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Headscratchers / Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S04E25 "Body Parts"

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  • Since the contract seemed to only specify a certain number of jars of "vacuum-sealed Quark", one wonders why Quark didn't just have Dr Bashir clone enough of his own bodily tissue to fill the order and pass it on to Brunt, contract fulfilled.
    • Or apply Rule 239: “Never be afraid to mislabel a product.“ as Gint even reminds Quark with a wink while they are discussing his problem. One wonders why Quark doesn’t sell Brunt vacuum sealed quarks.
      • It's likely that these dodges would not hold up in a Ferengi court, so Quark would be right back to square one. The Rules of Acquisition seem to hold a double standard for Ferengi dealings with each other, requiring more honesty.
        • Plus what Brunt really wants is Quark dead. Doesn't matter to him whether he's dead in truth or just dead to their people. He'd probably argue that he said "vacuum-sealed Quark" not "vacuum-sealed Quark clone" and would take legal action for attempting to "cheat" him.
