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Headscratchers / Disenchantment

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    Bean held responsible for Guysbert's death 
  • Why does everyone act like Bean directly killed Prince Guysbert? Sure, she panicked and knocked the ring out of his hand, but the prince could have easily stepped to the side to grab the ring, instead of impaling his head on the pointy chair. It's not like Bean was there pushing his head onto the blade.
    • Because it's more or less a world filled with stupid people who blame her for it because of Rule of Funny.
    • The only person who explicitly claims that Bean killed Guysbert is his brother Merkimer, who was actually pleased because it made him heir to the throne of Bentwood. Luci mentions it offhandedly, but as if it were a joke. It took a while for anybody to even dislodge Guysbert from the throne and even then they just tossed him on a rubbish pile.

    The Bozak's attack 
  • Why did the Bozaks immediately attack the ship, they're allies with Dreamland and were presumably close to Dreamland, so why did they attack the first ship they saw?
    • Presumably, the Bozaks mistook the fireworks launched by the Party Barge for cannon fire, they didn't start attacking until they saw this apparent provocation.
      • Except that they were shouting and waving weapons even before the cannon was fired. You would think that since they were headed towards Dreamland, a deep water port, they wouldn't have immediately shown arms to just any ship they came across.

    Elfo's fake girlfriend 
  • Why did Elfo need to make up a fake girlfriend? We know he's had at least one actual girlfriend, who very conveniently lives in a Hidden Elf Village and therefore won't be bumping into Bean and Luci anytime soon (or at least, he had no reason to believe at the time that she would). All he had to do was tell the truth for the most part, but pretend that they were still together, so why the frantic improvisation?
    • Perhaps it was the Bliss slowly taking into effect?
    • He was likely trying to make Bean jealous while he was at it, given his crush on her and the embarrassment of Luci's teasing. When Luci points out the likelihood of the girlfriend in question being an elf (something Bean likely wouldn't feel threatened by if she was interested in Elfo herself) he remarks "No, she's big! Bigger than you'll ever be!" and describes her as a Green-Eyed Redhead, all of which are commonly seen as attractive traits.
    • He was also combating every detail Luci used to describe Bean. She doesn't have white hair, she has red hair. She doesn't have two blue eyes, she has one green eye.

    Big Jo's immortality 
  • So, does anyone have any ideas or guesses for how Big Jo could survive falling into that volcano?
    • It's been implied that Big Jo isn't exactly human (between the teleportation, deep (but not complete) knowledge of the supernatural, etc.); it's possible he could be anything from another species to able to resurrect himself (he does offhand mention spending years practicing necromancy after all).

    Hiding the corpses 
  • At the end of "Castle Party Massacre", why did Bean, Elfo, and Luci decide to shove all those corpses up inside Zog's chimney, instead of dropping them down the trapdoor to the ocean? Was this supposed to be an intentional Idiot Ball moment?
    • Maybe they were worried the bodies would wash up on shore. If Vikings washed up, one could assume their ship sank. But citizens washing ashore would look suspicious. And they probably thought the King would retire for the night, so they could smuggle out the bodies later when the coast was clear.
    • But then the next question becomes: what did they do with the Land Viking ship that was parked right outside of the castle?
      • That ship must have been moved or destroyed offscreen.

    Odval's alliances 
  • Who does Odval work for? He is clearly the prime minister and top adviser for King Zog, but in "Dreamland Falls" he is seen working with Oona to warn Dankmire about Dreamland wanting to kill her. Later, he is seen suggesting to Zog that he should kill Oona. So, who is his boss? There was the thought that it might be Queen Dagmar, but then why would he have been turned to stone? It can't be Oona, unless the kill order was part of some plot of hers.
    • Odval works for Zog, but it seems he's willing to go behind his back when he disagrees with him (seeing how incompetent Zog is, it's probably the only reason Dreamland even remotely functions). What most likely happened was he warned Oona because he knew that any action against her most likely would plunge Dreamland into war with Dankmire; and was hoping they could smooth things over later, but when he believed Oona was cursing the kingdom, he decided she was the greater threat and needed to be dealt with.
    • One of Odval's jobs is diplomacy, and he probably had to do a great deal of it after the events of "Swamp and Circumstances", whereas Zog seemingly forgot about the whole mess as soon as he made it back to Dreamland. Odval is also more of realist when it comes to Dreamland's military preparedness, or lack thereof. So he would naturally want to avoid having Oona go running back to Dankmire crying that Zog cast her aside (or worse). As noted above, he probably has to go against Zog fairly often since Zog lacks the skills a king should have and tends to either act on impulse without considering consequences or else avoids acting at all.
    • Season 2 reveals he is in league with the Arch-druidess, who in Season 3 turns out to be working for Alva Gunderson. But it seems more likely that Odval isn't answering to anyone and is in fact the mastermind behind a conspiracy against Zog.
    • In Season 5, he says that his one true love is Dreamland, implying that he did everything because he thought Dreamland would benefit from it. And, to be fair, given how incompetent Zog and Bean are as rulers, his frequent working against them doesn't really go against this.

    Where's the Eternity Pendant? 
  • At the end of season two, did everybody just forget that they have the Eternity Pendant? Sure it could have prevented Odval’s plans, but somebody else could have still mentioned it.
    • Did they still have it? Or did Oona take it with her when she left on her career of piracy?
      • It's last seen below Dreamland in the Trøg tunnels and caves, there's a blink and you'll miss it moment where Luci picks it up and puts it back down. Dagmar most likely had the Trøgs steal it for her, since it's a useful thing to have and they have access to the entire castle, though this begs the question of why nobody mentioned that or cared that something so incredibly precious disappeared.

    Bean trusting Dagmar 
  • Why was Bean not instantly suspicious of her mother the moment she learned they were going to Maru? Was she just not paying attention to Big Joe's exposition in "The Limits of Immortality," when he mentioned that very same Maru was responsible for Cremorrah's destruction with the very same stone curse that was used against Dreamland?
    • Bean is not a deep thinker, especially when she doesn't have Luci and Elfo to bounce ideas off of.

    Five month timeskip 
  • So, in "The Very Thing" Luci mentions it's been five months since Elfo died. When exactly did that Time Skip happen? Everything that occured after his death (Bean reviving Dagmar, Dagmar revealing her true colors and petrifying Dreamland, her and Bean traveling to Maru, Bean learning her mom's true nature, she and Luci getting Elfo out of hell etc.) happens in rappid succession, suggesting a time span of at most a few weeks.
    • Traveling by boat takes quite some time and Maru is supposedly far away. It could realistically be expected that part of those five months were spent travelling to and from Maru.
    • Add to that that time in heaven/hell may very well pass differently, Luci being a demon would be able to tell the difference time-wise.
    • It is also possible that Luci was just exaggerating.

    Hidden Elf Village? 
  • It was established at the very beginning that no elf has ever left Elfwood except for Leavo (and apparently Returno, who never returned). But in season two it is indicated that the elves are very wealthy from selling candy and that Pops used to be a traveling salesman, which is how he met Elfo's mother and discovered where the Legendberry tree was located in the Valley of the Ogres. So which is it? Did the elves always stay in Elfwood, or do they send out salesmen?
    • It could be a case of 'Exact Words' in play here, elves have actually ventured out of Elfwood but no one had left as in "abandoned the village forever".
    • The statement that no Elf has ever left Elfwood came from Rulo, who is not the most thrustworthy when it comes to such claims. After all, he also claimed not even Returno ever came back after leaving, but that is proven false with the reveal in "Goodbye Bean" that Elfo's father Pops is Returno, who was clearly present in Elfwood when Rulo made the aforementioned statements.
  • On a related note: who created Elfwood? It is the single most advanced bit of magic depicted on the show, but no elves exhibit magical powers. The elves do not seem to use magic in their neighborhood in Dreamland as it has no protections or concealment. This implies that they cannot duplicate the magic that protects Elfwood.
    • Elves may not be able to do magic consciously, but elf blood is shown to have magical properties—even Elfo's blood was able to turn someone into a pig when applied a certain way, and he's not even a full elf! It's possible that what, specifically elf blood can do depends on the magical apparatus it's used in, like the eternity pendant bringing people back to life. They might have a different kind of magical apparatus that allows them to hide their village, which just requires some elf blood applied to it.
  • And why did the elves not return to Elfwood? They left because their blood was needed to unpetrify the Dreamlanders, but they settled down in Elf Alley afterwards. It would be understandable if a few elves would have stayed, but it seems like the whole population moved in.
    • It's made clear that there's something in Dreamland the Elves were after, we just don't know what.
      • The final episode of season two gives a hint as to what that something might be.
      • Season 3's finale reveals that Dreamland is the original home of the Elves.
    • Given the events of the series finale, it's likely that the elves had vast magical powers back when they controlled Dreamland, and lost them when they were forced out. So Elfwood was likely a colony they created while Dreamland was their capitol, or something they created with the last of the magic they brought with them when they were forced to flee.

    Big Jo's methods 
  • Big Jo is shown exorcising the demons he captured by throwing them into an active volcano. But why would they be affected by that, since it's stated that they are immortal, resistant to fire, and are later shown to live in a literal Fire and Brimstone Hell? It's later revealed that demons can lose their immortality, but it's never implied that Big Jo knows that, or that he could be able to turn them into mortal creatures somehow.
    • Maybe it wasn't killing them, but simply banishing them back to Hell.

    Merkimer declining to be human again 
  • So in "Hey, Pig Spender", Merkimer and Bean discover that Merkimer was not turned into a pig but actually switched bodies with one. In the climax, Merkimer and the pig that now inhabits his human body have succesfully staged a coup in Merkimer's home kingdom, but the pig would rather be an animal again, and Merkimer's court magician is able to make a potion to reverse the switch. Then, just as Merkimer is about to drink the potion, he overhears Bean, Elfo and Luci, who are about to be executed, and has second thoughts about betraying them, so he foregoes the chance to switch back and runs off to rescue them. But why? If he had taken the potion and regained his human body, that would have given him full control over the Kingdom, and thus the power to simply order the guards to cancel the execution.
    • Either he wasn't thinking clearly, or didn't want to risk their lives with the potential delay the transformation would cause.
    • Right, they weren't about to be executed, they were in the process of being executed, with Elfo crying out in pain (hilariously, but still.) Even putting aside a potential transformation delay, pigs can run faster than humans, and he only barely gets there in time.

    Odval saving Bean 
So, Odval is conspiring against king Zog, tried to have Bean burned at the stakes at the end of season 2, feared she might be an actual witch when she returned alive and well at the start of season 3, and overall considers her a threat to his plans. So then why did he stop the Arch-Druidess from shooting Bean in "Beanie Get Your Gun"? Had he not interfered, she would have taken care of Bean for him, and the blood and blame would have been on her hands, not Odval's.
  • He may have been taken aback by the Arch-Druidess going off-script to this extent — revealing her ties to Steamland and intent to kill the Princess using a gun so openly. Odval seems to favor being the power behind the throne, rather than ruling himself (possibly because of the vague curse) and this was getting too out of hand with him having no control over what the Arch-Druidess was doing by this point.
    • He doesn't seem to actually have a grand-master plan. Bean even lampshades the apparent Writing by the Seat of Your Pants schemes of the Secret Order at one point. As such it comes across he's a Opportunistic Bastard that'll attempt to make the best of any situtation.
    • Also, he doesn't seem to want to completely destabilize the kingdom (after all, if it all goes to hell, he wouldn't have a kingdom left to rule.) The Arch-Druidess does, because her plan is to have Steamland roll in and take over. So she's willing to just blatantly assassinate one of the last available members of the ruling family in public, whereas Odval isn't willing to take that risk.
    • Near the end of the series, he says that his one true love is Dreamland and that he did everything for that. Presumably he conspired against Zog and Bean because he felt they were incompetent and bad for the kingdom (which is not unreasonable), but drew the line at the Arch-Druidess trying to assassinate Bean in public, something that would clearly destabilize the kingdom, especially given that she'd revealed that she was acting on behalf of a foreign state.

    Luci's head 
  • How was Luci's head able to come back to life and talk to Bean while Luci's soul was in Heaven?
    • He's a demon. Just the fact that he has a soul is unusual. But reanimating his head could have been an example of Bean's latent magical abilities. She kept the head because she missed Luci, and when she cried, the head came alive. Not unlike how his body did when the Trogs poured the magic goo into it. Both of which preceded his soul being returned.
  • Or the heaven scenes all take place after the head stopped talking and were just shown earlier.

    No Divorce In Hell? 
  • Why is Satan a Henpecked Husband to Dagmar? If the dialogue is to be believed, she is merely the latest out of thousands of brides he has taken. That none of the previous ones seem to be around implies that he disposes of them somehow sooner or later (probably sooner). So why is he afraid of an eternity with Dagmar? Especially since he originally planned to marry Bean, it seems doubtful that he would have made the marriage contract binding for eternity, as opposed to just lasting until he was done with her.
    • Dagmar, unlike Bean, is a powerful sorceress (and it's implied that she intended to end up married to Satan all along.) So she could know exactly what loopholes to abuse to keep him in line.
    • The penultimate episode of Season 5 shows that he could leave at any time; his The Reason You Suck speech to her implies that he was actually trying to make the marriage work and that he prioritizes personal relationships over power. (The fact that everyone constantly emphasizes how attractive Dagmar is may have had something to do with it as well.)

     Bean’s Departure 
  • In the finale of the series, Bean is about to get married to Mora, but both agree that they don’t like weddings and decide to run away together. However, Bean doesn’t even bother to stay a little longer and give Elfo a proper goodbye. Why? Why would she just run off without having one final moment with her best friend?
