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Funny / Debra!

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  • In “Designing Auzzie” Debra decides to help Auzzie gain confidence by helping him attract a potential girlfriend that will snap him out of his obsession with Dancy.
    Preston: Don’t you think we should tell him we’re setting him up to get someone other than Dancy?
    Debra: Why burst his verocity? When a really nice girl falls in love with Auzzie it’ll be his choice not ours. He deserves someone who will appreciate him for who he is. That’s why we have to completely change him.
    • The whole “designing” process itself is hilarious, especially the "what not to say to girl" training.
  • Debra: Things to never say to girl. Listen close. Another fifteen pounds to go and you’ll be perfect.
    Preston: Your sister’s so cute. Were you adopted?
    Debra: I’m so happy to see you… do you have Cindy's number?
    Preston: Are you as interest in ice fishing as I am?
  • Dancy's 24 hour long Villainous BSoD from Auzzie rejecting her and landing a senior girl from the same episode.
  • Gracie's disgust at her sickly sweet parents exchanging puppy talk while the family is accompanying Jack on a police stake-out is pure gold:
    Gracie: Okay, I realize you parents have to be all Swingy in the early years or you won’t get married, but as soon as your children are old enough to see, and hear, could you give it a rest?
