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Funny / Shadows Over Loathing

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Although Shadows Over Loathing takes itself slightly more seriously than West of Loathing, it is still a video game that takes place in the Loathing universe.

  • Throughout the story, your character can be previously or currently employed at several different workplaces, such as an abandoned gas station, a pirate restaurant underneath the Fission Chips, and a Ford manufacturing plant. The Narrator will always argue that you couldn't have possibly ever worked there prior to its appearance in the story, and your character will always turn up with a workfile with their name on it as proof that they did. The only thing that the Narrator can argue against, it seems, is you being Employee of the Year at the Ford plant in 1909.
    Narrator: No it isn't! You were six years old!
    • Later on, you can even prove that the 1909 Employee of the Year plaque does belong to you. And that you earned it at six years old.
  • One of the late-game quests for Don Toblerone has you forging documents, doctoring files, and cooking the books. Given how Literal-Minded the mafia's tasks are when vampires aren't involved, this naturally has you pounding on the documents at a blacksmith's anvil, taking the files to an actual doctor for medical treatment, and baking their books at 400° for thirty minutes.
    • Earlier you launder some money for them. That's to say, you find a washing machine and shove filthy meat in it.
  • Using a jaunty feather to add ranged damage to a hat will ask the player if they want to name it "macaroni". The player can ask if they can name it "lasagna", instead. From this point onward, that hat will be named after whatever pasta the player chose, and it will stay that way for the rest of the game.
  • After solving the mystery of the Longerfellow and its captain, you can choose to "take the wheel"—as in, literally rip the riverboat's steering wheel from the floor and use it to decorate your room at Murray's Antiques.
    • And when you turn the wheel when it's in your room, the whole room tilts!
  • Inspecting the abandoned Largemouth Bass & Sons truck provides the player with the option to eat the truck's engine after describing the overheated engine as "cooked". The Narrator will do everything that they can to protest letting you have this option, and when they finally give up on trying to stop you they come up with the revelation that someone has already beaten you to it.
  • You can fish in the silliest places — troughs, birdbaths, sinks, tubs, sewer pipes, puddles, barrels of rainwater and random patches of deep swamp water. Because you're mostly running around heavily urbanised or industrialised areas, or in a swamp, everything you catch is horrible and disgusting.
  • If you try to use cigarettes, the narration won't let you. Of all the absurdly dangerous and unhealthy things you can do (like reaching your hand inside Shadow rifts and eating the stuff you find), smoking is a bridge too far.
  • Almost everything about the uncursing dream where you find yourself inexplicably transformed into a dinosaur. For instance, you can check the phone for messages. There's only one. It reads "Dinosaur."
  • Don Toblerone's first meeting with the PC ends thus:
    He gives you a curt nod, then leaves the room through the window.
    It takes him three of four tries to work the latch.
  • The Joshua Tree. Named after its discoverer, David E. Tree.
  • By interacting with mirrors, you can change the expression on your character's face... unless you chose the Big Ol' Eyebrows option, in which case you can only open or close your eyes.
    Player: I guess I have resting angry face. At least people can't tell when I'm scared.
  • How do you get a lawn mower to work? By having a baseball coach give it a pep talk, of course!
    Coach: "You're wet! You're tired! I can't help you with that! We can't control that! We can only control one damn thing in our lives, you understand? One damn thing! So you tell me. Yes or no. ARE YOU A BASEBALL PLAYER?"
    Lawn Mower: "Yes... yes, coach..."
    Ashley: "Oh my gosh."
    Coach: "Now you go out there and play!"
