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One could say "the whole thing", but while it's kinda true, that would frankly be cheating.
Episode 1
  • The first segment before the opening sets the tone pretty well, starting with a semi-serious exposition sequence (that is fast-forwarded by someone after a deep sigh)... Followed by a rapid-fire introduction to the Matsumoto family as Gogo swallows her alarm clock by accident, Mama kicks Nono's monitor out the window to make her come along, and as the car drives towards the tournament grounds, it suddenly switches to stock footage of a similar red car tumbling off a cliff.
  • The subs being a parody of old anime fansubs, right down to the unnecessary use of untranslated words with annotations, even in cases when the same word is translated perfectly fine elsewhere or immediately before!
  • The Parody Product Placement for "Snepis" comprising entirely of Gogo loudly slurping on a cup while giving a thumbs up.
  • Emperor Koro's aggressive opening speech towards the humans follows his declaration that he'll enjoy seeing the humans getting slaughtered with a cutesey "ganbare~!" The speech is accompanied by a bird landing on Gogo's head, opening it up, and literally pecking at her brains.
  • When Emperor Koro can't read the first contestant's entry sheet, Mama angrily yells at him to put on his glasses. His response? "Oh, good point!" while doing exactly that.
  • Gogo's face on the big screen being incredibly goofy... And then Gogo turns around with that exact face, followed by her subtitles reading "forreal homeboy?"
  • The near-Epic Fail of Koro covering up part of the entry form with his thumb. His reaction is a meek "o fuck."
  • Gogo briefly having an incredibly masculine voice when she gets yeeted into the arena stairs.
  • Nono boasting on Gogo's behalf, only to immediately toss her away and say "yeah, nobody cares." when Gogo sincerely thanks her.
  • The dummy with Gogo's clothes, hair and glasses that tumbles into frame when she gets hit the second time. And then Gogo shows off that she's comically ripped when she removes her gi.
  • The sheer Bloody Hilarious Crosses the Line Twice Disaster Dominoes that is the fight with the baseball demons. Probably the two biggest highlights being the guy with the Cartoon Bomb screaming "WHY THE FUCK DID I BRING THIS?!" before blowing himself up with it, and the last remaining demon hitting a home run with one of his teammates's brains, before getting crushed by Nono's monitor.
  • The "Japanese Emperor" (played by self-professed otaku SephirothSword57) who is clearly not Japanese, and is just sitting against a blank wall with a piece of paper with the Japanese flag drawn on it with the word "Japan!!". And then when his speech ends, it takes an awkward amount of time to cut away before he glances to the side and asks in English, "Can they still see me?".
  • The referee shoving the camera in Emperor Koro's mouth instead of using a normal zoom.
  • The obvious hints that Mama and Emperor Koro had a thing at one point and Koro obviously being Nono's father completely flies over Gogo's head, as she instead makes the mistake of thinking the person on the big screen is a giant. Again.
  • The fictional fansubber's notes at the end where they shill their Geocites site, and a poorly-spelled tirade where they claim to own the "copyrites" to the subs and "Fuck You!!!!!" to anyone who reposts anywhere that isn't their official site.
