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Fridge / Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

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Fridge is for post-viewing discussion, so all spoilers are unmarked.

Fridge Brilliance
  • Unlike the current incarnations of Edred and Seng, Emma/Melinda does not immediately embrace her awakening. This is because Emma has been shown to have a healthy attachment to her current life with a happy childhood, loving parents, and a childhood friend who would have (if she stayed a normal human) become her husband. While we don't know too much about Dmitri (although the fact that he appeared to be living by himself while still a teenager suggests some familial issues), Alfie was a street urchin who's closest companions seemed to be the other members of his gang.
  • Throughout history, Unicorn would always inhabit the souls of warriors trained in combat. Though we do not see them inhabit normal civilians, this could explain why Emma has issues adapting to her powers: she has no combat experience whatsoever. Meanwhile, Alfie knew how to pick a fight thanks to working with his friends, and Dmitri was a magician, likely with some degree of using weapons for stage tricks.
  • It's interesting to note how the character designs in the intro of Unicorn Warriors Eternal change over the years to reflect different historical eras. In Ancient Egypt, the designs appear more serious, while in 1890s Europe, they become more toony and draw inspiration from old-time anime. These design choices reflect the art styles and aesthetics that people choose to represent different periods of human history in their art and animation.
    • Artists and animators often select specific styles and designs to evoke a particular era, capturing the essence and visual characteristics of the time period. This creative decision helps to immerse the audience in the historical context and adds depth to the storytelling.
    • By adapting the character designs to match the art styles of different eras, Unicorn Warriors Eternal showcases the diversity and evolution of art across different historical periods, providing a visually engaging experience that reflects the rich tapestry of human history.
  • Why is Merlin so unconcerned with the fact that Melinda nearly died in their original final battle with the Evil? This makes him seem heartless, considering it's later revealed Melinda is his daughter...but he was also JUST travelling through time to bring Copernicus to the Warriors. Of course he knew Melinda was going to be okay, since he was in the future to see it himself. His lack of concern could also be further compounded by the fact he doesn't have to just think about the now, but the future.
  • Seng apparently has descendants despite being a monk, who are usually known for being celibate. His reincarnations either already had children before Seng was reawakened or as Merlin revealed, had children after Unicorn successfully defeats the Evil in the current generation and the reincarnations are allowed to go back to their normal lives after the souls are returned back to Copernicus.
  • Why does Merlin stop his story of how he and Rakshasa fought against the Evil right when Otto’s airship appears? Because going any further might have exposed Otto’s death and the Evil having possessed Merlin afterwards.
  • It's strange that the Rakshasa is portrayed as heroic, considering their reputation as shapeshifting, deceptive cannibalistic tiger-men. However; some Rakshasa are more akin to nature spirits, so fighting against an industrialist like Otto, to protect nature makes sense. Also Rakshasas are masters of deception who better to fight against the deceitful, possession-powered Eldritch Abomination that is the Evil.

Fridge Horror

  • Edred's insistence on Emma not being Emma anymore initially implied that the souls of the Unicorn Warriors commandeer the host bodies until death... one can only imagine the original souls are in a Sealed Room in the Middle of Nowhere in the cosmic realm. Even with the reveal that the souls are reclaimed after the Evil's defeat, how many hosts might have died in the fight against the Evil while being possessed by a Unicorn fighter, with no control over their own body to prevent their demise?
  • Similar to Emma's parents and Winston, each time the Unicorn Warriors have been reincarnated, that also means the people they are reincarnated in have been separated from their loved ones. And unlike in Emma's case, they didn't retain their previous memories of their life. And some of those people were adults, and could've been parents.
  • The Werewolf that attacked Winston in "The Past Within". Just how did he become one in the first place? Whether he inherited it or was bitten, does this mean that there are several Werewolves out there in the world of this series?
  • Since the souls of the three immediately leave their hosts bodies when the Evil is defeated, how many of Unicorn’s previous hosts suddenly found themselves in a strange unknown land with no idea how to get back to their homes?
    • However, if the prologue is of any indication, the new incarnations of the Unicorn warriors are usually found and awakened in the same country. Therefore when the spirits of the warriors do leave their hosts, they're not completely lost and can easily return home.
