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Headscratchers / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

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  • Why is Tohru bent on getting Kobayashi to eat her cooked tail? Is it some form of affection that makes sense to dragons, but not humans?
    • The likely explanation is that by eating the tail, Kobayashi would be granted immortality, or at least a long enough lifespan equivalent to that of a dragon such as Tohru. That or she's just being creepy. Or some combination of the two.
  • Why is Lucoa's dragon form in the intro completely black like Fafnir? I can understand why Fafnir's true form would be hidden in the darkness, but why the same treatment for Lucoa? Is Lucoa's dragon form actually black?
    • It's supposed to be a silhouette, since her dragon form never shows up in the anime.
    • Lucoa's dragon form hadn't been designed when the intro of the anime was made.
    • Her dragon form now appears in the intro of S2.
  • Why would Tohru's father, who raised her to hate humans, be so concerned about the Chaos Dragon vs. Harmony Dragon war spreading to the Human World — especially given that he's a member of the Chaos Faction?
    • It's outright stated that there is a tier of beings above Dragons, Divinity, which Lucoa was part of before she lost her seat as a goddess, for them to be a whole tier above Dragons, the Divine must be significantly stronger than them, and likely sets the rules to make sure that Dragons don't go haywire across all realms of reality, and Tohru's father may fear the divine retribution that every dragon would suffer if those rules were broken... arguably this could highlight how much Tohru cares for Kabayashi, as she is willing to put so much at risk to stay with her.
  • If Elma had arrived when Clemene tried to call for her or showed up instead of Tohru, would she have helped him given that he was trying to kill a Chaos Dragon; or would she have fought him herself given that he broke the "no interference" law by attacking Kobayashi, who Elma has a crush on?
    • Option C: Paralyzed with indecision.
  • Why, in an obstinately currently modern day world, is Shouta a wizard? If I remember correctly, he says his father, Kobayashi's boss, is a powerful alchemist? Granted, some creatures from Tohru's world are here as well, but wouldn't it seem suspicious that a nominally ordinary school boy is summoning creatures and his father seemingly has even greater magical powers?
    • Shouta and his family may be from the other world. His father, the CEO of Kobayashi's company, is never shown but there might be a back story there. He may have owned many companies over the years. Perhaps they came to our world, as the other creatures at the comic convention did. It would make sense for a family of "mages" as they might consider our world as a peaceful place to chill out and get some studying done.
    • If we assume that they come from the a Medieval Fantasy world, then there would likely be more job opportunities here as well.
    • Apparently, the mage side of the world is fairly well-integrated into modern society, and has even modernised, as seen by how Shouta can obtain his mage stuff online using a spell.
  • How the hell does Elma got her job in the first place? pretty sure the last thing a programmimg company wants is a person who doesn't even know what a computer is.
    • Likely? She pulled some strings/faked some stuff, and she may be in with Shouta's father. Also, there may have been an opening for secretary, essentially. She may also be an unpaid/barely paid intern.
    • According to the Manga, she was a trainee and Kobayashi was covering her work for her.
    • Given the reveal as to who Shouta's father is, it's most likely that he wanted to keep an eye on her.
  • So, Fafnir's first impression is a big scary literal monster who seems to be able to destroy the world. So why in the name of hell does Takiya plays Dark Souls Expy right in front of his face? Y'know, the game where you are fighting giant monsters?
    • Trying to show him the other point of view? Find some common ground? Takiya is an idiot?
    • It seemed to have worked, considering Fafnir didn't get angry with Takiya's choice of game. He probably enjoyed the Norse mythology references in the Dark Souls Expy.
    • Because why would he be any more offended about a game where you kill monsters then we would be about all the games about killing other humans? Especially since if we assume its like dark souls there would be plenty of friendly monsters (and you are technically playing one yourself) and the gods are shown to be kind of assholes who's genocide of the dragons was morally grey at best.
      • Also you can play a game about fighting your own race/affiliation/religion/whatever and not care about it at all because it's a video game.
    • Plus, Fafnir may find it cathartic. Dragons seem to rather enjoy fighting each other (given that Kanna and Tohru consider battling each other "playing"), so Fafnir may actually enjoy the idea of fighting giant monsters without the hassle of actually dealing with people really enjoyable.
    • Fafnir in general seems to only care about humans killing big monster if the big monster is him and the humans want his treasure. Other than that, he wouldn't really be bothered by the game.
  • If Kobayashi passes away, would Tohru remain in the human world to take care of Kanna until she grows up?
    • It's less of an "if" and more of a "when", but it all comes down to whether or not growing up on Earth causes Kanna to mature emotionally at a human rate. Regardless, it's almost certain that they will both remain until the sun expands and swallows the planet.
    • I think this is probably a plot point why Tohru is force feeding Kobayashi her tail. Consuming dragon flesh can grant Kobayashi the same lifespan as Tohru, so force feeding Kobayashi with her tail is Tohru’s way of getting Kobayashi to stay with her for the remainder of her life.
  • Do beaches really kick out people if their swimsuit is too skimpy? In the beach episode, Lucoa wears a swimsuit that is basically 2 straps. The lifeguard promptly wraps in a towel and drags her away. Because her suit is too skimpy. Do beaches actually do this?
    • She returned with a less-revealing outfit. There's a pretty fine-line between skimpy and revealing. Lucoa crossed that line.
    • It probably depends of the country. In some (non-nudist) beaches, it's considered okay for women to get topless.
  • When Kanna first meet Kobayashi, how come she can only throw some weak, pathetic punches at her? Aren't dragons, even without mana, supposed to be physically way stronger than even the fittest of humans, let alone a programmer with Geek Physique like Kobayashi?
    • A dragon's human body is physically human in every way, their super strength comes from using mana to reinforce their muscles.
  • When Lucoa looked for a reason for Shouta to keep her around, why the hell didn't the ex-goddess think of offering to teach him magic instead of simply giving the power to him? She could still give him great power and he'd earn it instead of simply having it bestowed on him.
    • Maybe it was a way to keep him from trying to summon something else to gain power. If he has a teacher, then he can still make a contract for more power. But if he already has a contract, or even something similar to one (such as a benefactor), then trying to make another one suddenly becomes a legal mess; it's anywhere from a lot harder to outright impossible, especially if the other entity would want to be his sole benefactor. And seeing how she got there in the first place by intercepting his attempt to summon a demon, it stands to reason that letting him think she's the demon he summoned is the best way to protect him from accidentally selling his soul or something.
  • Why do Kanna and Elma have to hide their horns in Public, yet Tohru, Lucoa and Ilulu's horns are visible without anybody suspecting a thing?
    • Elma is a Harmony Dragon following the "law of this world" to the T, and Kanna wants to blend in with humans and have friends. In contrast, Tohru seems to be too prideful of her dragon heritage (and is already dismissed as cosplay anyway), Fafnir's form was picked out for him due to his monstrous original "human" form, and Ilulu tried her best. Don't remember if there's any explicit explanation for Lucoa, but she already know easy Weirdness Censor and Laser-Guided Amnesia spells.
