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Headscratchers / Little Hope

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  • OK so, this is another hallucination twist ending and the supernatural elements aren't real. Ok fair enough, BUT what was the shadowy apparition with Megan? Also, if the other characters was just in Anthony's head why was they given POV's for the audience to see?
    • The shadowy figure standing next to Megan may have been a representation of her mental illness. It's possible that they were given POV scenes since they're figments of Anthony's imagination, and therefore an extension of him.
    • There's always a possibility that this one example was genuinely supernatural, and we'll figure out what it was in a later game. References to House of Ashes showed up in Man of Medan, after all, two years before the associated entry in the anthology came out.
  • Also what is up with Taylor's teefus. Sure she's a college student who probably can't afford a dental plan, but damn.
    • You just answered your own question: she probably can't afford a dental plan, and since she died in the '70's, the dental technology probably wasn't as good as today's anyway.
  • Why did Taylor and Daniel have a whole romantic subplot going on when they were Anthony's hallucinations of his family and therefore he would subconsciously know them as SIBLINGS?
    • To make it easier to hide the plot twist from the player.
  • Following on from the previous point why would Anthony hallucinate his mother and father as a professor and student respectively?. Regardless of the age of the student any romance between a professor and student is a moral and ethical no no.
    • It seems like there's not much connection between the real versions of the characters and the hallucinatory versions conjured up in his head. An in-universe explanation might be that his subconscious is trying to distance them from the people he lost, even as he's coming to terms with that loss. After all, only the reverend and Mary (to a lesser extent) play the roles that they did in his own life, with the reverend as an abusive figure in both settings and Mary as one of his victims.
  • When the twist is revealed, we see that Anthony was actually the one walking the path followed by the characters in real life, doing the main actions and interactions. Which is fine except that there are multiple points where the group splits up and takes two completely different paths simultaneously. Anthony can't have been in two places at once - so what was actually happening during these scenes?
    • We can probably assume in these cases that whichever group Andrew was in was where Anthony actually was - but then what's the explanation for the groups he WASN'T a part of? Presumably it's true that Anthony knows enough about the layout of the town from having grown up there to imagine or hallucinate these alternate paths, but WHEN did he hallucinate these events if he was already hallucinating things around him on the path he actually took?
