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Funny / Don't Escape

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    Don't Escape 2 

  • As cruel as it is, seeing your allies stuck at the bottom of the hole trap with completely blank expressions is slightly humorous, almost as if they're still more annoyed than anything.

    Don't Escape 3 
  • At one point you're supposed to find protective glasses to use when operating a plasma torch. When you put on the glasses and hover over your character's face, the text reads Deal With It.
  • If you take the pancakes from the food machine, your inventory with the pancakes will read "A plate of pancakes ala Mark de Laplier." (This is a shout out to Markiplier)
    Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive 

  • Given Cate's Deadpan Snarker attitude, a lot of conversations with her are usually this.
    • If you ask her about Barry's home:
      David: So, what do you think about this place?
      Cate: You want me to be honest?
      David: Wait, no. Forget I asked.
    • When you ask her to distract Barry:
      David: Can you distract our friend here?
      Cate: [drawing her pistol] Oh, I know how to distract him.
      David: Could you do it without a gun?
      Cate: Alright, fine. Mr. Boring.
    • Observing the dead body by the RV with Barry on the team:
      Cate: Are you sure you don't want to bury him? Because we have sooo much time on our hands.
      David: Cate...we buried Barry's wife to help him.
      Cate: So why are they not worth getting their own funeral?
      David: Don't be snarky, okay? Of course they're worth it. We just don't have the time.
      Cate Hear that? Sorry guys, it's past our grave-digging time for today.
  • "How can I say no to a pretty lady with a loaded gun in her hand?"
  • One of the responses to Cody on how you opened the door - "I'm a Wizard"
    David: I'm a Wizard. I can teleport.
    Cody: Really?
    David: Absolutely.
    Cody: I don't believe you. Prove it. Teleport over there to the window.
    David: Can't. I'm, err. I'm out of Mana points.
  • At the RV site, talking to Cody will have him bring up the idea of there being a treasure to dig for. Cate will shut down the idea, but if you try to select the shovel after having this conversation...
    Cate: Did you really want to dig for treasure, David?
    David: I, uh...
    Cate: Great. Looks like I have TWO kids on my team.
    • Seeing this conversation gets you an achievement. The description of said achievement? "It was worth a try!"
  • The reactions of your party if you try and give them a dead bird.
    Cody: Yuck! Can I poke it?
    Barry: I'm not sure you should walk around with it in your backpack.
    Cate: Wha... Are you a cat or something? Or are you just really bad with women?
  • Cody can ask Cate why she's so mean to David, and it eventually leads to him revealing he thought the two were married the entire time. This ends up flustering Cate and turns her into a sputtering mess for the rest of the conversation. The best part is that David never says anything about it like he's avoiding getting into trouble.
  • During one idle conversation with Cody and Cate, he will ask Cate to play with him because he is bored, the conversation will go something like this.
    Cody: I'm bored, play with me.
    Cate: No. I'm busy.
    Cody: But you're not doing anything.
    Cate: Still no.
    Cody: Pleeeeeease.
    Cate: Eh...
    Cody: It's a simple game. One person has to guess what the other one sees. You start by saying "I spy with my little eye."
    Cate: I spy with my little I something beginning with the letter S.
    Cody: Sand?
    Cate: Good job, you won! Now go away.
    Cody: Yaay! Hey, wait a minute...
    • Also Cody may ask Barry to play this game with him, this is even more funny.
      Cody: Barry, can you play with me? I'm bored.
      Barry: Sure, kid. What do you want to do?
      Cody: There is this simple game where one person describes what they see and the other person has to guess. I can go first!
      Barry: Go ahead.
      Cody: I spy with my little eye something scary.
      Barry: Cate.
      Cody: How did you guess that so fast?!
  • Upon enter the Sidereal Plexus office, you get the following upon retrieving the discarded silencer:
    David: A Gun silencer? What is it doing here? Maybe it's the reason there's a dead guy at the desk.
    Cody: Assasins! Do you think they are still here?
    Barry: That's a pretty terrible way to get fired.
  • You can ask each member of Sarge's crew if they want to come with you, but they'll all say no for their own reasons. Mark declines because he thinks you're crazy people who think aliens will come and save you. David denies this and tries to explain the plan only to realize starting with "we're going to find a spaceship" just validates Mark's perspective. Cate gives David a slow-clap once it's over.
  • If you ask Cate what she thinks of the crashed plane on Day 4, she says the pilot should have taken more flying lessons.
    David: Yeah. Too bad not everyone has a God-given talent when it comes to piloting. Or landing.
    Cate: I will pretend not to hear your tone, David.
  • One of the emails on the working computer in the Sidereal Plexus office is just Cate turning down a dinner proposition.
  • On Day 2, in the very first meeting between David and Cate, he will comment on her Nice Landing, while she is standing behind the wreckage of her crushed helicopter.
David : "Nice landing."
  • If Day 2 is going to be the snow storm, Cody will want to make a snowman, but be shot down by Cate, who tells him they will have time to make snowmen the next day. Cue day 3, and there is indeed a snowman standing outside of the barn.
  • Inspect the crack on the side of the fin of the ship and you get
    a crack on the side of the shuttle's fin can mean fin-ito on our flight
  • From the Sidereal Plexus website, the fact that an entire universe was condemned by SP due to producing too many Heat Absorber Tiles and causing a new ice age. Even when they're not intentionally sacrificing alternate Earths, they still manage to cock up spectacularly.
  • Some of the failure/death scenes border on Black Comedy. One notable example is David getting zapped by a lightning through the window complete with X-Ray Sparks.
