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Funny / The Karate Kid (1984)

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  • When Daniel is running from Johnny after turning a hose on him, he runs into the street while still wearing his shower costume, and causes a four car accident.
  • When Daniel asks Miyagi about his skill at karate, he asks what kind of belt he has. Miyagi's reply: "Canvas. You like? JC Penney, $3.98!"
    Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope hold up pants!
  • During the Wax On, Wax Off scene, Daniel takes note of just how many vehicles are in Miyagi's front yard.
    Daniel: Hey, where'd all these cars come from?
    Miyagi: Detroit!
  • Watching Miyagi show Daniel "Wax on, Wax off" is pretty funny, since the audience understands what's going on (especially on a second viewing) before he does.
  • Miyagi is doing his "catch the fly with the chopsticks" bit, and Daniel walks in.
    Daniel: What are you doing?
    Miyagi: Man who catch fly with chopsticks, accomplish anything!
    Daniel: May I try? (almost immediately catches the fly) Look! Mr. Miyagi! I did it!
    Miyagi: (throws his chopsticks down in disgust) You beginner luck!
  • This moment:
    Daniel: But when am I gonna learn how to punch?
    Miyagi: (rocking the boat) Learn how punch when learn how keep dry!
    Daniel: (falls out of boat, yelps)
    Miyagi: (laughing uproariously) Oh-ho, Daniel-san, you all wet behind ear! (Continues laughing, leaning back and nearly falling out of the boat)
  • Miyagi instructs Daniel on how to learn the essentials of balance in martial arts, while on a fishing boat:
    Miyagi: Now, stand to bow!
    Miyagi: No! Not bow! (points to the front of the boat) BOW!
  • When Miyagi requests the Cobra Kai leave Daniel alone to train for the All-Valley Karate Championships:
    Kreese: All right, no one touches the primadonna until the tournament. Is that understood?
  • Daniel attempts to stick it to the Cobra Kais by asking a teacher to repeat for them what is implied to be a dry, boring lecture. This backfires when the Cobras all promptly scatter away to class, leaving Daniel to listen to it alone.
  • Miyagi finally gives Daniel some offense training and uses himself as a target.
    Miyagi: Now punch hard. Hya! (Daniel punches him) What's the matter, you some kind of girl or something? Punch! Drive a punch! Not just arm! Whole body! Hip, leg, drive a punch! Make kiai! Hya! Hya! Give you power! Now try punch! Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya!
    Miyagi: Punch some more! Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya!
    Miyagi: Punch some more! Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya!
    Miyagi: Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya!
    Miyagi: Very good, Daniel-san! Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya!
    Miyagi: Yosh!
    Daniel: (punches) Hya! Hey, pretty good, huh? Hya! (punches again while moving around)
    Miyagi: Hey, oi, oi...
    Daniel: (moves around and punches) Look at this, Mr. Miyagi! Hey hey hey! Hya!
    Miyagi: Matte, matte. (Daniel keeps hitting him) Wait wait. Daniel-san! (Daniel keeps hitting him) Wait, chotto chotto!
    Daniel: (still punching Miyagi) What do you think, Mr. Miyagi? Huh?
    Miyagi: (had enough and floors Daniel) HYA! TA! I tell you what Miyagi think! I think you dance around too much! I think you talk too much! I think you no concentrate enough!
  • The part where Miyagi, Daniel and Ali trick a tournament official into letting her be on the sidelines so she could translate Miyagi's instructions.
    Official: Hold it, hold it! Only teachers and students on the competition floor, I'm sorry.
    Daniel: Oh, well he doesn't speak English and I can't understand his instruction without her. She's, she's his, uh, translator.
    Miyagi: (speaks Japanese gibberish)
    Official: What'd he say?
    Ali: He said you remind him of an uncle he has back in Tokyo.
    Official: (smiles) I guess it's okay.
    Miyagi: (speaks more Japanese gibberish)
    Official: What?
    Ali: He says you're very kind.
    Official: Oh, thank you.
    Miyagi: Welcome.
    Official: (looks bewildered)
  • Early in the tournament, while scouting the very flashy Darryl Vidal, Johnny can be seen in the background saying "He's not that good" to Kreese.
  • Tommy's freakout in the Tournament when Daniel beats him, as he left himself wide open to attack, is hilarious.
  • Bobby Brown's strange resemblance to Luke Skywalker. For added bonus, he even sounds like him whining when Kreese orders him to injure Daniel.
    Bobby: But I'll be disqualified!
    Luke: But I was going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!
  • A likely blooper in the first film that wasn't caught: during his fight with Johnny, Daniel points at his injured knee... And Johnny immediately smashes it.
  • After Johnny's nose gets bloodied, a member of the crowd, apropos of nothing, shouts "Johnny you're a creampuff!"
