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    Jeanne d'Arc
The Maid of Orleans

"Servant, Ruler. I am...Oh, well, you guys know already, right?"

The Maid of Orleans. Jeanne d'Arc is arguably the most famous female saint in the world. Born the daughter of a common farmer, Jeanne received a revelation from God instructing her to leave her hometown at the age of 17 and help the armies of France during the late years of the Hundred Years War against the English. Over the next two years, she was credited with a series of military victories, including ending the siege of Orléans within nine days, and eventually helped the uncrowned King Charles VII claim the throne. Her accomplishments and piety led her to become an idol to many within France.

Jeanne would eventually be captured by the English, and put on trial for heresy as a means of humiliating France for their idolisation of Jeanne. As a simple farm girl with poor literacy, Jeanne astonished everyone during her trial by maintaining an argument with a first-class theologian on equal terms, exposing the farce at the heart of the accusations. She was eventually convicted due to falsified evidence, and was famously burned at the stake; it is said that a white dove flew away from the scene after she died, and at that moment, many of those involved in her execution felt they had been damned for killing a true saint.

She was one of the main characters of Fate/Apocrypha, and the first character summoned under the special Ruler class. She was also the main ally during the First Singularity: Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragons Orleans.

  • Badass Preacher: A Catholic saint who fought for her country and for God; her Noble Phantasm is even named "God Is Here With Me!".
  • Berserk Button: Downplayed but she has some issue with being called a "Holy Maiden."
  • Big Good: Of the Orleans chapter.
