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Fridge / Snoopy's Reunion

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  • Fridge Brilliance: In this special when Snoopy was adopted by Lila, he seemed like a completely normal dog other, even loving to play fetch. While in the strip and cartoons Snoopy has shown distain towards playing fetch and obeying dog orders, being anything but a normal dog with Charlie Brown. Lila having to send Snoopy back clearly affected him so emotionally. In Snoopy, Come Home along with the strip, and here specially it said she had to send him back because no dogs were allowed in the building. Snoopy could have internalized all this, and started not wanting to play/act like a normal dog anymore. The are even older strips where Snoopy shows insecurity and downright loathings of being a dog, wishing to be someone else, strengthening this.
  • Fridge Sadness:
    • Seeing Snoopy acting like a loving, normal dog with Lila, happy to obey her dog commands/games paints his relationship with Charlie Brown it in a slightly sadder light. Snoopy could be purposely trying to be more aloof/apathetic with Charlie Brown because his heart got broken with Lila.
    • In one of the scenes with puppy Snoopy and Lila, she invites him to sit on the couch with her, and she gives him a kiss. Throughout the whole franchise Snoopy loves giving kisses mainly to the girls, who often get grossed out by him.
    • There are also some strips where Snoopy wasn't allowed on the couch in Charlie Brown's (or Lucy's when he was staying over) house.
    • Snoopy seeing the "Puppies For Sale sign and crying is especially sad when you take into account the many Mother's Day/Father Day strips where he expresses sadness over being taken away from his family to be sold as a pet.
    • In general, little puppy Snoopy being all alone (and crying in the comics) after being sent back by Lila, without her or his family with him, for however long it was between this and Charlie Brown adopting him, sounds heartbreaking. It definitely could reasonably cause Snoopy's more jerk behaviors towards his owner.
  • Fridge Horror: The scene where Snoopy's family all see the "Puppies For Sale" sign and start crying. Is this the norm in the Peanuts universe for pets to be stripped of their children to be sold whether they like it or not, when they are all sentient beings with human-like intelligence?
