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Film / Countdown (1996)

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A 1996 Mystery Thriller written and directed by Keoni Waxman that has an FBI Agent (Lori Petty) and a Tokyo officer (Yuki Amami) racing against time to stop a man (Jason Murdoch) from detonating more bombs and from getting to a student (Kaori Ozaki) he is obsessed with.

The movie also stars James LeGros, Miwa Kawagoe, Michael Patten, Dan Bell, Jan D Arcy, and George Catalano.

Tropes for the film:

  • FBI Agent: Sara Daniels is the Agent assigned to investigate the bombings.
  • One-Word Title: Countdown.
  • Race Against Time: The FBI and the Tokyo Police have 48 hours to try and locate the bomber before he hits more targets and keep a student safe from him.
  • Tagline: "He'll blow you away".
