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Fanfic / Rogue Trader Discovering Amphibia

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In Rogue Trader: Discovering Amphibia, Anne Boonchuy is the youngest of a Rogue Trader family. On a mission to make her mark with her friends Sasha and Marcy, they find a world with a lily-pad shaped continent, only to be shot down and scattered by a weapon hidden on the moon.

  • Adaptational Badass: All three of the Calamity girls are significantly more skilled at the start of the story than they were in canon, even Marcy, and Anne even has an actual weapon.
  • Adaptational Wimp: That said, the story so far has shown no indication that the girls have any of their canonical Calamity powers.
  • Adapted Out: So far the Calamity Stones and the powers the girls gained from them have shown no sign of appearing in the story.
  • Age Lift: Anne, Sasha, and Marcy are all significantly older than in canon here.
  • Fusion Fic: This story has Amphibia be another planet in the 40k universe.
  • Mugging the Monster: in Newtopia, a group of newts that have knowledge of Marcy's origins that they shouldn't (referencing "false idols") attack her, only for her to absolutely destroy them.
