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Haiku / SpongeBob SquarePants S 2 E 2 "Something Smells" / "Bossy Boots"

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These haikus were posted on The Ugly Barnacle, but then, the subpages were cut. But I think we should never forget these gems, so they're copied from

A simple story
For a bad case of ugly
You Need a Breath Mint.

There was an ugly
Barnacle. So ugly that
Everyone died. Fin.


Patrick tells a tale
of an ugly barnacle
Sponge Bob was not helped.

Zfish 9

Ugly barnacle
So ugly as to cause death
Not a helpful tale.

Progeny Ex Machina

Spongebob feels ugly
Patrick tells him a story
Barnacle kills all.

Glorious Eggs

Destroys everyone!
So ugly! The death of all:
Ugly Barnacle

A Spongebob appeared!
Pat used "Ugly Barnacle"!
It's not effective...


The story? Made of
fail. The entries? Made of Win.
What's the lesson here?

Once, there was an ugly
barnacle, so grotesque
as to finish life.

Ugly Barnacle
So ugly everyone died.
Cue Slasher Smile.

Mark Lungo

Soul wrought of evil
Ere his birth, is doomed to die
Naught could have saved him...


The spawn of Satan.
Not even he was prepared
for what was to come...

Crazy Luigi

A story about
An ugly barnacle,
Never to catch on.

The Miner 2

Why is this page so
long? It is only fifteen
words. What the hell, guys?

Troper 49

I have to agree
With that Troper 49
Why would we write this?


Ugly Barnacle
So ugly every one died.
The end. That's All, Folks!.

Pgj 1997

That poor barnacle.
He didn't mean to kill them.
Maybe they faked it?

-TT 454

One little story
Spawns a multitude of tropes
Our humor is weird.

Star Tropes

Welcome to the web
Shall never be understood
Let's go for a ride.

Lord Of The Sword

Way too many tropes
For just one little story
This place is crazy.

Rise from Your Grave

Somehow this story
Got a humoungous tropes page
I don't understand

Storygirl 000

Patrick tells his friend
A barnacle is ugly
And so he kills all.

