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Funny / Scrooge (1951)

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  • Scrooge's sullen concession to giving Bob Cratchitt a single day off work.
    Bob: I'm very sorry, sir, to cause you such an inconvenience. It's the family, more than me, sir. They put their hearts into Christmas, as it were, sir.
    Scrooge: Yes, and put their hands into my pockets as it were, sir.
  • Scrooge's slowly building fear before Marley visits includes a moment where he spills his gruel out of its spoon, showing how thin it is, before dropping the spoon itself.
  • When Scrooge shows Marley the toothpick he's picked up, he waves it around for several seconds before accusing him of not looking at it.
  • Scrooge is so shaken by Marley's visit and the lamentations of the wandering spirits that he leaps into bed.
  • The corrupt businessman Mr. Jorkin gives a Sarcastic Confession when caught embezzling funds.
    Rosehed: In short, sir, you're not only a bankrupt, you're an embezzler of the company's funds.
    Jorkin: I also beat my wife and skewer innocent babies when in my cups.
  • Mr. Jorkin says that if his embezzlement scandal broke out the shareholders' meeting would resemble an orchestra of scorched cats.
  • The solemnity of Marley's impending death is briefly relieved when Scrooge greets the prematurely arrived undertaker.
    Undertaker: Ours is a highly competitive profession, sir.
    • Prior to that point: Mrs Dilber’s incredulous “I’ll see if I can get him to hold out, I’m sure!” after going to Scrooge’s office to tell him that Marley’s death is imminent, and that him might want to come see him now, only for Scrooge to tell her that he will visit after business closes at 7pm.
  • The wail Scrooge gives when he sees his gravestone is so over the top it could come across as comical to some people.
  • Scrooge's interactions with just about anyone after Christmas, but especially Mrs Dilber, who reacts like he's lost his mind.
    • Similarly, the sheer number of times and various ways Scrooge tries to reassure people he hasn't gone insane.
  • Bob Crachit's dumbfounded look after Scrooge raises his salary.
