon their elimination Tom and Jen tell Carrie they're glad at least she and Devin are still in and want to interview them first when they win, and give Devin some final encouragement in regards to his feelings. Everyone else, save the ice dancers, bids them adieu in their own ways, Annie hugs them, Sam gives them one of his piercings and they even tell Junior and Sanders how good they accessorize.
  • In Greece, on the flight over Sam and Jordan give Devin and Carrie, respectively some much needed advice. Sam tells Devin he shouldn't be some perfect paragon cause Carrie loved him for being himself and Jordan tells Carrie that love, while important, shouldn't be built up so religiously and she'll be happier for it.
    • At several points throughout the Herculean labors task the competitors team up knowing that they stand a better chance at succeeding, and eliminating the ice dancers, than if they try to do it alone.
      • Devin finds the power to complete the tasks at several points due to his love for Carrie.
    • Crossing over with Funny Moments Junior nearly pieces Sam in the testicles while firing an arrow and all Sam can say is to keep trying, totally nonplussed.
    • Fabian and Kitty hold hands as they dive into the snake pit for the final task.
    • Though it's totally unrelated to the main plot, a restaurant owning couple rejoices when the silver medals Josee rejected wind up in their possession allowing them to keep their business.
    • Devin finally confesses his love to Carrie after he saves her from sinking into the snake pit, penalty be damned. He initially doesn't even think of himself as worthy enough for someone like her but she shoots this down saying that even if they're trainwrecks, she's okay with that. And then they kiss.
      • Following up on this, when they announce their new relationship status upon being eliminated everyone but the ice dancers congratulate them. Of special note is Junior wishing them good tidings, especially when you recall how he had a crush on Carrie and was heartbroken when she said no, and them complementing him on his mature reaction.
      • Finally, they decide to have their first date in Athens (at the restaurant Josee inadvertently saved from ruin) and the text describes the love goddess Aphrodite switching from writing their friendship to writing their relationship, indicating that they truly are meant to be.
  • In Rome, the Animaniacs and Anime Nerds assure Junior that he should take his time to decide what he should do with his life as many people found their calling beyond what some would consider their "prime years".
    • During the pasta making challenge Junior tells his dad to "never say never", indicating he's making an effort to listen to him.
    • When Jacques takes Junior's money and leaves him hanging on the Trevi Fountain Dwayne stands up to him and calls him and Josee out for desecrating the good name of the game. He gets tossed into the fountain because of it, but it's definitely the thought that counts.
    • Upon their win of the Ferrari, Kitty lets Emma have it as she got her license first.
    • When Dwayne arrives at the chill zone last, literally crawling after throwing his back out, Junior helps him back up and they step over it together. The remaining good teams all wish them a fond farewell, especially their best friends the Anime Nerds and Animaniacs.
  • In England, Leo and Annie are ecstatic to visit London as it's where their grandfather was born and they wind up being the victors this leg, thanks to the Ice Dancers penalty.
    • Fabian powering through his dislocated shoulder to complete the Stonehenge challenge.
    • After getting his shoulder back in place but wasting all their money on it seems like Jordan and Fabian are sunk, that is until they find a woman named Anjel Williams who agrees to drive them wherever they have to go because her son, who's autistic like Fabian, is a big fan of them.
      • Fabian admits he wants to do the Storm The Castle challenge inspite of being injured earlier so he can prove to Anjel's son, and himself, that he can do amazing things. Jordan tells him that he doesn't need to prove something to her or himself because she loves him for who he his, not because of the amazing things he does.
      • When he's knocked unconscious by the cannonball, Fabian's emotions manage to awaken him by playing his favorite memories of him and Jordan.
      • Anjel offers to drive Fabian back to the hospital after noticing his black eye.
    • Emma and Kitty stopped to get fish and chips for everyone, save Jacques and Josee.
    • When Jordan helps Fabian over the chill zone, after he falls down the steps from lapsing into unconsciousness, the good teams all send them off with high regards. Sam and May take special time to remark how much fun the race was as a quartet.
    • Inspite of their elimination, Jordan decides that they should visit the British Museum before heading back home.
  • In Washington DC, May brings up that trip to DC mentioned by Fabian in India, she proudly calls it their last romp as children before heading off to college in addition to being her best birthday ever. When she and Sam win the leg, they are gifted a trip to DC meaning the 4 of them can have another wonderful adventure.
    • Gabriella and Nekota finding MacArthur's passport, returning it to the Cadets and offering to drive them around DC, and Sanders promises that if their team sticks around they'll get some alimony pay. Unfortunately they don't but it was clear she was genuine and grateful.
    • At the Library challenge, May left cheat sheets for everyone but Josee to find, not only does this help Leo and Emma but it also greatly helps Sanders.
    • At the end, Gabriella and Nekota offer to take the cadets out to a restaurant to make up for their elimination, and the cadets offer to pay for helping them out so much.
  • In Argentina, Leo affirms Annie that even if they have to resort to sabotage to beat the Ice dancers, they could still never reach their level of lowness.
    • Leo finds it difficult to perform the tango challenge as he still feels guilty that June and Quince were eliminated when the Ice Dancers tried to send him and Annie home but Annie gets him back in the swing of things by repeating what he said to her about "defeating them for the sake of integrity" on the flight over.
    • Sam tells May that even if she isn't athletic in the traditional sense he still considers her an athlete as she always finds a solution to a problem.
  • In the Bahamas, Annie tearfully admitting that while she wants to search for Kitty when she gets stuck in the underwater tunnels she must worry about her own place in the competition now that it's the quarterfinals. Emma admits that she probably wouldn't have done it any different if she was in that situation, and you really do believe her when she says it's one of the most difficult things she's had to do in her life.
    • Coming off this, Leo assures her with something she told him all the way back in Morocco about how if you have faith, the things you need will be bestowed upon you.
    • On the way to the airport early in the chapter, Kitty remarks that she still uses a gift Emma gave her for Christmas, a word a day calendar, something many would consider lame.
  • In the New York finale, Sam notices how exhausted May after they reach the midway point so he gets her some bananas to get her energy back up to normal.
    • Jacques manages to snap Josee out of her rampage by assuring her that they can improve themselves together. Though this is circumvented by them being shot with tranq darts.
    • The ending in which Sam and May win; Leo tells Annie she doesn't need to apologize for being the last person to reach the chillzone as their teamwork is the reason they're even in 2nd place to begin with. They then meet up with June and Quince and they respectively kiss their partners.
    • The ending in which Leo and Annie win; Sam and May share a small kiss and meet up with Jordan and Fabian to plan all the fun trips they won over the course of the race.
