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Headscratchers / The ABCs of Death

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  • Why did it take the man from "D is for Dogfight" so long to recognize his dog?
    • He was a puppy when he was taken.
  • What exactly is going on with Zetsumetsu (Extinction)? I've heard people say that it's an anti-American Propaganda Piece, that it's trying to depict some sort of perspective on how Japanese and American culture influenced each other, that it has a message about nuclear war and/or energy, that it's meant to cater to some sort of fetish, that it's supposed to be a reference to Dr. Strangelove and that's it, and of course, I've heard people say that they have no idea what it's trying to do. I personally believe it's trying to offend as many people as it can just because, but I'd like to hear some other perspectives. For that matter, why is it called "Zetsumetsu (Extinction)" (other than the fact that it was originally going to be titled "Rice," but there was already an R short)? Sure, there's a whole "nuclear war/disaster" thing going on, but I don't think that would be enough to render humanity extinct...
