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  • What happens when Kirby's appetite is even larger than usual whilst he is suffering from what is apparently a mental illness? Pure hilarity.
  • This episode.
  • From the most recent (And apparently final) episode, aptly titled "Thingies":
    Luigi: Mario? I'm gonna go to the new Fast Stop and get us something to eat. Do ya want anything?
    Mario: Oh, nothing really. Maybe some canned Chef Boyardee canned goods, and maybe some smoked salmon. Some chocolate covered pretzels would be nice...
    Hours Later...
    Mario: ...and maybe some peaches, and some old fashioned marmalade. Oh, and I'd like some meatballs, to go with the chocolate syrup...
    Luigi: How about I bring you a candy bar?
    Mario: Okay!
    • In the same episode, there is a brief sidebar featuring Mario dreaming about himself and represented by Captain Lou Albano & Danny Wells. This is funny enough on its own, until Mario wakes up and tells Toad about it...
    Toad: What's wrong, Mario?
    Mario: I had that dream again.
    Toad backs away from Mario in horror.
    Toad: F-f-f...
    Mario: Oh no! I shouldn't have told him...
    Toad runs away screaming.
  • Episodes written by Klaw Kat are consistently among the funnier ones, due to the downright bizarre sense of humor he used.
