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Funny / BryanCroiDragon

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  • His first play through of Undertale had him with a vague knowledge of the game. He had been told the player character was named "Chara" and he had been told Mettaton was a ghost for example with the latter resulting him in believing that Napstablook was Mettaton. Also, when he first meets Sans, who is in silhouette, he believes it to be Asgore having already found him.
  • In his playing of "The Passing" in Left 4 Dead on the Tank Rush mode his cat Alex was on his lap while he played the game. Cue a tank hitting him and sending him flying, he lets out a Big "NO!" and Alex goes running.
  • His rather undisturbed reaction to Natsuki's breaking her own neck gets a "Well, that just happened."
  • In his final streaming of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker he swore "By my mother's son and that is myself" that he would beat the game before the week is out. His friend Steven then jokes that he probably won't. It turns into a a Moment of Awesome when Bryan just continues to beat the game before the week is out just as he swore he would.
  • The Google Translate compilation. Words cannot do it justice, but special mention goes to Donkey Kong coming out as Why am I having sex?, Undertale coming out as Speak your language, Sans becoming Why, and Doki Doki Literature Club becoming 'Duke Dick''.
  • Far Cry Primal Part 28: Upon discovering he has to look for clues to the rampaging Bloodtusk Mammoth's location he asks: "I can't just follow the screaming?"
  • In his guest appearance in Final Boss Fight's first Monster Prom video, Bryan answered with "The Haunting" when he had to say a movie title for a challenge. The challenge was then to decide which movie would be the weirdest to have an action figure line based on it. Tannie said "Transformers", Shannon said "Rush Hour" and John said "Avengers: Endgame". Needless to say Bryan won but an action figure based on The Haunting is hilarious to imagine.
  • During one of his early videos in his "Single Biome Survival Minecraft Challenge", he describes his singing voice, which isn't actually that bad, as sounding like a "dying moose giving birth to a hedgehog" only to relate how an individual once mangled the phrase as "a gosh-darn moose fucking a chicken." He then says "He did not say 'gosh-darn'. Don't worry, I censored it."
  • During the Donkey Kong 64 stream titled "The Donkey Kong Show", his virtual persona taps into his inner Gordon Ramsey and calls Donkey Kong a "fucking donkey."
