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Fanfic / Gemini Impact

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Gemini Impact is a Genshin Impact written by Beanus.

In which the Unknown God's attack only somewhat succeeded, and Teyvat is blessed with not just one Traveler, but two. If it were anyone else, perhaps the twins would have admitted defeat, carved out an ordinary life in this strange new land content with each other.

Instead, Aether and Lumine rescue a weird drowning pixie, travel across Teyvat to solve everyone else's problems, and dream of kicking a certain god's teeth in.

Basically an Alternate Universe fic in which both the protagonists wake up in Teyvat and travel together, joined by Paimon and Razor in their journey to pay back the Goddess who sealed them and their powers away for centuries.

Gemini Impact contains examples of

  • A Dog Named "Dog": Razor names the shirakodai fish that he befriended 'Fish'. Unbeknowst to him, that particular fish is one of the vessel bodies of Raiden Shogun Ei, whose body she is currently inhabiting, and she is not amused by his naming sense.
  • Abusive Parents: Sara Kujou's adoptive father, Takayuki. We see a flashback of him in the interlude screaming at Sara for daring to question him.
  • Abandon the Disabled: Vision Holders who have their visions forcefully confiscated in the name of the Vision Hunt Decree soon start suffering memory loss and apathy until they become shadows of their former selves. Often times they are shunned, being treated with pity given to those who are invalids or at worst completely driven away where they either waste away due to no longer being able to care for themselves or they take their own lives.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: Razor befriends the Electro Archon and makes her reconsider her viewpoint on Eternity, allowing her to finally understand she's neglecting and unwittingly harming Inazuma in her obsession. He thought he was making friends with a pretty fish.
  • Adaptational Badass: Paimon wields a knife as she immediately whips one out when someone is about to enter the Komore Teahouse.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: It’s more a downplayed case, but still noticeable. In canon, the Traveler and Paimon have a close bond, though it doesn’t stop the former from calling her emergency food, though it’s all Played for Laughs. In this story, neither Aether nor Lumine call her as such, treating her more kindly. It’s pretty telling that Paimon gives them an Affectionate Nickname, that being 'Ae-Ae' and 'Lumi' respectively.
  • Badass Adorable: Paimon wielding a knife and prepared to defend herself despite being a floating fairy.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents:
    • Xiangling's dad teases his daughter about being with Lumine in a romantic sense and Xiangling quickly runs off before her dad can finish his sentence.
    • Cloud Retainer is this to Ganyu as she tells the embarrassing tale of the latter rolling down the hill when she was younger.
    • In the same chapter that Cloud Retainer is embarrassing Ganyu, Aether plays the part by remembering a time when Lumine mistook a human child for a small pet- right in front of the kid's mom. According to him, the look on the mother's face was priceless. Lumine angrily tries to deny any of this happened to no avail and decides bail out of the area with Ganyu. Aether and Cloud Retainer bond over sharing embarrassing stories about Lumine and Ganyu respectively.
  • Ascended Extra: Razor. In the game, he's a playable character who did have the spotlight during an optional event. Here, however, he is the traveling companion to the twins and Paimon.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Aether casually admits he would have searched for Lumine everywhere on Teyvat if the Unknown God had managed to separate them. Also, an Interlude shows him sharing a dream with Nahida, and when the Dendro Archon lets slip she's locked away by her own people, he's ready to run to Sumeru and beat the Sages to an inch of their life — the only thing preventing him from plotting murder is him guessing that Nahida would disagree with a slaughter.
  • Blood Knight:
    • Lumine revels in combat and it shows when she faces off against the Raiden Shogun.
    • Childe. That is all.
  • Darker and Edgier: The Inazuma Arc. In the Interlude, we learn from Sara Kujou's point of view that many of those who had their visions forcefully confiscated from them start suffering from memory loss and apathy until they become empty shells of their former selves. And some of those same victims soon wander off and take their own lives. We also see the impact it has on their loved ones as a screaming mother has to be held back as her daughter's body is carted away and an enraged and grieving father runs at Sara Kujou with a knife.
  • The Dreaded: As their list of accomplishments grow, so does their reputation and infamy. The ashigaru remain in place when Lumine glares at them during the ceremony, not exactly eager to go up against one of the Demons in White.
  • Driven to Suicide: In the Interlude, some of the victims of the Vision Hunt Decree take their own lives.
  • Fairy Companion: Paimon, of course!
  • Family of Choice: Aether and Lumine become this for both Paimon and Razor.
  • Fate Worse than Death: People losing their Visions to the Vision Hunt Decree gradually lose themselves, in a way that's very reminiscent of Alzheimer's disease, until there's nothing left but an Empty Shell who needs constant care. A great deal of victims decide to commit suicide as a consequence.
  • Friend to All Children: Lumine mentions that Aether is weak to the longing gaze of children. Aether gets along with the likes Hu Tao and outright scolds Lumine for using profanity in front of her. This is most prominently shown in the Interlude chapter where Aether becomes quick friends with Nahida after she enters his dream, going out of his way to make her as happy and comfortable as possible and help her enjoy the dream they're sharing to her full content, even taking her out on an adventure by letting her take part in a memory of the battle against Osial and letting her share the spotlight with him in the dream. Aether is happy at how much fun Nahida is having and is also calmy outraged upon learning that Nahida is locked up by the Sages of Akademiya. He silently promises that after he and Lumine take care of everything in Inazuma, he will go to Sumeru next and do everything he can to free her.
  • Heroic BSoD: A humorous one. Lumine goes into numb shock at the fact that she was 'abandoned' by everyone at Liyue when they went their separate ways to search for Razor.
  • In Spite of a Nail: It’s implied that Aether and Lumine still went through the events of the canon game, though they’re more willing to jump into helping the problem of each nation since the twins aren’t separated.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lumine has shades of this. In contrast to Aether’s more approachable nature, Lumine’s prone to blunt responses, coming off as icier and isn’t above being exasperated with her twin brother. That being said, it’s pretty clear that Lumine deeply cares for those close to her and even hugs Paimon out of gratefulness when the fairy tried to call out to her with Aether nearly dying in Dragonspine.
  • Lonely at the Top: Ei realizes just how lonely she has become when she realizes that her Shirakodai vessel (a fish native to Inazuma) has had a more fulfilling life than her over the course of centuries. Ei is well aware just how sad that realization is.
  • Loves Only Gold: Aether often teases Lumine for her love of currency. Gil, gald, mora, ect.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: An Interlude shows Kujou Sara breaking down over all the lives she ruined by enforcing the Vision Hunt Decree, triggered by Itto quietly admitting that he's starting to have memory problems with his gang slowly slipping in a caretaker role for him.
  • Noodle Incident: Thoma invited Itto and his gang to the Komore Teahouse one time. They never returned after that one visit, but whatever went down at least Thoma was polite about it.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: The protagonists. Aether is described as warm and playful while Lumine is stoic and blunt in contrast to her more social brother. Mona compares them as day and night.
  • Red Baron: The twins are known as the Demons in White.
  • Shipper on Deck: Xiangling's father is supportive of his daughter getting together with Lumine, much to Xiangling's embarrassment.
  • The Stoic: Lumine.
  • Team Mom: Both twins are this, though Aether is probably the most motherly of the two. However, this side of them is strongly shown in the chapter that Hu Tao joins them on a mission for a short time.
  • You Can See Me?: Nahida is shocked by the fact that Aether can acknowledge her presence in his dream, since she has always made sure that no one can see her in their dreams even when they realize they’re dreaming.
