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Heartwarming / Always Raining Here

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  • Carter deciding not to take advantage of a very drunk Adrian at the party. Which was quite a surprising turn on his character, as he had been trying to have sex with Adrian since they met, but, when given the chance, ultimately decides not to. He even gets Adrian home via bike.
  • Carter helping Adrian for a whole day to get a theater piece set, and both smiling and promising to text each other when they have to leave. Also Adrian teasing a blushing Carter about his Animal Crossing addiction.
  • Adrian and Carter's unexpected friendship after they decide to start over. They start to hang out, walk home together, become texting buddies, help with theater, eat together and watch the stars together without Adrian getting annoyed.
  • Carter's character development into a nicer guy for Adrian, to the point that he doesn't notice Adrian feeling tempted to hold his hand when they are watching the stars.
  • Adrian trusting Carter enough to invite him inside his house. Also the pair being adorable wrestling over Oreos and playing video games.
  • In Page 202, Carter says he is falling in love with Adrian. To his surprise, Adrian finally admits that he is as well, so Carter pulls him to the puddle they fell into, and Carter says that they will kiss "without having bad reasons to do so" after all. The fact that Adrian is kissing him with a happy smile is a big step for him.
