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    The Game 

The Comics, Volume 1: Bad Guys Gonna Win

    Issue 1: Trouble in Paradise 

    Issue 2: It Came From The Wa-Verse 

    Issue 3: Death By Paperwork 

    Issue 4: Mala-Kart: Painbow Road 

    Issue 5: Lineage Of Tyranny 

    Issue 6: Prism 

The Comics, Volume 2: Good at Being Bad

    Issue 7: High School Crucible 

    Issue 8: Killjoy 

    Issue 9: x 99 Lives 

    Issue 10: Molotov 

    Issue 11: Mania 

    Issue 12: Fracture 

The Comics, Volume 3: Dark Hearts

    Issue 13: Noclip 

    Issue 14: The Butcher 

    Issue 15: The Scorpion 

    Issue 16: The Frog 

    Issue 17: Heartseeker 

    Issue 18: Bridal Royale 

The Comics, Volume 4:

    Issue 19: Prince Crow 

    Issue 20: Wings of Valor 

    Issue 21: Big Head 

    Issue 22: Crownapped 

    Issue 23: TBA 

    Issue 24: TBA 
