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Creator / Juno Birch

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Juno Birch is a stunning human woman.

Juno Birch (born December 25, 1993) is also a British drag queen, YouTuber and sculptor, based in Manchester, whose iconic (and stunning) style is best described as "an extraterrestrial who came to Earth in the '60s and is now masquerading as an American housewife". Her YouTube videos mostly consist of make-up tutorials to recreate her looks and Let's Play of The Sims.

Yes, these are Juno Birch's tropes and they are stunning.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her usual style includes a pastel-coloured foundation all over her face and neck, like pink or baby blue.
  • Ambiguous Gender Identity: Her ceramic sculptures play up the element of gender ambiguity, like visible Adam's apples or beard stubble, referencing Juno's status as a trans woman.
  • Butt-Monkey: Joy Despret in her The Sims is regularly abused, imprisoned and killed.
  • Cosplay: She has occasionally performed as the Martian Girl from Mars Attacks!, sliding walk and all.
  • Drag Queen: Juno's drag is a very specific (not to mention stunning) style of camp.
  • Hugh Mann: Her drag persona is an alien masquerading as a human housewife, despite her pastel-coloured skin and general odd demeanor obviously giving her away.
  • Insistent Terminology: Kristen Singles is a Lobster Thermidor snatching wench.
  • Retraux: Her style is inspired by the '60s American domestic aesthetic, and her backgrounds for her YouTube videos are a variety of decade-accurate home décor.
  • Scare Chord: Always plays in her make-up videos when she takes off her sunglasses, zooming on her wide-open eyes for several seconds.
  • Signature Style: Pastel-coloured skin, oval sunglasses, blonde '60s Hair and yellow rubber gloves with painted-on nails.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Not Juno's, but Kristen Singles's from The Sims is Lobster Thermidor, so much that she tries to steal it at any occasion.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Just ask Joy Despret.
