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Fridge / CocoRosie

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Fridge Horror

The premise behind all of CocoRosie's music is intentional Fridge Horror. What first appears to be childish folk music with cliché lyrics turns out to be...

In * By Your Side , about a housewife with Stockholm Syndrome who is the victim of domestic violence [I'll always be by your side, I'll wear your black eyes, I'll try not to cry]. What is very disturbing is that many people consider this track a classic love song.

In * Jesus Loves Me, about Christianity and racism in America in the early 20th century. Also, implied incest.

In * Werewolf, dad rape.

A cover of Kevin Lyttle — Turn Me On. Since this song has rather dodgy lyrics [But if you think you're gonna get away from me / You better change your mind], it fits in with Coco Rosie's discography rather well. It's clear that this cover is not in tribute to the original song at all, and is actually a strong criticism of it.
