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Funny / Rookie Blue

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  • How Jerry tries to save Sam's cover after blowing it spectacularly with a hearty greeting after Sam got arrested.
  • Gail makes Dov her Butt-Monkey for an episode after humiliating him with a video game. Specifically, forcing him to say "Gail's awesome" at every opportunity.
  • Chris's theory on the full moon and why it affects people so weirdly (because everyone's mostly made of water).
  • Dov is chasing down a perp, then the perp goes down after claiming he was shot. Dov then finds out a kid with a slingshot had hit the perp because his mom always said to listen to cops.
  • At the beginning of "Monster", Andy and Sam arrest a man who robbed a bank and got dye pack all over his face. Blue-related puns abound throughout the episode, and one officer makes a Braveheart reference.
  • After accidentally walking on Andy's dad and his girlfriend (Andy wanted to surprise him on his birthday), Andy and Sam are left with a funny but awkward conversation starter.
    Andy: Hey, when am I gonna meet your family?
    Sam: When I want to punish and humiliate you. *Beat* Hey, wanna meet my family?
  • Gail and Oliver bust a huge marijuana grow-op.
    Gail: We should celebrate!
    Oliver: We can buy shoes!
    Gail: And weapons!
    Oliver: Shoes and weapons, this is exactly what we need.
  • Dov and Gail uncover a hidden safe in "Heart Breakers, Money Makers" and try to guess what's inside.
    Dov: I bet it's drugs. Or weapons, it's always weapons with these guys.
    Gail: I bet it's a severed head.
    Dov: Why would you keep a severed head in a hidden safe?
    Gail: Well were else are you gonna keep it?
    • In the same episode, Chloe's pep-talk to Nick before his boxing match, which basically amounts to "don't let him hit you in the face, you have a nice face".
  • A lot of funny moments in "Letting Go".
    • In the first five minutes, everyone at the Penny is signing a retirement card for Helen, but they keep thinking it's for Henry. Even the people correcting others make the mistake when handing it to somebody else.
    • The same scene has Gail is making a bucket-list of things to do before she's a mother. The fact that she's calling it a bucket list leads to some confusion.
    Duncan: Why - why are you making a bucket list?
    Gail: Because I really need to go shopping for buckets.
    • Later:
    Duncan: Hey guys quick question, is Gail dying?
    Dov: I live in hope.
    • Duncan breakdancing with the kids while Gail watches. Just before the scene ends she starts to get into it too.
    • When questioning an escaped convict's girlfriend, who's closer to a Stalker with a Crush, Tracy suggests that somebody should grab her coffee. Cue a huge pause where the five uniforms standing next to her all stare in the distance to try and avoid getting stuck with her.
