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Film / AWOL-72

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AWOL-72 is a 2015 film starring Luke Goss.

US Marine Conrad Miller has 72 hours to prove his innocence after being accused of treason.


  • Boom, Headshot!: Russian operatives in Syria shoot a man in the head who has outlived his usefulness.
  • Clear My Name: Conrad is accused of selling State Secrets and has 72 hours to prove his innocence.
  • Human Traffickers: Conrad encounters a group of men who sell asian women for profit.
  • Race Against the Clock: Conrad has 72 hours to prove his innocence in selling state secrets.
  • Semper Fi: Conrad, the protagonist, is a badass US Marine.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Conrad suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress from his military service.
