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Headscratchers / The Simpsons S6 E6 "Treehouse of Horror V"

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  • When Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers return to the inn after the end of "The Shinning" and find the family frozen to death, will Mr. Burns still owe Mr. Smithers a Coke?
  • The Close-Enough Timeline provides Homer with a fork, even though the rest of the family has no need of such utensils, nor does the family act surprised when they see Homer use these instead of his tongue. Has history been rewritten to accept Homer's lack of reptilian tongue, or is that universe inhabited by both regular humans and tongue humans, with the kids inheriting the tongue from their mother?
    • Maybe but it's not a given. Even with the tongues you'd still need forks for some foods, ones too heavy to lift with the tongue.
    • Holding food still while cutting it into smaller pieces.
