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Drinking Game / Dota 2

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Drinking game for Dota 2. Russian or otherwise Slavic-related tropes must be done with vodka if possible, otherwise, drink of your choice.


  • Take a shot every time you see a player purposely pick Pudge, Invoker, or any flavor of the month heroes.
    • Take a drink every time you see Nature's Prophet, Huskar (unless he's picked alongside Oracle or Dazzle) or Ursa being purposely picked.
    • Take three shots if you see Phantom Lancer or Bloodseeker being purposely picked.
    • Finish your drink if Riki or Meepo is purposely picked.
  • For every carry picked beyond the second, take a sip. Two for hard carries.
  • In All Pick, take a sip for every hero picked in the last five seconds before the timer runs out.
    • Take a drink for every hero picked after the timer runs out.
    • Take two drinks for every player that doesn't pick a hero and gets assigned one at random as a result.
  • Take a shot if the enemy counterpicks you.
    • Take two shots if you picked Meepo, Phantom Lancer or Broodmother and an enemy player immediately picks Earthshaker.
    • Take five if the entire enemy team counterpicks you.
    • Drink the whole bottle if an enemy player randoms a counterpick.
  • Take a shot if someone randoms a hero.
    • Take two if it's a hero that cripples your strategy.
    • Drink a bottle if you randomed and it's a hero that you don't know how to play. Two if it's someone like Meepo, Earth Spirit, or Techies.
    • Take two shots if the enemy team randoms two heroes that synergize perfectly with each other.
  • Take a shot if your team doesn't have a single carry.
    • Take two shots if it's composed of nothing but carries.
    • Finish the bottle if all the carries require the same lane (eg mid, jungle, safelane, etc).
    • Open another bottle if you win with a team full of carries.

General Gameplay

  • Take a drink for every ability you miss.
    • Two for major ones you couldn't afford to miss, and three for ultimates.
    • Three more if you use a Refresher Orb and miss again.
    • If you use a Refresher Shard and miss a third time, disconnect and go prepare a hangover fix - goodness knows you're too drunk to be playing Dota.
  • Take a drink for every kill you feed to the enemy carry.
    • Down a bottle if you lose mid.
  • Take a shot whenever Roshan is killed (but only a sip if it's by Ursa, Juggernaut, or Troll Warlord).
    • Take two if someone dies to Roshan.
      • Take three if that person was you.
      • Take four if the person was an Enemy Ursa.
      • Finish the drink if it was at the beginning of the match.
    • Take a shot whenever the Aegis is stolen.
      • Take another shot if the person who stole it was in the Rosh pit or vicinity all along.
    • Finish your drink if the Aegis is denied.
    • Add a drink if a team tries to take Roshan, only to be caught out and Total Party Killed by the other team.
  • Take a drink if someone commits suicide or denies a teammate. (Feel free to take big drinks - suicides are very, very rare in later patches.)
  • Down the entire bottle if you die to Rupture due to not noticing it.
    • Finish the bottle while laughing if you kill Bloodseeker while ruptured because he Bloodraged you and/or because you have Blademail.
    • Finish another one if you then run away and get killed by Rupture.
  • Finish your drink if you get killed by a neutral (and you weren't denying yourself on purpose).
    • Finish your drink and down the next if you get killed by a creep.
  • Take a sip if you get stunned while channeling a spell.
    • Take a drink if it was your ultimate.
    • Add another shot during your respawn if it was your Town Portal Scroll. You'll need it.
  • Take a shot if anyone gets Aghanim's Scepter.
    • Add a shot if they don't immediately upgrade to Aghanim's Blessing.
    • Take two if someone gets Divine Rapier, and a third if it's an enemy.
    • Finish your drink if that person then drops the Rapier. (Be very wary with these rules in hour-long games.)
  • Take a sip whenever someone says a character specific line.
  • Take a shot glass, and pour the contents into your eye if you interrupt your own TP at the fountain.
    • Take another shot glass and pour the contents into your other eye if you had the "require stop command to cancel TP" option checked in the game menu.
  • Make a toast for every great ultimate you land.
  • Start chugging continuously if the game turns into a base race.
  • Take a shot if you got re-positioned by your teammates' skill before you can land your nuke.
    • Down the whole bottle if it's your doing.
  • Finish a bottle if your team loses because they didn't counter Riki.
    • Hit the bottle on your head if you fed Riki way too much.
  • Take a drink if you get killed while invisible.
    • Take two if the enemy team had no idea you were there. You should be able to tell from the ensuing allchat.
  • Take three shots and slam your face into the keyboard if you kill yourself on a Blademail.
    • Three more if you kill yourself on a Lotus Orb.
    • Finish the bottle and sigh if you picked Keeper of the Light or Tinker and the entire enemy team buys Blademail to spite you.
  • Take a sip if your courier dies. Make it a shot if the courier was holding one of your key items.

Chat and Communication (to dull the pain)

  • Take a sip for every line in Russian/Portuguese spoken.
    • Two if it's "сука" or some other recognizable swear.
    • For SEA players, take a sip for Pinoy lines spoken, two sips if it's somewhere along the line of 'putang ina' or 'bobo', and three if they happen to open mic.
      • On a side note, since 'putang ina' and 'bobo' could be uttered IN THE SAME SENTENCE, it could count as four sips at the same time.
    • If you want to make things simple, just take a sip for every line spoken/typed in a language you don't understand.
  • Take a sip every time someone flames someone else for being Russian/Portuguese/Peruvian/Southeast Asian.
  • Whenever someone complains about not calling miss, take a sip.
    • Finish your drink if you did call miss beforehand.
      • Take another if you had a ward giving vision of the missing hero.
      • Smash the glass against your forehead afterwards if you're the one complaining.
  • Take a sip for every count of any variation of "throw" or "feed" in chat.
  • Take a sip for every count of "noob team" or a premature "gg".
    • Finish your drink if it's the complainer who's failing and/or throwing the game.
  • Take a shot when a team agrees to let the enemy end the game. Help yourself to a second if it's your team, you probably need it anyway.
  • Take a shot every time someone says in chat to report a player on their team.
    • Take two every time someone asks for commends at the end of the game.
  • Take a sip if someone pauses the game.
    • Take another if someone on the other team immediately unpauses, and yet another if they get called out for it.
  • Take a sip every time someone insults a teammate in allchat. If using alcohol for this, disconnect for the night after the game or you will wake up the next day with a hell of a hangover.


  • If Mid, take a drink for every rune you lose to the enemy mid.
  • If Support:
    • Take a sip for every minute spent completely unwarded.
    • Take a sip every time you run into an enemy hero while warding and promptly die.
  • If Carry:
    • Take a sip for every three creeps you miss. (Only count ones in your lane, obviously).
    • Also take a sip for every time you get bullied out of lane.
  • If Initiator, take a shot for every hero you miss.
    • Make it a bottle if you miss the entire team.
  • If Ganker:
    • Take a sip for every minute the enemy carry is allowed to lane unganked after you have your ultimate.
    • Take a frustration shot if you land all your key abilities but your target still gets away.
  • If Pusher:
    • Take a drink if you get ganked and killed while split-pushing.
    • Take three if you die to a tower.
    • Take a celebratory shot every time you force the enemy to use Glyph of Fortification to deal with you specifically.


  • Take a drink every time you feed Rubick a major spell.
    • Two if he kills you and/or your teammates with it shortly after.
    • Down the whole bottle for ultimates turned around this way. Make a toast afterwards if you're the Rubick.
    • If you're playing Faceless Void, toast the Rubick if he steals Chronosphere and kills his own team with it.
  • Take a sip for every Pudge hook you miss. This includes hooks blocked by teammates (that you weren't trying to hook on purpose) and creeps.
    • Take a shot if you accidentally kill a teammate by hooking them into a Sun Strike/Sacred Arrow/death by Rupture/whatever.
  • Take a shot if you neither win or lose a Legion Commander duel.
    • Two shots if you lost the duel.
    • Three shots if you're LC and you lost the duel.
  • Take a shot if Mirana misses an arrow.
    • Take a drink if Mirana misses an arrow on a stationary target.
    • Take a drink if Mirana misses an arrow but hits a different hero anyway.
  • Take a shot when you see a Legion Commander in either team being picked and going to jungle.
    • Finish the drink if the LC ends up feeding or is underfarmed by the end of the laning phase. And pull out another bottle if LC ends up with little to no duel damage by the end of the game, or if the enemy team has collectively more duel damage.
  • Drink until it stops hurting if Phantom Lancer beats a team full of AoE damage nukes and cleaves. If that Phantom Lancer was you or your teammate (or, if spectating, on the team you're rooting for), make it a toast instead.
