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Genre Savvy / Tabletop Games

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  • Changeling: The Lost has the Talecrafting rules in the sourcebook Swords at Dawn: characters can purposely force Tropes to occur at will because they realize their own lives work by the rules of stories. The book actually suggests TV Tropes as a good place to find examples of patterns to use!
  • Any character with the "Horror Movie Buff" trope in Die Laughing is this (especially "The Person Who Knows They're In A Movie"), which mechanically translates to an ability that allows them to roll additional dice during a trait check if the player describes a horror movie trope that fits the scene.
  • Metagaming is actually an option for player characters in Grimm. The Gaming trait covers knowledge of such things as fairy tales, fantasy novels and films, fantasy card and board games, narrative video games, and the game Traps and Trolls. Since it covers not only knowledge of fairy tales, but things that are either directly or indirectly inspired by them, you can use this trait to cast or identify spells, recognize fairy tale settings or characters, and determine the weakness of fairy tale characters.
  • Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined is a game about travelling to different worlds in different genres, but The Connected playbook lets the player take control of a character who's a native of the world being visited. They have the move "That's Not How Things Work 'Round These Parts", which lets characters not only know how the world they're in should work, but spend a link to keep things working that way. Since like most moves it can be obtained by other playbooks through advancements, any character has the potential to become savvy.
