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Drinking Game / Greeny Phatom

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Drinking game for Greeny Phatom.

This game could use more, more challenges, ESPECIALLY with the show’s content. Anything you could add to this page would be appreciated.

  • Take a shot whenever a joke about a Vanity Plate pops up.
    • Take two shots if said joke concerns the Sony Wonder logo. In that case, good luck going through the episode featuring "Sony Wonder Soup" in it.
  • Whenever Little Guy declares himself the "king of 123 Greeny Phatom", take a shot.
  • Take a shot whenever Dr. Beanson says his Catchphrase, "I'm Dr. Beanson, the one-of-a-kind soldier that brings you this message."
    • Heads up: Dr. Beanson says this catchphrase, and a few variations of it, several times throughout the Greeny Phatom movie.
  • Whenever an episode uses Windows Movie Maker effects such as black-and-white effects, VHS effects, etc. to make it look older than it really is, drink.
  • Whenever an episode uses Windows Movie Maker or Sony Vegas effects of any kind, drink.
  • Finish your drink if you managed to make it through all of The Movie.
  • If you notice that an episode suggests that the show's made by a confusing combination of companies that are unlikely to work on a show together in real life, take two drinks.
  • Really, it's possible just to make a drinking game out of how many Blatant Lies of any kind appear in the show - take a drink whenever that's the case. Nothing could go wrong, honest.
  • If you don't understand what's even remotely going on in an episode, take a drink. Actually, don't, because if you did do that you would die from alcohol poisoning.
  • Take a shot whenever Doctor sings a Russian song. Finish your drink if it takes up most of the episode.
  • Take a shot whenever a piece of music or a sound effect plays in G Major.
  • Take a shot whenever a clip from another show appears.
  • Take a shot whenever a frame is so badly drawn that it's hard to figure out what it's supposed to look like.
  • Finish your drink if you actually managed to understand what's even remotely going on in an episode.
