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Fridge / The Mitchells vs. the Machines

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Eric and Deborahbot's "faces" are noticeably different. Neither are winning awards for artistry, but Deborahbot's is more detailed and symmetrical while Eric's is cruder and misaligned. This is likely because Eric, the (slightly) smarter of the two robots, was drawing the "faces". It would be easier for him to draw Deborahbot's "face" because he can look directly at it while drawing, while he can't see his own "face" and thus would have a harder time on it.
  • Katie has a rainbow pin in her hoodie and is dating Jade at the end.
  • Why seven rockets specifically? There’s approximately 7 billion people on the planet, so each rocket would hold about 1 billion people.
    • It is possible that one rocket ship was made for each of the seven continents. In the inflight video, the rockets are shown to be different sizes, possibly as big as to hold the population of each continent.
      • Doubtful; Assuming the video showed them to scale, you shouldn't need a rocket even the smallest size shown for the population of Antarctica unless you were abducting the penguins.
  • This is a movie all about our interactions with technology and the internet and a father and daughter who are on opposite ends of the spectrum about how they perceive it. What licensed music did they use as their bonding song? "Live Your Life" by T.I. and Rihanna. Which borrows from "Dragostea Din Tei" by OZone. A song that was used to create Numa Numa, one of the most famous memes in internet history.
  • According to Game Theory (the field, not the webshow), the only match for a perfect player is an unpredictable player. Pal and company, being A.I.s, have perfect understanding of human behavior from all the data they've collected and analyzed, so of course the only match for them is the unpredictable Mitchell family.
  • PAL dying to a glass of water seems odd; something that advanced should be waterproof, right? Or at least have a waterproof case on it. But in that last shot, you'll see that her screen cracked from the initial impact and even has a chip of it missing now, allowing the water to easily enter to short-circuit her regardless of any waterproofing her casing had to begin with.
  • When the Mitchells first avoid being captured by the robots, it might seem odd that the robots aren't able to detect them at first. But looking back, they hid in an ice machine. Not only would the thick metal have hampered their ability to detect them, but it likely also hid their body temperature with the cold, keeping them from detecting them that way.
  • Most of the Mitchells wear square-framed glasses. Their rival neighbors, the Poseys, have good eyesight, but their daughter Abbey wears glasses. By the end of the film, Abbey becomes the Posey closest to the Mitchells by bonding with Aaron, who currently doesn't need glasses.
  • PAL having information about Katie, Aaron and Linda thanks to data collection is understandable, but how it was able to know about Rick's flaws if he barely uses a phone, much less the internet? Easy: PAL knows about him retroactively by his family's anecdotes about him they're likely to share in social media. It's no coincidence that his principal flaw is about how he can't accept his daughter is her own person now; most likely Katie has ranted about it many times in her Twitter.

Fridge Horror

  • How many people were killed during PAL's takeover? I mean when those robots landed at the Dinostop they caused some kind of shockwave which resulted in Katie and several others being pushed to the ground. If that shockwave was caused by 2 robots landing, how much destruction was caused by dozens of robots landing all at once and how many people got injured or killed by those shockwaves? Also, there were probably dozens of babies and kids who managed to avoid detection, but were on their own with no idea of what's happened. The babies probably have no idea what happened to their parents and are crying for someone to take care of them. It would be worrying for any parents who don't know what happened to their kids.
    • Adding on to this, how many people did PAL take from hospitals or away from their caregivers (not just children, but also the elderly or otherwise disabled people)?
    • Adding to the "babies and kids avoiding detection part," if the Mitchells avoided being captured just by hiding in an ice box, were there other groups of people who managed to be undetected? What would these people experience from having their family members, their neighbors, in fact, almost everyone they even had a feeding glimpse of while walking down the street all be kidnapped by robots within the blink of an eye?
  • That's not even going into the equipment that she could affect: life support, ventilation systems— some of which may run on batteries meant for cars — NICU equipment that keeps ill babies alive, pacemakers for people with heart problems, Lifeline notifications. PAL may have killed thousands of people.
  • Jade's response before she is captured is to call Katie to ask where she is. Not her parents, or her family, but the girl she's dating. That may speak some volumes about her home life.
    • First, who says that Jade didn't call her parents before calling Katie? Just because we see her calling Katie to ask where she is doesn't mean she doesn't love her parents. Perhaps the reason Jade called Katie was because her parents had already been captured and couldn't contact them? Especially since PAL turned off the wifi until Jade's able to get a message to Katie.
  • There was No Endor Holocaust with humanity being gathered and put into pods, then released at once - and that's a good thing. There are 7 gathering spots, that's a billon people per spot.
    • In Randall Munroe's book What If? he discusses what would happen if all of humanity was magically gathered in one place the size of Rhode Island (he uses Rhode island itself) and jumps at the same time (having no effect on the orbit of the Earth). He spends the rest of the chapter explaining how this mass of humans will largely die of starvation as there isn't enough food or transportation in Rhode Island to care for or disperse that number of people.
