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Fanfic / Paper Crown

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Paper Crown is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction written by evilicious, with the basic premise being that after DIO somehow survived his death in Part 3, he ends up living with all of the main antagonists from Parts 1-7... as well as his son, Giorno. It's comedy gold, with basically everyone going through a Humiliation Conga.

It is currently on indefinite hiatus.

Tropes in Paper Crown include the following:

  • Butt-Monkey: All of the characters, at some point or another, though Kira especially stands out. This is on purpose, given how much the author hates Bites The Dust.
  • Combination Attack: After seeing what Golden Experience Requiem can do, all of the villains (plus Erina and Speedwagon) decides that that's enough of that. DIO freezes the arrows and breaks it in half, with the half given to Kars being shattered by his presence before being sent across various timelines by Valentine. The other half is disintegrated by Kira, disolved in perfume by Doppio, and fed to a fly that was turned into a dinosaur by Diego. The fly, back in its normal form, is squished by Erina, and then eaten by Speedwagon.
  • Dramatic Irony: Remi asks the people hiding out in her alley if they want to hear about how she died. Given that one of said people is Yoshikage Kira, he turns the offer down.
    • Joseph and Jotaro don't realize until Joseph makes a Hermit Purple picture that DIO is still alive, and that they're helping his roommates look for his son.
  • Drama Queen: DIO. When Doppio and Diavolo return with Giorno and Kira, he had set up their apartment with green candles, boarded up all the windows, and was reading The Count of Monte Cristo, which Kira, who had a literature degree, appreciated the subtlety of the book's significance.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Doppio. He invokes this on purpose, since young boys tend to be less suspicious than adult men. This also happens to be why everyone in Italy is scared of effeminate men.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Remi doesn't notice that one of the people hiding in her alley is the man who killed her.
  • Forgot About His Powers: DIO has enough abilities that he usually forgets about most of them until such a point where he needs them, such as his hair-tentacles.
  • Impossibly Tacky Clothes: DIO's preferred outfit. None of his minions had the heart to tell him how bad they look.
  • Improbable Age: According to the timeline, Doppio and Diavolo would be 12-year-old mob bosses during the events of this fic, since Part 5 takes place in 2001, when they're 33.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Kira's female coworkers noticed his eccentricities, style of dress, and disinterest in dating any of his coworkers, and believed that he was gay... up until they saw him running down the street with a heavily-pregnant woman, two children floating behind him, being chased by the police. They only seem to care about the fact that he's (seemingly) married.
  • Muscle Angst: Doppio hates the fact that, after only a week sharing a shower with DIO, he's started to develop abs, since he puts in a lot of effort to look young and boyish. He notes that "Eight Pack-ula" could probably cause abs to develop on flowers.
  • Never Found the Body: Funny Valentine lambasts Speedwagon for not looking for Dio's body. Given that Dio returned to kill Jonathan, he's correct in doing so... especially since Dio is still alive, and trapped at the bottom of the ocean, if Erina is correct.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Erina Pendleton-Joestar. She's the only person able to cow DIO.
  • Shout-Out: Diavolo asks Diego not to ask him about the details of his stand, saying that "it just works".
  • The Stoner: Remi, after learning that being a ghost is a pretty boring experience.
  • The Vamp: DIO. Somewhere along the line, he was told that displays of intimidation and displays of seduction are the same thing.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Stand Users are this, especially Joestars. Joseph and Jotaro end up being on a plane that Doppio and Diego hijack.
  • World of Muscle Men: This is JJBA, so it's only natural.
