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Funny / Future Man

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  • Doctor Stu Camillo rants to Josh about his job at swabbing urethras. Haley Joel Osment's delivery just sells it.
    Stu: Sorry doesn't re-swab those urethras. Do you think I like swabbing urethras?
    Josh: I guess it all depends on the urethra...
    Stu: NOPE! They're all bad! But I swab them all the same because it's my job, which is actually really, really important, unlike your job, which can be done by a Roomba!
    • Bonus points for Osment accidentally invoking his Sora voice during the rant.
  • Josh's very first time travel experience involves him going back to his parents' home in 1969... and promptly getting the absolute shit kicked out of him by his entire family. Including his grandma.
  • Josh finding out that Bill Cosby did a standup bit where he joked about putting Spanish Fly in a woman's drink. When he was forced to recite the joke because he was in disguise, the party goer points out that his impression was so bad that it made him hate Bill Cosby. Josh responds with "All right, well, get used to that."
  • "Give me back my dick, you fucking cock pirate!"
