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Heartwarming / Mini Monsters

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  • A case of Fridge Brilliance: During all the first album, Victor seemed extremely worried about his family and tries to tell them not to drink the poison. This shows that, even if Victor is a jerkass to them, he still cares about them.
    • And in the second album, he gets another Pet the Dog moment: He joins Frank, Lupo and Piruja to stop Miss Hit ( Who is Henrietta's evil alter-ego) and rescue everyone. He's still abrasive as always, but considering he WILLINGLY joined to help despite his personality, it's a very powerful one.
  • In the first album, Victor's official admission in the Frank's gang. The guys celebrate and cheer for Victor's admission and not seeing toilet bowls again. That makes anyone having a warm sensation in his heart...
    • Too bad all goes to hell when they realize they drank the poison, and they end up in the bathroom. Yank the Dog's Chain, indeed.
  • The end of the second album plays this far straighter: After all the crap Frank has went through, he ends up saving Henrietta (and everyone) from Miss Hit. And not only that: Lupo gives him Victor's mirror, which show the true appearance of the guy it reflects (and served as a Chekhov's Gun previously). Frank looks at it... And it doesn't break. Cue Tears of Joy from Frank and the viewer. This moment marks the fact that Frank finally is able to accept himself. He really deserved it.
