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Funny / Knock at the Cabin

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  • Wen compares one of the grasshoppers to a friend in school that passes gas a lot.
  • Leonard turns on Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City to calm down Wen when they tie up Andrew and Eric. It plays in the background while Leonard gives his speech to the family. The show's music does not in any way match the mood of this dark moment.
    • Also Leonard's assessment of the show as teaching positive social values, again after having broken into the cabin and tied Eric and Andrew up
  • In a moment of dark comedy, the home invaders awkwardly insist to Eric and Andrew that they're not homophobic after tying them up and demanding they sacrifice one of their own.
  • When they begin planning their escape, Eric tells Wen to do "what you did at Thanksgiving" as a distraction. This turns out to mean "throw a massive tantrum because she can't watch a cartoon". Leonard, an elementary school teacher, quickly tries to calm her down like one of his students, with absolutely zero success.
  • At the end, after everything they've been through, Andrew turns the radio on in Redmond's truck... only for "Boogie Shoes" to come on. He quickly turns it off, only for Wen to turn it back on... and then turn it off herself.
