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Funny / Justice League International

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  • Everyone had at least one moment (even Batman), but generally anything involving Blue Beetle and Booster Gold was hilarious.
    Beetle: Never say that.
    Booster: Why not?
    Aquaman: There you are! I'd like to have a word with you two.
    Beetle: That's why not.
  • After Maxwell Lord, Batman, and Martian Manhunter learn Blue Beetle and Booster Gold opened a Justice League-themed casino.
    Batman: The real question is, where did they get the money for it? Last I heard, those two were flat broke.
    Max: Oh, no! NO! *Runs out of the room.* They wouldn't! They couldn't!
    Batman & Manhunter: They did.
    Max: THEY DID!
    Manhunter: If this keeps up he's going to give himself an ulcer.
    Batman: He already has an ulcer. He's headed for a nervous breakdown.
    *The next panel shows Maxwell sitting in front of a giant computer with his head in his hands. On the monitor is displayed "Available League Funds: $0.00"*
    • The entire adventure of the Casino on the island of Kooey Kooey Kooey is quite funny, especially the reveal of Kooey Kooey Kooey's true nature and the reactions to the reveal.
  • While Animal Man's treatment as a completely useless hero was rather harsh and unfair, his dialogue while trying to find a nearby animal to "absorb" its "powers" as a fight broke out always cracks me up:
    Animal Man: Hold on, guys, while I... *Sees nothing but a small mouse nearby* While I...
    Mouse: Squeak!
    Animal Man: Yeah, I think you're cute, too.
  • Guy Gardner challenges Batman to a fistfight for leadership of the League. One punch later...
    • The best part? "BONK!"
    • Even better — he doesn't wake up from that punch for two issues.
    Canary: Oh God, I'm depressed...
    • "One punch! ONE PUNCH!"
    • "He's not dead. Just unconscious. Extremely unconscious."
      • Made even more funny by a much later future JLA issue that recounts the events afterwards, in which it is revealed Batman had bragged about it to Superman and Wonder Woman.
    • And before the punch, Captain Marvel tries to step in and stop the fight from happening, but Batman tells him to stay out of it. As he leaves, he begins to pout (bear in mind he's actually a kid in an adult's body).
    • Guy's personality change after coming to is an early indication of the direction things are going, humour-wise. While Guy recovers, he also undergoes a similar transformation with later blows to the head.
  • One time Guy attempted to use his ring to quickly salvage a wrecked spaceship. The way he did it caused the ship to snap in half. A visibly furious Guy has a large speech bubble with only a "*" in it. The footnote on the panel reads "Expletives. Lots of 'em."
  • The time Mr Miracle tried to land the League ship on the roof of their new brownstone headquarters . . . and ended up destroying the top two floors because Earth buildings aren't always designed to support large aircraft.
    • Martian Manhunter's reaction is also hilarious.
    Martian Manhunter: I need to find a quiet room in which to practice an ancient Martian meditation technique.
    Captain Atom: Oh, really? What is it?
    Martian Manhunter: It's called screaming.
  • Anything with the Injustice League, who in this incarnation were an entire assembly of Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains. Taking the cake, though, would be when they turned over a new leaf and joined the League, and got assigned to Antarctica. And even there they got into trouble, fighting against a horde of killer piranha penguins.
  • Not from the series itself, but a Whole Episode Flashback in the Ostrander Martian Manhunter series: the entire fiasco when Booster and Ted stole J'onn's Chocos.
  • JLI Annual 2 shows us that Mr Miracle can be defeated! Defeated in the form of not being able to set up a backyard barbecue.
  • Guy's dates with Ice. Everybody warns her about Guy, but she is convinced otherwise, and goes out with him. Of course nothing goes right, and hilarity ensues, especially when Beetle and Booster, with assistance from Kilowog, intervene with a prank at an Ice Capists show (An Ice Capades type show.)
