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Characters / Tomorrow's Pioneers

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Character Sheet for Tomorrow’s Pioneers.

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The Host

The young host of the show, who usually acts as the Foil to her mischievous animal co-hosts.
  • As the Good Book Says...: Constantly references the Koran during episodes, and reads various Hadith passages to the audience whenever her animal co-hosts do something wrong.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Quickly gets over the deaths of Farfour, Nahoul and Assoud and is mostly "proud" at their "martyrdom". While this is mostly the same for her next co-host, Assoud, when he initially receives news of Nahoul's death he incoherently sobs into his father's arms before resolving to take his place.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: When Assoud is accused of committing a petty theft, Saraa excitedly announces he must be punished by having his hand cut off per the Koran. Ultimately, Saraa reveals that this was apparently some kind of practical joke and that she will not cut his hand off, though she does also joke about taking one of his ears instead.
  • Foil: To her more chaotic and zany co-hosts, who are also the subject of the episode's aesop thanks to their misdeeds.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Tells Farfour in Farfour Is Caught Cheating that even if his house was blown to smithereens, it still doesn't excuse him using a cheat sheet during a test.
  • The Fundamentalist: A young Sunni-Islamic girl who constantly praises Allah and heaps insults on their enemies (mostly Jews and Westerners).


An anthropomorphic mouse who serves as Saraa's first co-host.
  • Anti-Hero: Depicted as a Classical Anti-Hero. Farfour is shown as a fanatical Sunni Muslim who nonetheless has "moments of weakness" like cheating on a test and speaking english.
  • Excited Kids' Show Host: A much darker example, given that his excitment is fueled by the prospect of spreading his fanaticism and hatred of the Jews to children.
  • Large Ham: He's already pretty hammy, but starts really hamming it up when he starts lecturing the audience.
  • Mocky Mouse: A blatant rip-off of Mickey Mouse, to the point that he has the same skin color and high-pitched speech patterns which Mickey is known for.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Beaten to death by an Israeli interrogator in the Season 1 finale after he refused to sell him his grandfather's land.
  • Sacrificial Lion: The first of the animal co-hosts to die, who pretty much sets the precedent for later episodes.
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules!: Refuses to sell the Israelis the keys to Tel-Al-Rabi on moral grounds and calls the interrogator a "criminal despicable terrorist". This gets him beaten to death.

Nahoul's brother, a rabbit that becomes the show's third host.
  • Expy: A rather strange combination of Bugs Bunny and Roger Rabbit.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Clearly regrets stealing his grandfather's money, though the callers and Saraa don't give him a break in spelling out his punishment.
  • Sapient Eat Sapient: His introduction has him telling Saraa that he will "will finish off the Jews and eat them, Allah willing". He also threatens to kill and eat Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard when he drew the Prophet Muhammad in a satirical cartoon.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Randomly decides to steal his grandfather's money, right after his grandfather gave him a long history lesson of Palestine.
