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Headscratchers / Blade: Trinity

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  • Abigail Whistler wears an iPod to fight. Apparently it gets her 'in the mood' which is a great explanation for completely cutting off your ability to hear in a fight with super powered creatures possessing super senses. You'd obviously want to handicap yourself in a fight like that, right?
    • I've always thought that the Nightstalkers were supposed to come off as stupid (Blade even calls them on it). This is why they die a lot.
    • A few alternative possibilities. One, her earbuds are specifically modified to not totally block sounds from her surroundings. Two, she's specifically trained herself to not rely on audio cues to know something is near her. Three, because of her being just trained enough, she wears them specifically to block ambient sounds to prevent herself from jumping at a sound and risking a friend.
  • What was the villains' plan? They go dig up Drake and then... they keep him in a room. They don't seem to discuss anything all that important with him, and they do not study his physiology or anything. What was the point? We also get the vague idea of vampires taking over and putting people into storage to be used as sources of blood, but no explanation for how they would do this on large scale.
    • Dracula is basically Blade with Shapeshifter powers and a penchant for blood. I assume they believed that, by bringing him back, let him feed a little, and then let him wonder the streets to see what the world is like, they believed they could convince him to kill Blade for them so they could get on with their final solution.
    • I don't think they had much of a plan. They seemed like the least organized group of vampires out of the movies. Frost and Damaskinos had more in depth plans and defenses, the Talos crew seemed like bored aristocrats.
  • In the theatrical ending, Drake gives Blade a parting gift in the form of shapeshifting to look like Blade in his dying moments, so that Blade can escape and be presumed dead by the authorities. The alternate ending - that the creators seem to treat as canon as it is forced as the default into every DVD release and every television airing of the movie, has Blade enter into a hibernation and waking up on the autopsy table. But they keep Drake's line about giving Blade a "parting gift", and when they find Blade's body, Drake's is no where to be found (in the original, this meant that Blade was gone and shape-shifted Drake was still there). What the hell was Drake talking about when he told Blade he was giving him a gift? Where the hell did his body go?
  • In Trinity, Hedges said that he theorizes that Drake can shapeshift saying "he has thousands of tiny bones like snakes" How could he know this? the whole "what drake looks like" Hannibal shows makes sense, especially in the extended cut where he shows the Nightstalkers have tons of artifacts relating to how Drake looks, but the shapeshifting is never mentioned during that Exposition Dump, which would have been definite info they would have shared with Blade at that point.
    • The simplest answer is that the Blade movies work on action movie rules, where characters are expected to do said exposition dumps for the sake of the audience whether there's any plausible way they'd know the information or not. A few people may complain when said inexplicable info dumps are too inexplicable, but as the reaction to Signs shows us far more people complain when the inexplicable info dumps are absent.
  • In Blade: Trinity, Hannibal King states he was a vampire for 5 years and then was given a cure to make him human again. Why wasn't he killed like any other vampire when confronted by a vampire hunter? And why don't the Nightstalkers try to cure more people? Surely there's plenty of victims who'd like to be human again.
