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Characters / Thunderbolts Luke Cage Members

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Following the downfall of Norman Osborn and his associates at H.A.M.M.E.R., the Thunderbolts, now stationed at the Raft supervillain prison, serve as an inmate rehabilitation project. Led by Luke Cage, they are a team put together to try to set a number of villains on the path to redemption while giving a place to those who already have switched sides. Starting with issue #175, the book was retitled Dark Avengers Vol. 2.


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    Luke Cage 

Luke Cage

Alter Ego: Carl Lucas

First Appearance: Hero for Hire #1



Alter Ego: Brock Rumlow

First Appearance: Captain America Vol. 1, #359



Alter Ego: Cain Marko

First Appearance: The X-Men Vol. 1, #12



Alter Ego: Theodore Sallis

First Appearance: Savage Tales Vol. 1, #1

    U.S. Agent 

U.S. Agent

Alter Ego: John Walker

First Appearance: Captain America Vol. 1, #323



Alter Ego: Mark Milton

First Appearance: Exiles Vol. 1, #38

See Exiles

    Mr. Hyde 

Mr. Hyde

Alter Ego: Calvin Zabo

First Appearance: Journey into Mystery Vol. 1, #99


Satana with the Thunderbolts

Alter Ego: Satana Hellstrom

First Appearance: Vampire Tales #2

Satana is half-human, half-succubus. She is the daughter of Marduk Kurios, a high level demon who controls multiple hells and sister of Daimon Hellstrom also known as Son of Satan.



Alter Ego: Fred Myers

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish Vol. 1, #81



Alter Ego: Noah Black

First Appearance: Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 1, #2

A genius in numerous fields, Centurius discovered ways to evolve living things at an accelerated rate. Using these methods on himself, he is now virtually ageless and seeks to remake the world as he sees fit.



Alter Ego: Herman Schultz

First Appearance: The Amazing Spiderman Vol. 1, #46

A career bank robber, Herman Schultz built a DIY battle suit for himself using a set of "Vibro-Shock Gauntlets" that could launch blasts of concentrated air vibrated to high frequencies. Despite defeating Spider-Man in their first encounter - mostly because Peter had a broken arm - Shocker remained a thief and mercenary, acting as a subordinate to more megalomaniacal villains.

Shocker has allied himself with dozens of villains, which only made it inevitable that he'd run into the Thunderbolts. Initially enemies (he worked with Speed Demon while the latter was pulling jobs on the side), he found himself running into them again and again (most prominently as a member of The Hood's criminal organization). After the Hood's gang was disbanded, Herman was offered a chance at rehabilitation alongside other costumed villains at the Raft prison.



Alter Ego: Gunna Sijurvald

First Appearance: Thunderbolts Vol. 1, #145

Gunna's mother was an Asgardian and father was a Troll. Though her mother died, Gunna lived with a wild pack of Trolls and was one day captured by the people of Asgard. Unable to integrate her into civilized life, she was kept in a jail cell with the rest of the trolls until Asgard crashed to the Earth, allowing her to escape. After being captured by the Thunderbolts and taken to the Raft, she formed an attachment with Songbird and was made a part of the B-team.
