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  • Why don't the Parasytes attack the Ma'qwa tribe savages? The savages wear masks, which makes it difficult to facehug them.
  • There's a pretty good reason why Mactans never fights you directly unlike Sarelgaz in the first game. She's only as big as a Son of Sarelgaz. While those are durable, armored, and magically resistant, a single one isn't much trouble to defeat for a late-game defense. Thus, Mactans avoids direct combat with your towers as they would end her very quickly.
  • The levels in which you obtain new towers in Vengeance make quite a good bit of sense.
    • You obtain the heavily-armored Dark Knights right after Vez'nan successfully takes over the Dwarves' Clockwork Factory and its metal-smelting facilities. Presumably, the metalworking facilities are used to make the heavy armor.
    • Beating the final level of the Dwarven Kingdom gets you the Melting Furnace, presumably also constructed from said metal — and it so happens that the next world is the frigid, frozen North where a furnace would be quite helpful in combating the cold.
    • The Specters' Mausoleum is obtained after beating Frozen Rapids, where Vez'nan loses a good bit of his army thanks to the battle breaking the ice floes. So of course, he puts those souls to good use.
    • Bone Flingers are obtained after Dragons' Boneyard is beaten. There's quite a lot of bones in that map, and Vez'nan decided to make good use of them.
    • Elite Harassers are unlocked at the start of Silveroak Outpost. As mortal enemies of the Silveroak Elves and especially Alleria Swiftwind (who you fight in the level), they're probably out for revenge since their loss in Origins and joined Vez'nan's army for that.
    • Orc Shamans are unlocked after City of Lozagon is beaten. As a magic-using city full of mages and other enchanted stuff, the dark army probably found some elemental mastery stuff for their Orcs to read and learn magic from.
  • The Cavalier enemies have a surprisingly low amount of health compared to the Paladin that dismounts when killed. This is because you're attacking the horse, and horses are actually quite fragile animals thanks to being unable to heal a broken leg easily.
  • Despite being a Bluegale, who are immune to magic, Jun'Pai lacks any magic resistance. His bio states that the Trident he wields would kill anyone not capable of handling the intense magic within and that he has to endure the energy running through it. As such, he loses all his magic resistance by handling his trident in order to prevent it from killing him.
  • The spell that Lord Blackburn got his White Witches to cast is likely the same spell that Tristen and Umber got the dark warlocks to cast. Both instances had their once-verdant kingdoms turned into haunted wastelands, and their people turned into monsters — incidentally, both Lord Blackburn and the Ghost Kings have werewolves and skeletons as part of their armies. Furthermore, the spells also turned all three leaders into undying spirits cursed to live on forever.
  • In Vengeance's Hammerhold expansion, Lord Malagar can be seen hiding around each of the five levels, but only disappears if you click on him. Why does he not aid his former mentor Vez'nan against Hammerhold's forces? He's likely laying low and observing how Vez'nan's forces claim their victory (as you're the Villain Protagonist controlling them), so he can avoid making the same mistakes as he did against Hammerhold's forces in Frontiers.
