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Comic Book / Bianca: Little Lost Lamb

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Bianca: Little Lost Lamb is an anthropomorphic animal graphic novel by Paolo Margiotta and Francesca Perrone, published by Shockdom. It was originally written in Italian, but a Kickstarter campaign successfully funded an English edition.

The comic is about a young female sheep named Bianca who witnesses her flock being killed and eaten by a lion named Wildheit and his pride of wildcats (with the pride and carnivores overall being dubbed Flesh-Eaters). As she grows older, she decides to become a huntress and seeks revenge over her entire family getting slaughtered.

Bianca: Little Lost Lamb Tropes:

  • And Then What?: Bianca fully understands that she'll have no reason to live after killing the final target of her revenge, so her plan is to kill him and then let his pride kill her, taking down as many Flesh-Eaters as she can before succumbing to death.
  • Break the Cutie: After witnessing the death of her family and hearing her mother's last words, she becomes depressed and an emotional wreck. She is frequently seeing breaking down in tears out of fear and rage.
  • Blood-Splattered Warrior: Bianca is frequently covered in blood as she's killing anyone involved in the murder of her family.
  • Cartoony Eyes: Zigzagged with Bianca and the other sheep; their eyes have visible sclerae like human eyes do, but their pupils are rectangular like those of real sheep.
  • Cruel Mercy:
    • Wildheit explicitly told Bianca that he was only letting her live so she would grow big and be a better meal in the future. Maybe. His narration of the flashback implies that this was only an excuse; in truth, Wildheit doesn't actually understand why he took pity on the "little lost lamb".
    • Several years later, Bianca would return the favor, letting Albern go so he would return to his pride and tell Wildheit that Bianca was coming for him.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Wildheit thought he was being this, sparing the young Bianca's life and telling her what he thought- at the time- was the truth of the world. What he actually did was condemn a child to a life of nothing but fear and rage.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Bianca's dedication to her revenge is considered insane even (especially) by plant-eaters, but she is by no means undiscriminating. Her goal is only to kill the people involved in her flock's massacre, and those within their pride. She has no interest in killing all Flesh-Eaters, or teaching others to carry on her vendetta.
  • Hidden Elf Village: Temperance, a herbivore settlement whose leader offers Bianca the chance to settle down and live a peaceful life. It was established in the ruins of a human ("Forgotten") city, because Flesh-Eaters fear going to such places.
  • Mature Animal Story: The graphic novel is aimed at both teens and young adults. It contains some very violent and bloody moments throughout the series; notably, the moment Bianca's flock are killed, and the fact that Bianca is frequently depicted with blood splatters.
  • Meaningful Name: Bianca's name means "white," referring to her white wool.
  • Mook Horror Show: When Bianca is killing the Flesh-Eaters, we get unnerving and very unsettling shots of Bianca looking psychotic and insane from their perspective.
  • Nothing Personal: It genuinely isn't. Both prey and Flesh-Eaters are just doing what they have to do to survive, as Bianca and Wildheit realize in the finale. After so many years of carrying around anger and repressed guilt, Bianca finds this fact surprisingly healing.
  • Slasher Smile: Bianca is sometimes seen with this expression as she's attacking the Flesh-Eaters involved with slaughtering and eating her family.
  • Sweet Sheep: Bianca started out like this until her flock all got murdered by wildcats. She loses the sweet nature in favor of becoming extremely dedicated to revenge.
  • Sole Survivor: Bianca is the only surviving sheep from the flock and seeks revenge over the loss of her flock.
