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Funny / Cult of Personality

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Let's not forget this is a machinima of Team Fortress 2. You're going to laugh sooner or later.

Series as a whole

  • Pretty much anything that comes out of the Robot Soldier's processor is going to be funny.
    "The natural enemy of the robot is hippies."

FYI I am a Robot

  • The RED Fem!Scout sneaks into the BLU Intel room early in the morning, stealing the briefcase from a sleeping BLU Medic. Turns out he's faking it, and knocks her upside the head with a frying pan with her back turned. The face she makes as she goes down is priceless.

Chapter 1

  • the RED Soldier, Fem!Scout, and Spy are about to place a sapper on a bulletless sentry which is quaking in fear... only to walk into the BLU Pyro. All three get caught in the flamethrower and are running off on fire. The Fem!Scout's running shouting "Oh, I'm Burnin'! I'm Burnin'!", the Soldier is rolling on the ground like a high speed barrel. "BURNING! I'M BURNING!" And the Spy is just walking boredly after them. "I do believe I am on fire."
  • After being chewed out by the lead BLU Soldier, the BLU Medic is stewing things over, when the RED Fem!Scout knocks him over the head with a frying pan. The face he makes when he goes down, followed by the Fem!Scout's regret is priceless.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

  • While recruting new members into the oWn, the Pyro sees the soon to be oWn Fem!Scout for the first time. Cue Do You Believe In Magic as he stares at her adoringly... not that she can tell. Made better(worse) when the Pyro offers her a rose(actually a severed arm).
