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Headscratchers / The Butter Battle Book

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  • Maybe I'm getting sucked into the Yook's mentality here, but...why would you eat bread with the buttered side down? You'd get butter all over your fingers and chin.
    • The Zooks probably find it more delicious for the bottom of their mouth and tongue to taste the butter first.
      • I don't think they're right. My brother tried doing so with a cheese cream toast, and it tasted more like bread than cream cheese. Of course, up until then he only ate butter side up, so this argument may be biased. I do, however, have a more scientific argument in the Yooks' favor: it's less risky to hold the bread butter side up than butter side down since you can apply more force on the toast if it's butter side up. Of course, that likely means the Zooks have a better grip than the Yooks, so I'll credit them for that.
