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Funny / Get in the Car, Loser!

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  • The victory screen for each battle includes what every party member's biggest accomplishment for that fight was, such as "Biggest Healing!" "Biggest Stagger!" or "Biggest Damage!" On occasion, Angela will simply earn the achievement of "Biggest!"
  • When the party decides to save Angela, Grace asks the Machine Devil manifestation what its name is. Its response: "FUCK YOU". Sure enough, when the fight starts, the boss title is "Fuck You".
  • During the stop at a diner after saving Angela, Grace describes her plans for the first time, and at one point Angela (who decided to try a milkshake) suddenly starts shouting "TOO POWERFUL TOO POWERFUL". Valentin assumes she's talking about how great Grace is, but it turns out that she's just experiencing brain-freeze for the first time.
  • Line the GasLINE saleslady's pitch includes a crappy Powerpoint that has terrible resolution and even has a watermark because she apparently didn't buy the program. It even clearly has some placeholder text that no one ever got around to replacing.
  • In Act II a casual conversation reveals that the battle music is apparently playing In-Universe, and Val apparently just leaves the car radio running while the party fights monsters.
    • Also, apparently no one knows who runs the radio- including Angela, the actual angel.
  • A conversation in Act II has Angela asking Sam what enemy she hates fighting the most, and almost every answer is good; the one for Jerk Patrol has Sam openly wondering where such assholes get so many friends.
  • In Act IV Sam and Grace become horrified when they realize Val is trying to set up Angela for an "updog" joke. To all of their alarm she actually seems genuinely offended by it due to some sort of cultural misunderstanding, and Valentin hastily tries to apologize:
    Angela: "If thou art truly my friend, thou shalt show thy penance with a prayer of ILLA DIES ET IRAE DIES immediately!"
    Valentin: "Sorry, sorry! Uh, irae dee-us..."
    Angela: "It is more as though thou shouldst irae Deez Nuts"
  • One of the sidequests involve a group of four enemies that keep healing each other, with the title of "Healing Circlejerk"
    Under any other circumstances, I would find four weirdos healing each other in a circle like this to be inspirational. Unfortunately, the thing they're supportive of is the cause of evil, so they gotta go.
  • Honestly, most of the sidequest descriptions are ludicrous, and worth paying attention to.
    • Three escalating sidequests involve fighting unique Jerk Patrol enemies. The last one requires you to fight 69 of them, and lampshades the hell out of it in the description.
    • The very last one in the main game merits special mention: for old time's sake, the person who put the very first sidequest asks you to go fight a Wrongest Dolphin, which is a rename of the weakest enemy, the Wrong Dolphin, from the first area. You'd expect the last fight to be awful, right? Wrong. The Wrongest Dolphin isn't any stronger than a Wrong Dolphin and will go down in one round.
